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Everything posted by Peter

  1. Go ahead and ignore reality and non-biased metrics. Got it. I see that you ignored the stats from last year as well. The fact is that, without McClappy's defense giving up so many game losing drives, we would be sitting pretty for the playoffs.
  2. If you are interested in McClappy's strategy late in games, you may want to check this out:
  3. In case anyone still had any doubts about who was calling the defense at the end of the 13 second game against the Chiefs: "The strangest stories from Ty Dunne's blockbuster story on Sean McDermott"
  4. And Dorsey was if you did not fall for the agenda that was being pushed by some to deflect from McClappy's defense giving up multiple game losing drives that put us in the position that we are in: 2022 Buffalo Bills Offense 2023 Buffalo Bills Offense:
  5. McD has embarrassed the Buffalo Bills. This kind of thing is all over X:
  6. Whether you like McClappy or don't like McClappy, he has confirmed the 9/11 speech. This and other bits of TD's article are all over X/Twitter. McClappy has completely embarrassed the Buffalo Bills. No owner of a franchise wants to be embarrassed and this is particularly embarrassing especially given what happened on October 7. Using an analogy that I referenced in another post, this likely is McD's Waterloo. He is an embarrassment and a fraud. If I were Terry Pegula, I would be thinking I don't need this BS - especially with talent we have on our team and the new stadium (not to mention what happened with Kim). McClappy needs to go. By the way, the team that we have would be very desirable for an outstanding coach.
  7. I wonder if McClappy is still planning on giving his motivational speech invoking Hamas' "teamwork" before the KC game. P.S. Some here have tried to defend McClappy etc. by claiming that TD's article was a "hit" piece and confirmation bias. In actuality, the article confirms that McClappy is a fraud and will throw anyone under the bus to deflect from his own inadequacies notwithstanding all his talk about "culture" and accountability" etc. The Chad Hall story is so telling. McD seems to have a Napoleonic complex but without having won Austerlitz while at the same time blaming everyone else for having to retreat from Russia and losing at Waterloo.
  8. What did you think about McClappy invoking terrorists? Or, does that depend on who actually told TD?!?
  9. I am not aware of either one throwing others under the bus while preaching "accountability" and complementary football . . . especially while leading a defense that has given up so many game losing drives . . . .
  10. If you really care (but I doubt you do), you can read my prior posts on the subject.
  11. And that is exactly what happened (he threw Dorsey under the bus) and various people here and on WGR fell for it. McClappy fired the wrong coordinator. Although I had given McClappy the benefit of the doubt even though I was never a big fan, once he fired Dorsey it became clear to me that he is a snake and that all of his talk about accountability and culture etc. is pure BS. The good news is that McClappy has no one else to throw under the bus. I really hope that ownership does the right thing in the off season.
  12. When I read the title to this thread ("Throwback to Another Horrible McDermott Decision"), my immediate reaction was: Which one?
  13. I thought it was pretty clear that McClappy is an expert at the draft. He astutely traded the right to pick Mahomes so that we could draft a CB later in the first round. Brilliant move.🙄 McClappy should thank his lucky stars that Beane was able to engineer it so that the Bills could pick Josh and that Josh was available.
  14. As it turns out, McClappy fired the wrong coordinator . . . . When speaking of the importance of "complementary" football, McClappy should have looked in the mirror.
  15. Rather than throwing others under the bus, McD needs to look at himself in the mirror. At this point, I have a difficult time watching/listening to his press conferences.
  16. Rich could not have said it better: "I love this guy."
  17. How many game losing drives has our defense given up? The biggest difference in the offense between the last two games and when the offense did not perform before is turnovers.
  18. The defense has let us down badly by giving up multiple game losing drives this season. Yesterday, was just another example. We would be in great shape for the playoffs but for the defense not being able to close out games.
  19. Horrible missed call.
  20. McClappy has no one else to throw under the bus. His defense has given up far too many game winning (read losing) drives. But for those game winning drives, we would be sitting pretty for the playoffs.
  21. The kid already is very good and is only going to get better. He also seems to have a great attitude. In the end, I think we will feel very fortunate that we were able to get him where we did.
  22. I love how you guys try to restrict the sample size to push your narrative. Another way of looking at your small sample size: In two of those six games, the offensive put us in a position to win but the defense gave up a game "losing" drive. The same is true with the first game of the season. If the defense had done what it should have done in those three games, we would be 8 -2 and leading the AFC. As for scoring, here is a complete sample size from last year: Buffalo Bills - Second Leading Scoring Offense in NFL As for schemes to get open, Kurt Warner disagrees with you: In Defense of Dorsey But hey, what does he know. P.S. I am going to a charity event in a little while so you guys can argue amongst yourselves.
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