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Everything posted by Peter

  1. Kerry pulled out a black pen According to the New York Post and the Fox News Channel feed, Kerry pulled out a black pen. This is ridiculous and just another attempt to change the subject. GWB was horrible in the debate. As Howard Fineman said, he had 30 minutes of material for a 90 minute debate. Moreover, because his people have insulated him from any tough questions, he seemed particularly bothered by having to answer questions and listen to someone say something contrary to his positions. It was GWB's debate to lose. He could have put Kerry out of his misery with that debate. Instead, he did his best impression of Al Gore and allowed Kerry to get back in the game.
  2. Whether it was a good call or a bad call, the play had no chance of success when Travis went the wrong way and allowed Bruschi to blow up the play and when Price whiffed on Seymour. It was a comedy of errors.
  3. You should believe the guy who has contemporaneous notes of the conversation where Franks acknowledges this. P.S. If not serving in the military disqualifies people from commenting, why is it that these neocons (who never served in the military) have been allowed to take over the Pentagon? Why was Dick Cheney allowed to be Secretary of Defense? Why was Shinseki (spelling?) overruled by the neocons and then retired for disagreeing with them?
  4. You have to start reading my posts. I am a Reagan Republican. My problem with Bush is the optional war that diverted us from the real war on terror.
  5. Bush is staying at the Four Season hotel not too far away from my office. Kerry is staying at the Sheraton in Bal Harbor (North of Miami). This town is excited that the debate is at UM. There are alot of supporters on the streets waiving signs. It may be difficult for me to get home, because I have to drive by UM and there is extra security in that area. Anyway, this sure beats the threat of a hurricane. It should be interesting (I hope) to watch these two guys go at it. With any luck, it will be a debate and not an inane side-by-side delivery of talking points. I predict that immediately after the debate, the surrogates from each side will claim victory for their guy. I know that I am going way out on a limb here.
  6. RIP. That sucks.
  7. You might be right depending on how you look at it.
  8. What bothered me more about the whole thing was keeping the ship 20 miles off the coast of California so that GWB could make his grand entrance in his flight suit. As for the "Mission Accomplished" banner, Karl Rove has stated that he wished that they had not used that language.
  9. Read above and you will find that I specifically wrote "tidbits from the administration." I accept your apology. As for the "Mission Accomplished" banner, the White House has admitted that it arranged to have it made.
  10. The administration said these things. The first quote is from Paul Wolfowitz's testimony before Congress. (This has been contradicted by the $200 Billion and counting that the administration has asked for so far for the Iraq venture.) The second quote is from Cheney's appearance on Meet the Press. (The long hard slog quote is from Rumsfeld's memo.) The third one is the banner that the White House arranged to have put on the USS Abraham Lincoln.
  11. You know what this thread has shown? Jonas Jennings is going to be very rich next year and we are going to have to pay him a lot of money if we want to keep him.
  12. That was me. See my other posts. In their first year, BM payed in 8 games and allowed 4.75 sacks. That works out to .59 a game as a rookie LEFT TACKLE. (By the way, he only held out because the Vikings would not initially agree to pay him something between what the guy ahead and behind him got from their teams). MW played in 14 games and gave up 7.5 sacks. In other words, he gave up .53 sacks per game against lesser competition. Last year, BM gave up .68 sacks per game as a LEFT TACKLE. MW gave up .73 sacks per game last year as a right tackle. This year, BM has not given up a sack in 3 games. MW has given up 2 sacks in 2 games.
  13. Of course. MW has tremendous tools. We have a huge investment in him. We also have no choice. I am still hopeful that he is going to develop into the player that we all expect. What made me angry a few years ago was how some people on this board trashed McKinnie (without really knowing anything about him). I watched nearly every game he played in college and he was a stud.
  14. Who is playing right tackle and who is playing left tackle? That will tell you who is playing against the better competition. Who played three fewer games last year? If I recall correctly, his initials are Mike Williams. Who has ZERO sacks against this year?
  15. It is amazing how smart Cheney used to be.
  16. MW was responsible for two sacks against the Raiders. One where he got beat and was caught off balance, the other where he made a mental error and blocked the wrong guy.
  17. Years???? The Daily Show had unbelievable clips of Bush's statements while he was campaigning that completely contradict what he is saying now. You may still be able to find them on its website. Or how about these tidbits from the administration: Saddam has wmd and we know exactly where they are to oops. We will be greeted as liberators and flowers will be thrown at us to long hard slog. OBL dead or alive to I don't really think much about him etc. Mission Accomplished to quagmire We cannot win the war on terrorism which was quickly changed to we will win the war. Iraqi oil revenue will cover the costs for rebuilding Iraq to the American taxpayer is stuck with paying hundreds of billions of dollars
  18. The other funny thing is that we are paying a lot more for a right tackle than Minnesota is paying for a left tackle (McKinnie) who has outplayed Williams from Day one. I remember how people on this board completely trashed McKinnie.
  19. The NFL conducted a scientific poll of all NFL fans and determined that the favorite QB of 80% of the fans polled was . . . . The other guy.
  20. I did not know that we play the Cardinals in three years!?!
  21. You are welcome. I used to really despise the guy. Yet, I just respect the hell out of him now. I started reading his press conference on the Pats website before Bills games a couple of years ago. Unlike most press conferences where very little is actually said, I felt like I actually learned something. He loves talking about the game and has amazing insight about it. He is a coach's son and it shows. He may not have the most charismatic personality. Yet, when you get down to the substance of what he says, there are very few people in his league.
  22. Bill B's Press Conference
  23. On the radio this morning, I heard that only 51% of eligible voters actually voted in 2000. Any predictions on what the turn out will be this time around? P.S. It is pretty pathetic that only about half of us vote. That means that typically just over 25% of the eligible voters decide who will be President. Pathetic.
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