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Everything posted by HurlyBurly51

  1. They own the right corner pylon
  2. He was grabbing outside the frame
  3. How you doin' Mr. Mowins
  4. They said there would be crack!
  5. Nice! I'll be on at midnight to verify😬
  6. That's some serious mental gymnastics to get to that point😅
  7. Luckily he has already been extended!
  8. I didn't want to derail the Miami All-22 thread, but how is Joe B getting the All-22 film? I read his article and it has GP screen grabs.
  9. Some of us just want to have it for our personal enjoyment, as well as get what we paid for.
  10. Feliciano played better as well. What's this I read about him losing 25 pounds? Not sure why he did that if it wasn't due to illness. But that side is on the right trajectory. Morse is steady and Ford seems OK, so need Williams to step it up!
  11. Isn't this the day FedEx makes their deliveries?
  12. Agreed. That was the value for me, they should refund if that is going away permanently. I thought I saw the same as you that it was delayed but coming back soon.
  13. So anyone have any luck with the all-22? Can’t find it anywhere in GP, but I heard navigation has changed?
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