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Everything posted by Peter

  1. Some time ago, someone posted the link to the legal document that the President executed to start/justify the Iraq war. The document specifically referenced September 11th. Do any of you have the link to that document?
  2. Sometimes I get in that mood too. It's ok.
  3. If you read this board, you will know that I am not a huge Kerry fan. I am a Republican who is hugely disappointed with GWB.
  4. Now that we know for sure that there were no WMD, what is worse- 1. Asking troops to die for the wrong war, at the wrong time, at the wrong place; or 2. Telling the troops that it was the wrong war, at the wrong time, at the wrong place.
  5. GWB's foreign affairs resume prior to 2000 was limited to the fact that he was the son of GHWB. P.S. The day-old oatmeal that DC Tom referred to would be a viable candidate in the present race.
  6. What do they say? I have spoken to some guys who have come back from Iraq, and they are pretty upset about the whole situation and disillusioned about why we were there in the first place. The level of anger was pretty high. I suspect that the reaction probably depends on whom you talk to. In any event, we have opened up a pandora's box. I was against the war, but believe that we now have no choice but to create a stable Iraq as best we can.
  7. You are a piece of work. If you think that we have won this war, please take your head out of the sand. We won every %*%*%* battle in Vietnam, but ended up losing the %*%*%* war. More Americans have died since GWB made his speech on the Abraham Lincoln than after. If you do not think that the war is still going on then you may want to ask our guys who are getting shot (and killed) at what they think.
  8. I missed the part where we won. That has not happened - yet. It remains to be seen whether the goals that we had going in will ever be accomplished. As for your comments regarding "empires," I do not disagree with a lot of what you say. P.S. The insurgents seemed to learn from the first Gulf war that they should not congregate in the open desert waiting to be killed. Instead, they have undertaken a guerrilla war that appears to be far from over.
  9. I have more confidence in Shinseki than I do in Wolfowitz, Feith et al on the number of troops that were necessary. Apparently you disagree and think that Wolfowitz et al know more than the professional military. Wasn't one of the legs of the Powell doctrine that you crush the enemy with overwhelming force. P.S. Sound bite? Regurgitate? Sort of like the pot calling the kettle black.
  10. Can you say General Shinseki?!? This is not Monday morning quarterbacking. The civilian leadership ignored the advice of the professionals. Why? In my view, they did so because they wanted to rush to war as quickly as possible to create a fait accompli and before support for the war dissipated. Yes, I know, you disagree.
  11. Don't you know that any criticism of this President only deflates the morale of the troops and gives aid and comfort to the enemy. Sarcasm off.
  12. I think that one of our failures is that we did not have the resources on the ground to ensure that there was sufficient security. When you conguer a country, they should know that they have been conquered and that there is nothing that they could do about it. From the time we "won" the war, there was lawlessness because of the miscalculations of the civilian leadership in the Pentagon. As a result, we gave new life to the insurgents. More and more of our guys are getting killed each month.
  13. All good points. I do not think that our people should be subject to a world criminal court. Yet, at the same time, how is it that we have taken the position that people from other countries (e.g., the former Yugoslavia) are subject to the jurisdiction of the a world criminal court that was established to prosecute people from that area.
  14. Bremer - Not enough troops - atmosphere of lawlessness
  15. There is nothing, I mean nothing, like a PMP from the hot truck. I remember waiting in line in the snow in the wee hours of the morning for a PMP. I am getting hungry thinking about it. Last year, I went back for the reunion and had one. It was still pretty good.
  16. I was known to have a couple of drinks there now and again. In fact, I took one of those bartending courses there one semester. Do you remember that they had night courses that you could take for fun? I took bartending. Times have changed. Now, you cannot even have a drink as a college student.
  17. Without reviewing the tape of the game, I think that it was a close call. Running backs and linemen are coached that inside rushers have a higher priority than outside rushers.
  18. WM can definitely block. He was a good blocker at UM as well. I think that he has shown tremendous maturity for picking up the blitz.
  19. Did you go to Cornell? I graduated from there in 1983.
  20. The gave it to that guy the play before. What did he do with the opportunity?
  21. I have no idea why we have last year's first round draft choice chained to the bench. I was under the impression that this year's staff was working on ways to play WM and TH together and cause mismatches. Instead, we have played TH almost exclusively. TH is a hard runner, but he has made some critical mistakes at crucial times (tripping over himself, missing blocks, not even trying to block, and running the wrong play). I have no idea whether McGahee will play better than TH. We will never know if he never gets on the field. If the Bills are going to keep on saying that TH is our horse and we are going to continue to ride him, we may as well trade Willis if we are never going to use him. He is not doing us any good on the bench. Otherwise, play the guy and let's see how he does on this level.
  22. This observation is probably completely irrelevant but interesting nonetheless. Have you noticed that when GWB speaks, he has a habit of shaking his head no. When Kerry listens to someone else speak, he has a habit of shaking his head yes. I am sure that there are some psychologists out there that can explain the deeper meaning of this. Maybe GWB does not agree with anyone - hence the failure to put together a real coalition like his father and sticking Americans with nearly all of the casualties and costs of the war. Mayber Kerry agrees with everyone - hence he agrees with everyone and contradicts himself. On SNL, they had Kerry saying that he has not been a flip flopper. He has been consistent throughout. He always has been against the war in front of anti-war crowds and in favor of the war in front of pro-war crowds. "That is not being inconsistent. That is pandering, and Americans deserve a President who knows the difference."
  23. Isn't it odd that the rule is that if you fumble the ball out of the end zone the way Fletcher did the other team gets the ball. That makes no sense to me whatsover. It ended up not hurting us, but the rule seems disproportionate to the infraction. If anything, the fumbling team should get the ball from the spot of the fumble.
  24. That is even a better point. Travis cannot block.
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