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Everything posted by HurlyBurly51

  1. Just don't ask anyone for help with your homework🤣
  2. I watched his embedded video and you could see how close the family was. RIP Luke and condolences to Dawson and his family.
  3. Thought I read somewhere about his teammates questioning his toughness, so not exactly a leader his teammates will bust through a wall for.
  4. I find myself choosing Diggs over Tabasco more frequently now
  5. rooks are loving the crowd support
  6. just waiting on punt god😃
  7. wow, my feed is a good 2 plays behind you guys
  8. 19 seconds left...
  9. I prefer Terminal List Josh😀
  10. Tyrone is a noted Bills fan.
  11. That's why I'll hand over my $5 to watch the preseason and that's it. Last year they couldn't even provide All-22 until towards the end of the season.
  12. Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
  13. Cleveland says hold my beer.
  14. Would be a good one in Chicago! So far thinking GOGH BLZ or DA BILZ (no BILLS OF BILLZ).
  15. Unfortunately they require a space between letters and numbers.
  16. That worked! But GEAUXBLZ came back invalid. Don't think you can have 8 consecutive characters with no space? GEAU BLZ is valid - is GEAU a word?😄
  17. I guess I am lacking creativity. Looking for ideas on variations of GO BILLS for a vanity plate. GO BILLS, GO BILLZ, GOBILLS, and GOBILLZ are all taken, and thats the max characters. Would really like to find some variation of this, but I'm coming up blank. Any ideas?
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