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Everything posted by manateefan

  1. I was at the game when Buffalo won over Miami after ten yers (20 games). That had to be my greatest experiences. But I was also in "Rich Stadium" as I knew it for every time the goal posts were torn down. (1980 against Miami after 20 games, 1988 against the Jets clinch the division, against 1990 Miami to clinch the division). I also traveled to Florida for 2 Monday Night games (1991, 1992) and Kelly beat Marino. Everytime the goal post came down I was there but the best was when Buffalo beat Miami after 30 games.
  2. My first game at the stadium was in 1980. A group of us from work got together and went. Buffalo vs. Miami. Buffalo hadn't won in 10 years (20 games). Buffalo won and the goal posts were torn down for the first time. The goal posts were torn down 2 more times. When Buffalo beat the Jets in 1988 to clinch the division in November 1988 and when we beat Miami in 1990 to advance as a wild card. I was at those games. But the best in my eyes w as the 1980 game.
  3. Go to your Control Panel. Click on Add/Remove Programs. Scroll to Veetle and click to remove it.
  4. I live in Florida and I can't even get 97 Rock to play. Don't have that problem with locak stations down here.
  5. I live in Florida and my brother lives in Indiana. I used to search the members list for his posts just to see what he wrote and if I wanted to respond. With the new board I can find the member but can't see his posts. I click on "Posts" and all my computer does is show "loading" in green at the top and I get nothing. Not real thrilled with this new site.
  6. Thank you to those who provide a live link. Don't want to have to pay for direct tv just for one game a week.
  7. Born in Kenmore Graduated Kenmore West Lived in the Kenmore/Tonawanda area until moving to Bradenton, Florida in Feb. 1995. Casa di Pizza has opened 2 pizzerias down here so I can still get Buffalo pizza.
  8. Nix has NOT named the starter but said that the quarterback position was wide open to competition. The decision has not yet been made who the starter will be.
  9. My mom had a 401K (not great but supplemented her SS) and a rental property (a double, two flats). She lived in one and the other was rented out. She signed the property over to us kids but had the right to live there and get the income during her life. The rent paid most of her living expenses.
  10. His problem was that he got sucked into the "boom" period, figuring that if he bought more property using the equity he had he'd get his money back quick. Sorry the balloon burst and property values tanked. Many "speculators" lost their butt for the same reason. He should have stayed with just his 20 rentals. That's six years paid on the mortgages (if he has them) and as long as you have tenants paying you still have income.
  11. I don't care which politician it came from, I can't afford it any more. I haven't have even a cost of living raise in four years. I don't mean less than, I mean nothing. Gas goes up, electric goes up, food costs go up, etc. But my wages haven't gone up.
  12. Won't make 30 years because I planned on getting out at 62 (24 years). I don't want to work untiI am 67. Might be near 1400 but still can't live on that. No sure because I haven't check because I am 9 years away.
  13. 14 years working and 52 years old.
  14. Most government employees do not get what was reported in that article. There is only a select few who get that. I am a government employee and if I could retire today (which I can't) I will only get $1,000 a month. Not everyone who worke in government makes great wages and great pensions. So please stop criticizing all of us.
  15. Maybe not the best played game, but I was at "Rich Stadium" when Buffalo beat Miami for the first time in 20 games. The fans went nuts and the goal posts came down (I was at the stadium every time they came down but had not part in that). That is something I will never forget.
  16. Maybe if our "elected representatives" had the same retirement and health plans as the average citizen has instead of a totally separate one they might really understand what the complaints and problems are. Elected politicians do not collect Social Security (they have their own retirement plan) and politicians are not covered by the newly voted in health plan (they have their own) which by the way it paid for you and me, the taxpaper.
  17. They require it in Florida. And as a female, if you have more than one marriage you have to show a paper trail from the name on your birth certificate to your current name (all divorce papers and marriage licenses.).
  18. Why don't they make everyone equal in this mess. Make the Senate, Congress and all their aides susceptible to all the pitfalls of this health care plan instead of taxpayers paying for their health care and their retirement. Why shouldn't they be in the Social Security system like the rest of us? I had an uncle who worked for the IRS when they had their own retirement system and he retired in the early eighties making more than I do now.
  19. Toyota makes them and they have gas pedal problems with them. Go ahead and buy one and take your life in your hands.
  20. This man needs to be ignored. He just talks to hear himself speak. He sticks his nose in everything from Obama to jackson.
  21. Yeah, go buy a Prius!!!!
  22. All I know is that in 2009 we got a break on Federal income tax in our paychecks. Unfortunately when we filed we paid half of that back. Is that a true break? My husband I combined only made about $70,000.
  23. My personal physician is from India and I love him. I would not trade him for the world. He is well respected in his filed and I trust him. He bought the practice from my first doctor, a good ole Southern boy, and I was leary but found out that he was very capable.
  24. No it is not a for-profit enterprise. I work for a local government, just didn't want to say that because of how people feel about government.
  25. I already work for a company that mandates how you take care of yourself. If you smoke you have to go to smoking cessation classes annually (which don't seem to work as the same people take them over and over), if you are considered overweight, you have to join a program, diabetics (who most know how to control it) have to go to classes annually, they have age required tests. I have a doctor and I have an annual physical, but I feel it should be up to the doctor to decide which tests are needed and not some paper pusher.
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