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Everything posted by manateefan

  1. He may not want to watch the game but I do. Please give me alink
  2. So did Cleveland. does that make them suddenly a great team? Pittsburg has lost 5 in a row. They are not the same team as last year.
  3. Switched back to atdhe.net because the they talk to much on nfl.com and missedthe touchdown drive (just showed after the fact). They have too many side issues (interview of Thurman, commercials, the announcers at their desk).
  4. I live in Florida and Buffalo isn't shown down here much. Even had to watch the Miami game last week on the "net" because CBS only had a 4:00 game last week. I just want to thank all of you who gave us links for the game. Watching right now on nfl.com. Before that I tried www.atdhe.net. THANKS!!!!
  5. Doesn't matter. Cowher already said no to Buffalo based on what I read in the newspaper and he hadn;t even been interviewed.
  6. Trent Edwards did throw to T.O. T.O. dropped a lot (some he should have caught) but even if he caught them they were short passes. Trent Edwards was over-rated by many of you on this website. And don't blame all his problems on his concussions or Juaron (bad coaching). Even before his concussion last year, when the weather got cold the year before he stunk. You play in the northeast, you better learn to play in some cold weather. Fitzpatrick may not be great but he doesn't look like a deer in headlights.
  7. Thanks!!!!
  8. Link crashed help!!!!!
  9. Thank you that was it.
  10. Other people in the past weeks posted the password. Don't be a woos.
  11. If yougot the link post it!!!
  12. Lost the stream. Help!!!
  13. Leave Jackson in. He's playing better than Lynch. Not that I want Lynch hurt.
  14. God bless. Thoght and prayers with the family.
  15. Gruden inherited a team that Dunghy built and won the Super Bowl. After that each year the team dropped lower and lower. Prove to me that he built a team!
  16. Personally I was glad to see him yanked (not that Fitzpatrick is any better). To all those who thought he would be the savior for the team, I never felt that way. And don't blame it all on his concussions. And don't blame it all on coaching. That was the same argument for JP. Trent has a noodle arm, can't throw deep accurately. He's no better than Rob Johnson or JP Losman. And please don't tell me he hasn't played as many games. That argument doesn't hold water anymore. He had some time to throw Sunday but he held on to the ball too long. He overthrew, he under threw.
  17. I agree with you!!! It just wasn't that they did it to the Bills but in the year they are celebrating the 50th anniversary of the AFL (which the NFL always considered second class) I found it very offensive.
  18. He should look dejected. The value of the dollar is down, unemployment has gone up (even though he said the stimulus money would create jobs).
  19. Why does a First Lady need that many people?
  20. The proper place to try these guys is in a military tribunal as they are war criminhals. What they did was an act of war. Second, keep Gitmo open. I don't want these guys on our turf.
  21. Need an internet conection. Please help!!!
  22. He has been like a deer in headlights since his concussion last year. What will he be like now?
  23. Don't know which game you were watching but Tampa Bay lost in the last minute to Carolina, 28-21.
  24. Trent is not the only quarterback to have had a concussion. Others have come back from concussions. Steve Young officially had 7 and Troy Aikman 10. if the concussion is still affecting him after a year then he should be pulled and let one of the back ups start.
  25. While I agree that we don't have the best offensive line, I disagree with some of this statements because since he got his bell rung last year he is like a deer in headlights. He doesn't throw deep. He doesn't do crossing patterns. He doesn't do screen passes. He ends up doing dump passes.
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