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Everything posted by manateefan

  1. His arm was under the ball. It was not an incompletion. Bad caal by the refs.
  2. I knew if I searched long enough someone would have Chris Berman. Thanks for the clip.
  3. New England has been playing awesome. Buffalo has been playing above expectations. Hoping for a competitive game. Brady has been throwing out of his head but our running game has produced some good numbers. Jackson over one hundred the first two games. Also our offensive line has protected Fitzgerald pretty good. Want Buffalo to win. Prediction a three-point game,
  4. I live in Florida and couldn't find a feed. So I listened to the game on the radio, 97 Rock. I like Chan. Go Buffalo!!!
  5. I forgot to add my biggest pet peeve: the Congress and the Senate vote on their own pay raises. And they do it every year. Shouldn't "we the people" have a say? Even in local government county commissioners keep getting raises while saying they have to save money by cutting services. AS I was growing up I only knew one county commissioner (in Buffalo, NY they called them county legislators) who voted against the raise. He lost so he donated the money to charity. They are part time job for local communities and he felt it wrong at that time for them to get a raise when business was down (and he was a business owner besides). My thing is if your constituents are being hurt or desicimated by current regulations or job loss why should you get a raise just because you are in congress or the senate? And they shouldn't be under the Social Security same as us. Not under as totally separate plan for retirement. I had an uncle who work for IRS in the 60's (as a Fed their retirement system was different and better). He retired making more than many of us make working now. Supposedly those working for IRS after a certain date are not in that plan and are part of the social security system.
  6. There are many ready to collect Social Security. Are you going to tell them that they can't after paying for over 40 years or better? Then there are people on it that have not even had a cost of living in 2 years. I have a minimum of 8 years before I can get even get early benefits and have worked 37 years already and paid into the social security system and you totally want to get rid of it? My husband is older than me and wants to retire this year. He is older than I am. Should he be denied benefits he has paid into since he was 12 when he became a paperboy? If so I want all the money I put into it (not by choice) back. If you change the Social Security system you have to have a time frame. Anybody born after a certain date. Don't penalize those of us who have paid into the system for most of our lives.
  7. Failed to hold the 12,000 today. And Florida's unemployment is over 11% (the 9.4 is average). The 9.4 is still too high. None of the stimulus or bail outs have gotten enough people back to work. And in some cases the unemployment rate has dropped because people have expired unemployment benefits and there is no way to track them ( I know because I have a step-daughter who has used up her benefits and still cannot find a job).
  8. I was at that game. My husband and I still had seasons. It was awesome. P.S. your daughter is now grown up to be a beautiful lady.
  9. I didn't really start following football until the late 1960s. But I have read about the history of the Buffalo Bills. Everything I have read said that Cookie was as good as Jim Brown. But Cookie rocked the boat so it affected his career and Jim Brown didn't until his football career was over. Then he became an advocate for equality. Cookie stood up for his convictions about segregation and the treatment of blacks in the early 60s. Cookie should be on the "Wall" but wouldn't come to Buffalo unless paid. Do I blame him? Maybe. But at the time he played players made dirt and most had jobs off season. Look at the pay scale today. And look how many get in trouble and somehow get back in the league after being suspended and making even more money (Ricky Williams, Michael Vick, etc.).
  10. I haven't seen anything about that trapped ball on Miami's last touchdown. Gailey had the flag in his hand but for some reason did not throw it (I am assuming upstairs told him not to throw it). Replays here in Florida, it sure looked trapped. No first down, maybe Buffalo holds them to no touchdown on the drive and it doesn't come down to a missed field goal.
  11. Looked trpped to me. Why didn't someone upstairs have Gailey call it. It was definitely worth another look.
  12. You can't play for draft picks. That's like throwing the game. I am hoping the players play for pride.
  13. O.J. only rushed for 697 yards his first year. And he came to us as the Heisman Trophy winner. did anybody think that some of it has to do with the offensie line? And our current offensive line is better?
  14. Fitzpatrick may not be our franchise quarterback, but you have to admit he has made the games more interesting than we have seen in a few years. He keeps trying now matter what, doesn't hang his head or look like a deer in headlights like some we could mention. Maybe if we had an offensive line who could block and players who could catch or hang onto the ball. Or how about if we had a defense who could stop both the run and the pass in the same game.
  15. I like what Chan Gailey has done to this team. Sure we are lacking in talent and haven't won a lot of games But they are getting better and he doesn't let them quit. Who would have thought after the first half when Pittsburgh was getting first downs almost at will that we could come back like we did? We were lucky that they only scored 13 in the first half. And I can't remember the last time we had 5 sacks!!
  16. He caught six or seven for 68 yards. Unfortunately he dropped the big one in the end zone. I for one am not giving up on him.
  17. Didn't answer what I asked.
  18. I wish they would have replayed the penalty on the fumble that Buffalo recovered. Didn't see it.
  19. I am not a football expert. And I have been a Bills fan (almost since before I could read) and continue to be a Bills fan. The season started out bad but I sincerely hope that they give Chan Gailey more time. He has motivated this team to being competitive (4 games lost within 3 points, two overtime) and two wins. Maybe next year with some better talent? Who knows? Give Chan a chance.
  20. Lost the feed in the last 45 seconds. Not a great game, but at least Detroit's record of road loses is still intact. They didn't break it with Buffalo. A win is a win./
  21. Trent Edwards has proven that he can't stand a pass rush. After he got his bell rung he was no good when there was a rush. Never got over it. Afraid to get hit. Buffalo doesn't have a pass rush.
  22. The spark was supposed to come from on the field. Trent had it temporarily for a few games and everybody said he was the second coming but he panned out. The guys upstairs might call plays but the guys on the field are supposed to execute. Trent didn't execute especially after he got his bell rung and knocked out of a game because of a concussion.
  23. When we lived in Buffalo and had season tickets I lived for football. Nothing like being at the game. Of course I cheated and brought a small radio to listen to Van and for a time even had a small 3" screen tv to watch the halftime and post game shows. Loved tailgating, cooking up some sausage, have a couple beers. Didn't drink a lot as I didn't want to miss the game by having to stand in line at the john.
  24. Though I don't need it today (Tampa did not sell out) keep posting. The quick links are great.
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