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  1. that IT was on KEON. It hit his hands.
  2. Went to 2 Monday night games back in the Kelly-Marino days. Stayed in Ft. Lauderdale near port. Don't remember the name. They were package deals, hotel, car, ticket to game, and bus to and from the game, Friday to Tuesday. It was in the old stadium. A restaurant owner from Buffalo threw a Bills party at a bar/restaurant on Saturday. Had a great time. The weather was great because they were in November.
  3. Haven't watched for a few years. Don't like that it starts so late. I have to work in the morning, starting at 7:00 a.m.
  4. It clearly was helmet to helmet. Should have been a penalty. Johnson out because possible concussion.
  5. I tried it on desktop. Same thing. Came back for a couple minutes at beginning of 2nd half but screwing up again.
  6. Too many turnovers (last week also). Penalties. Glad they won but need massive work.
  7. My prayers are with Jim and family.
  8. I lost my husband on Thanksgiving Day to cancer. Yes he was a smoker. When first diagnosed they gave him 12-18 months. But they hoped with experimental drugs he might get 5 years. From diagnosis to the end was 5 months. I'm still struggling with it. Every time something needs to be done that he used to do I'm now learning to deal with it. I always thought I was self-sufficent but after 29 years I am realizing how much I relied on him. I would never wish this on anyone. Any kind. Prayers are with the Kelly family during this time.
  9. All I have to say is I can't afford 4 more years. Yes, I have a job, but no raise in 5 years. Living costs continue to rise. I am literally living paycheck to paycheck. My savings have dwindled down to next to nothing.
  10. Papa John's is terrible. Tried it once, won't ever again. I even thought Dominos was better. Live in Florida and we have Casa di Pizza (2 locations with the original on Elmwood Avenue). It's a little out of my way but it is worth it.
  11. I can't remember when I haven't had to show some form of ID to vote, whether it be a voters registration (which you could not get without proving residency and showing ID) or picture id. The last few years I have only shown my drivers license, then the workers verify my name and address on the list for the district. In Florida you can get a non-drivers id. Years ago when I lived in NY before they had pictures on the drivers license they checked the signatures when you signed in to vote to the drivers license. Hospitals even ask for picture ID. My husband has had three out-patient procedures in a month and each time they asked for his insurance and id which they scan. I don't know how they handle it when you are an illegal or indigent. Maybe next time, we should just say we don't have insurance or ids and get our medical for free instead of having to pay for what the insurance didn't cover.
  12. Personally I would have put Tony Greene and Robert James higher than honorable mention. Loved those two when they played. They complimented each other in the defensive backfield. Definitely agree with Bobby Chandler. Loved the sideline grabs and the touchdown with just his toes in bounds. So sad when he passed away with cancer. Reggie McKenzie, great O-lineman, part of the Electric Company. (Some prejudice. I personally met Reggie and Tony Greene and they were both gracious to our group.) Remember seeing O.J. practice as a kid at a local park when he was a rookie. (Yes, it actually happened. They brought the team in on school buses.) Can't disregard his career on the field. I never really got crazy about Blesdoe. Hard to root for someone who played for the hated Patriots. He started well but ..... Worst #1 draft pick for Buffalo, Walt Patulski, Cousineau second. Quarterbacks not crazy about - several come to mind - Ferragamo, Marangi, Dufek, Johnson and yes, Trent Edwards. A couple hits and Trent was like a deer in headlights (wasn't sold on him even in the beginning).
  13. One player does not make a team but it is a step in the right directtion. Remember when they drafted Bruce Smith, he was the catalyst for the building of the defense that eventuaally got us to the Super Bowl. It was the start. The defense got better. Our defense needs massive improvement. Hopefully, Mario is the catalyst.
  14. My husband and I bought our season tickets when Jim Kelly was signed. Had them until 1994 when we sold our business and moved south. Still love the Bills. Thank God for the internet. Hook up the Tv to the laptop and watch the games. Won't pay the price for Direct TV just for the Bills (don't watch a lot of other games). If we want to go out, many places have the NFL package to go to, including a couple that cater to the Bills fans. (There are fans all across the country.) If I still lived there I'd want seasons because this year the management really seems to want to improve the product.
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