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Everything posted by HurlyBurly51

  1. Been debating ESPN+, but last season was unwatchable
  2. Haack holds his balls too long😵
  3. Hopefully they have it wrapped up by the end of the 3rd
  4. So with all these long delay theories I'll throw one out for the refs. They will keep those flags in their pockets cuz they want to get the hell out.
  5. Of course the refs are taking all day to make sure they get it right for KC
  6. Thanks for the education at TE University Kelce!
  7. deadly scrambling to the right!
  8. 32 gotta get rid of those yellow gloves!
  9. 2 minutes and 3 TO's - let's go!
  10. Love Bass, but what is with the KO out of bounds?
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