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Everything posted by manateefan

  1. Why anybody needs 10 bedroooms and 12 bathrooms (family of 6) is beyond me!!!
  2. Now I feel really old. I remember when OJ came to town. The team practiced in a town park where I lived his rookie year and of course all us kids w ere there.
  3. "horrible" - means can't throw long, looks like a deer in headlights, gets rattled when pressured. Also how long do we say he is developing? Rookie year, JP got benched and Trent played (based on some people won more games) , some good, some bad. Second year, was starter and started out great until his bell got rung. If he does bad this year will people now compare him to JP? Face it people, Buffalo has not had a good offensive line in years. That is a recipe for offensive disaster.
  4. I tried to vote for Joe Montana but I kept getting an error. Not the biggest, not the strongest but he could read defenses and hurt you. He's another quarterback who tried to extend his career but when he went to KC is wasn't pretty. Brett FAvre is making a joke of himself. He was a talent when younger but now it is just pathetic to watch.
  5. I think he was ready to retire. You have to remember he was beat up in the USFL before he played for Buffalo. He made the wise choice because his talent was on the down swing. He isn't the idiot Brett Favre is alsways trying to come back.
  6. Have used Craigslist. Rented out a house and got a tenant that is beyond super. She paints the interior (we buy the paint), she mows the lawn, planted flowers (says she loves yard work). House is clean, well kept. She's always on time with the rent. Tells us if there is a problem before it gets serious (i.e., leaky hose bib). I had better luck with craigslist than I did with the local newspaper where the people trashed the place and moved out in four months.
  7. Did you ever hear of a libarary? Besides thei nternet (if you google it), they have microfilm and microfiche. Great source of information.
  8. I do all mine at home, I'd get fired if I did it at work because they monitor us on our usage of the internet and they made us sign an agreement on IT uses (must be work related).
  9. Since I have lived in Florida I have not experienced a hurricane (almost 15 years). Yes, we have had some tropical storms. I lived through blizzards in the Buffalo area (with tropical storm and hurricane strength winds). And I have lived through 45 mph or higher winds in Buffalo (45 being the beginning level of tropical storms). My husband and I owned a tavern and in the early nineties the winds got up to 75 mph (hurricane strength). Knocked a tree into our building which cost us over $700 to remove. Thankfully it didn't damage anything. Every area in the country has weather problems, it just comes down to what you are willing to live with. At least with a hurricane you get advance warning. With tornadoes the warning is very minimal.
  10. God bless you, Joe. May the good news continue for many years.
  11. Peters held out last year and played terrible when he came back (made Pro-Bowl on the previous season reputation only). He holds out this year, I hate to say this, but cut him. He has not proven to me that he is the best player in his position and thathe needs to be the highest paid in his position.
  12. Born and raised in a suburb of Buffalo (Kenmore/Tonawanda). My husband was born and raised in East Lovejoy area. Had a tavern or two in Kenmore. Moved to Florida to get away from the snow. We moved at the time that Cuomo was coming out and Pataki was coming in. Politics had nothing to with the move. Just got real tired of running a tavern. Of course with all the new laws, I'm glad we got when we did. Paterson is trying to get the Indians to tax non-Indians at their stores (especially for cigarettes and gas). I remember when Cuomo tried that. The Indians put tires on the interstate (thruway), set them on fire and there was nothing anybody could do becase the thruway ran across part of the indian reservations. Leave them alone. Not everybody drives to these Indian stores for the better price.
  13. The first responders to a disaster (flood) is the local government (city, county), then state. The state has to declare a disaster, contact the Feds for assistance, they won't automatically step in. That's what happened in New Orleans. The idiot mayor and the governor didn't "ask" for assistance; they figured they could handle it, I guess. The state is also the one to activate the National Guard. I live in Florida and whenever a storm headed our way it was the local governments, fire departments and local volunteers who filled the sand bags, not the Feds. They don't come down here just to fill sand bags, but they still have an office down here that was set up 2005 when Florida got hit by 4 hurricanes and one tropical storm.
  14. God bless and condolences to the family. He did help and lead Buffao to a championship (AFL)
  15. Hanson was the "unsung hero" or our line. He was the worker, Bruce Smith was the superstar. Hanson gave hils all for the team but he was always over-shadowed and he didn't care.
  16. Looks like N.E. I heard Tampa Bay is going to Buffalo for the first time in their history.
  17. I understand somehwat about brain injuries. Did you know that with just a concussion you can experience dizziness and blackouts up to six months after? She was checked by a doctor but one hour later complained about a headache. She was taken to a hospital in a relatively short time frame. Didn't they do tests? MRI? CAT? When she went to the hospital she was still awake; what treatment did they prescribe after that?
  18. I didn't even get cost of living. We don't get bonuses.
  19. I earned it with my 40 hour work week. Nobody earned it for me. It doesn't help a lot. Especially when you learn that you will pay for it come April 15. Any CPA can explain iit to you. That $27 every two weeks can make the difference between a refund or owning on April 15. I also want to let you know that I have not had a raise in wages in 2 years.
  20. God bless and condolences to his family
  21. That's what I have heard. But should they get bonuses? No!!!!! I didn't argue the bail-out but 73 people getting more than a million that is totally wrong.
  22. I understand that the economy is bad right now and so I didn't get a raise. But it really gets me that people are getting bonuses with bail-out money. That was not the intent.
  23. Bonuses should have been out of the question with bail-out money. I haven't had a raise in 2 years because I work for a local government, I work for a department that has been desicrated (lost half of the employees) and vilified (for being incompetent, slow and playing canasta, which haven't played in 40 years) and these idiots get raises!!!!
  24. Who cares about grammar? A woman has been injured and is now brain dead. That is not a joking or debatable matter to the family.
  25. Who earned it for me? AIG whose officers got a bonus after their bailout. Citibank? Their bigshots got their bonus. I have worked for 34 years and $27 every two weeks won't help.
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