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Everything posted by HurlyBurly51

  1. Next 2 weeks should be fun and a nice dress rehearsal for what awaits us after that. Perfect opportunity to work things out and get right while getting a few Ws before our nemeses.
  2. We are all Groot!
  3. Groot! Had the most DL snaps by a long shot this week.
  4. Your point was to support Edmunds, I get it, and I don't think it changed. And I also don't disagree. You just used the game ball as evidence to support that stance, and when it was pointed out that wasn't exactly the case bringing Poyer/Hyde into it didn't seem consistent. That's all. If my reading comprehension is off I'll admit that, which I understand fully and believe is a very mature stance!
  5. Except he didn't give Edmunds the ball because he felt he deserved it for his individual performance (obviously) so your point was invalid to begin with. Then you further invalidate your point by inserting Poyer and Hyde. If your stated evidence that the Edmunds option was not a mistake was McDermott presenting him with a game ball, that's bad enough in terms of comprehension because it's wrong. But once that's pointed out to you, instead of staying on point, to just simply say well he could just as easily have given the game ball to Poyer or Hyde as team captains is inserting a straw man argument. That wasn't your point to begin with and is illogical.
  6. 😂😂what point is that? The one you didn’t change but obviously did?😂. You’re obviously not following along, and if you don’t see the flaw in your own logic then there’s nothing further to discuss here. Don’t be so defensive.
  7. Actually you did. Don’t gaslight. Your original post was in support of Edmunds and to demonstrate that you pointed out that Edmunds received a game ball from coach, insinuating he received a game ball for his individual performance. It was then pointed out that the game ball was actually for the entire defense and presented to Edmunds as a defensive captain. Oops, talk about comprehension. To which you then replied “Poyer or Hyde could’ve been given it, then.” Which wasn’t a sensical reply, given that the original point you were attempting to make was in support of Edmunds and his game ball worthy performance. Try to keep up dear.
  8. Does anyone read WFT and think WTF?
  9. Anyone gonna check out the Manning broadcast? Missed it last week but heard it was somewhat entertaining.
  10. Got ya. I will check them out! Was just confused because the profile pic shows the Chappelle character Tyrone Biggums as a Bills fan😀
  11. I don’t get the reference but am glad you “discovered” this song. Not sure how you’ve gone through life without hearing it😀. If you like it I suggest further exploring the AC/DC catalog!
  12. Why do I waste my time on these threads🤦‍♂️
  13. But your original point was Edmunds was given the game ball based on his performance. Context.
  14. 0-4 on 4th down - nice! And the shutout to boot!
  15. Apparently they aren't paying Gronk enough in Tampa...sheesh
  16. Apparently you can fart on them though
  17. Well if you're gonna get called, might as well get them all out of your system
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