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Everything posted by manateefan

  1. You forgot another insurance that government runs that was supposed topay for itself (claims paid by premiums) Flood Insurance. Granted not everyone has it or needs it but it is billions in the hole.
  2. Chile was better prepared to deal with it. Better building codes, more finances, better prepared. They still should be given help if needed, though. But I heard on the radio that the Red Cross was still waiting to hear from them.
  3. Sounds similar to whan Losman was first going down before Edwards was drafted. We haven't had consistent coaching in over ten years.
  4. I think the guy was a nut case and not indicative of the average citizen. Yes, I have complaints about the IRS but I don't go and blow them up and no I don't commit suicide to prove my point. To me he is a guy who went "postal" but used a plane. He is a terrorist of a sort, not just a protester. A protester may have signs, sit ins, fasts, refuse to pay etc.; a terrorist aims to kill. He set his own home on fire (thank God, his wife and child were not there and hurt). Don't male this man into a martyr.
  5. I agree. Especially since Toyotas are coming out as the most unsafe vehicle to drive. Gas peddle problems, streering problems, brake problems. Japan also has to remember Ford took no stimulus money. And they have been holding their own.
  6. Not a basketball fan. For hockey the Sabres, and for baseball the Yankees.
  7. Want Ryan back in Buffalo. Want him here to play for the Sabres. I don't care about the gold in the Olympics anymore because they are all pros. Years ago the Olympics was all about amateurs. The team that won in 1980 was 100% amateur.
  8. This whole argument about Losman and Edwards is getting real tiresome. Let's just say neither met their projected potential for whatever reason and drop it.
  9. So? He grew up in PA.
  10. My mother worked at a bank in Amherst where he banked. He stood in line just like everyone else not asking special treatment.
  11. Just one question. When is this argument going to end? Losman was off the team for 2009 and Edwards was a major disappointment. Injury prone and scared in the pocket. Other quarterbacks have been hit, had concussions and came back and still played well. Edwards stunk up the field.
  12. Buffalo would not have a team if not for Ralph Wilson in 1959. Does he always spend money wisely on players? No. Does he always hire the best management or coaches? No. Has he always stood up for small market teams? Yes. Has he kept the team in Buffalo even through the worst economic times Buffalo has experienced not just this current time? Yes. Yes, he has made a profit over the years from the fans filling the stadium and even for the deal to play a couple games in Toronto. He's a businessman. But he didn't slink out of town like Ersay, or move to from one city and then back like Davis.
  13. Kelly got up and played. He wasn't out for a few weeks becasue of this. Trent got knocked down and was out for weeks.
  14. No, these are still lthe least teams. Who are the best teams to play for?
  15. So who are the best teams to play for? I asked this before and didn't get an answer.
  16. Robert James was killer until he got hurt. Tony Greene was great at his position and he was a very decent person besides. I met him and he was a gracious player, talking with people and signing autographs with no complaints.
  17. I thought this question was about the best Bills player not the best NFL player. What does Emmit and Barry have to do with Buffalo?
  18. May have only been the 4th best running back but he was the best from scrimmage (running and pass receiving) for four years! All purpose yards. I vote for TT.
  19. Did not see an answer to this. So who are the best to play for?
  20. I was not a Bush fan but he got elected. And he did respond when we got attacked on 9/11. Unfortunatelly I feel he didn't go far enough same as his father in the first Desert Storm. Get rid of Pelosi (Boxtox Queen). Yes, health care needs reform but do it responsibly don't just push it through just to get it done. Give the people of America actual tax breaks not ones that they have to pay back when they do their taxes (the break on withholding). I got a $13 a pay period (2 weeks) and found out I have to pay it back now.
  21. Most people on death row are in the prison where the sentence wiill be executed normally in the same wing. They don't drive them to the site of execution, they walk them. If you can provide a link that would be interesting because that is the first I have heard of driving to the site.
  22. All I know is the "tax cut" I got earlier in the year when withholding was reduced, I now have to pay it back when I file my taxes. I didn't get anything. Thankfully, my husband and I were aware enough to have an extra $5.00 withheld from our pay every pay period so we don't have to write a check to the government.
  23. Linda would probably been the logical choice of the daughters to take over if she had not gotten sick.
  24. Good college coaches do not always mean a good NFL coach. For example, Steve Spurrier, Nick Saban, Bobby Petrino, to name some. Lou Holtz even failed with the Jets in the 70s.
  25. Right after Obama became president he gave a tax cut to the little guy, the worker. I got thirteen dollars every two weeks in my pay checks. Come to find out I have to pay that back when I file my taxes (more than half). So what did I get? I haven't had even a cost of livilng raise in three years (but I still have a job) And Obama's "stimulus" for workers is going to net me less than $100 for the year. That did not help as I am losing my home through foreclosure. I was not eligible for any of the plans to save your house.
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