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Everything posted by HurlyBurly51

  1. I forget the details, but think it was March. There was an article outlining how the contract was structured in such a way that they could walk away at that time for a fraction of the $60M.
  2. It'd be nice if the Bills didn't have to make their decision on the option to move on from Fitzy until after the draft, but since it isn't I can't see them taking RGIII, even if he were to somehow fall to us. Gotta get a player they can plug in from day one.
  3. This should probably be taken offline, but how did you get trolling from fun? Is it unpleasant or dull for you when you post here, if so, then why are you doing it?
  4. Nope, I am merely responding to others crusades and pointing out the hilarity of the simple minded. You think Tim's great, wonderful, but stop cramming it down our throats with your polls and various other incessant propoganda.
  5. +1000 There's some weird people out there. Anyone spending an inordinate amount of time crusading on internet message boards about this freak show has serious issues.
  6. Personal attacks can't deflect from your crusade. That and your previous obscenities is against the TOS, btw.
  7. Enjoy the CFL. You and the rest of the flakes deserve each other. What does 3:16 convert to in metric?
  8. Get over it! Tebow lost, again, and looked horrible doing it. Hope you enjoyed your little run though, because I doubt Elway sticks with him as starter.
  9. I don't know, but it seems they should have the money, and they have to spend it somewhere.
  10. Hmmm, you seem to be lumping everyone elses comments back to me. I just asked that his many supporters show up, win or lose. I thought it might be amusing, and it has been.
  11. Funny, I thought I read many times in these very forums that "Tebow" just wins.
  12. Didn't see too much Tebow love in this thread after that embarrassment. What thread are the Tebow supporters hiding in this week?
  13. Cowher has already turned down 3 teams this year (didn't say who), plus Dolphins have confirmed Jeff Ireland is making the personnel decisions there no matter who the coach is, so that pretty much rules guys like Cowher, Fisher, Gruden, etc. out.
  14. I didn't bump the "TEBOW!!!" thread. Nonetheless, looking forward to hearing from the Tebow supporters after the New England game, in whatever thread they choose.
  15. How 'bout his supporters show up, win or lose? See everyone after the New England game
  16. I'll stick with the one we know. VJ is no angel himself.
  17. I got over that awhile ago. Time to let it go. The Bears certainly are not among them, and thus lost their GM as well, and are rumored to be interested in Polian (and the wheel goes round and round).
  18. How many signs do we need that SJ is as good as gone? Guess we'll just have to wait until it's official, but he's gone.
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