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Everything posted by Peter

  1. Whether he starts or not, he definitely needs more touches. I was under the impression that MM and TC had devised an offense that would include both players on the field at the same time. I was really looking forward to the mismatches that this would cause. We shall see . . . .
  2. Have you lost your head?!?
  3. While we are on the subject, it looks like we are going to be getting shutters for our house. The combo of roll downs, accordians, and direct mount is going to set us back more than 10K. The good news is that we will not have to wait in line for plywood at Home Depot or worry about our house blowing apart anymore.
  4. I can only speak for myself. I waited to get my ya yas out before I got married. I also did not want to get married until I met someone that I could really see myself living with for the rest of my life. When I met that person, I went for the gusto and married her. I am a lucky guy and we have the greatest little boy in the world. That does not mean that my wife and I do not have our fair share of disagreements. We certainly do (I spend far too much time telling my wife that I am sorry for screwing up -- even when I am not quite sure what I did wrong). Yet, I would not want to be with anyone else. Given the insight that you have displayed on this board (notwithstanding some of our disagreements), I am sure that you married well also. Enjoy it. Being with the person/people that you love puts everything else in perspective.
  5. By the way, how is married life going so far?
  6. Ted Bigley As most of you know, I am not a fan of this war for a variety of reasons that include the fact that we have diverted our attention from the real war on terror etc. Anyway, when I see pictures like this or the ones of the other people that have been beheaded etc., there is no doubt that we have to make sure that we accomodate the supposed desire (of these hostage takers etc.) for martyrdom -- and quickly. I would call the people responsible pond scum but that would be unfair to pond scum.
  7. Actually, the parakeet is still undecided. The debate committee wanted to have the parakeet in the audience of undecideds in St. Louis, but the Bush campaign nixed that idea because they were worried that the parakeet might ask far too challenging questions.
  8. I was in Giant Stadium when Jim Kelly got hurt and some of the Giant fans cheered. I thought that was one of the worst displays of sportmanship. I said to myself that Bills fans would never do something like that . . . . Fast forward a couple of years . . . Bills "fans" cheered when Johnson got hurt. I could not believe it. Never in a million years did I think that the Bills fans (who I thought were the classiest in sports) would do something like that - especially when one of our own players got hurt. Say what you will about Winslow. Yet, the guy plays hard and is a first round draft choice willing to play special teams. That says more about him than some of the comments on this board. If you guys want to cheer because he got hurt, that says more about you than anything that you can say about him.
  9. You are better off sticking with John McCain rather than Zell Miller. McCain is credible. Miller is just plain . . . I better not say, he may want to duel me.
  10. How dare he. Doesn't Ike's son know that saying anything bad about GWB gives comfort to the enemy and does not support the troops. Doesn't he know that a vote for Kerry is a vote for Osama bin Laden. Sarcasm off. P.S. Unfortunately, there are a lot of Republicans such as myself that are hugely disappointed with GWB.
  11. How dare he say that we have a bad O-line. Doesn't he know that people on this board have said that we cannot say anything bad about the O-line. Sarcasm off.
  12. I bet their families don't care. They are just happy to see them back. Just like Terry Anderson's family was happy to see him. Tony Blair is under intense pressure right now because of Bigley. It is a very difficult choice to make. It is very easy for those of us who do not have families over there to criticize.
  13. Update Things are getting interesting. It looks like the networks may not go along with these idiotic rules. Good for them.
  14. The guy plays hard. He is a first round draft choice who was willing to play special teams. He gets hurt. . . . people have the audacity to post that they are happy. Bad karma.
  15. Peerless better send Christmas cards to Eric Moulds every year. Moulds is responsible for his big pay day.
  16. Sounds just like Price.
  17. Comments regarding WMD Obviously, he disgrees with the survey group. Moreover, if he is correct about convoys heading to Syria and we knew about it, we were just plain dumb not to (in the words of Colin Powell) - "cut it off and kill it."
  18. Interesting comments regarding General Shinseki
  19. Below are his reasons for not going after bin Laden in Tora Bora. Did we make the right decision based on what the stated reasons were?????
  20. There also was a certificate for a date with the Jill of your choice. Given that I am married, I could not use it.
  21. How many other foreign hostages have been released recently? I seem to remember two of our guys being beheaded not too long ago. I did not consider that good news.
  22. The Italian women were released
  23. He looks almost as bad as Gore did during the first debate in 2000. He better have a good makeup artist. His face actually looks a bit like Ross' (in Friends) during that episode when he got the fake tan.
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