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Everything posted by Peter

  1. You are missing my point. My post has less to do with the merits of that case than the fact that Bush, like everyone else, has a different view of lawyers depending on whether he needed them. Blaming lawyers for everything is BS. If a doctor amputates the wrong leg of your kid or gives him the wrong prescription etc., your view of lawyers will change too.
  2. As you do sometimes, you are missing the point. When Bush NEEDED lawyers, you did not hear him or any other Republican complaining about them. This is true with most people who bash lawyers. Once they need one, they view lawyers in a completely different light.
  3. He won because of a team of lawyers who represented him in the recount fight as well as the five lawyers that voted for him on the Supremes. Bush should love lawyers given that he would not be President without their help.
  4. Take it for what it is worth - a rumor. I heard that sometime in practice recently, the Bills were practicing blitz pick ups. TH was supposed to be practicing picking up the blitz with the rest of the offense (Lord knows he needs the practice). Suddenly, TH pulled a Dominic Hasek and walked off the field without any explanation. I also heard that, in addition to his missed assignments against the Jets, Bobby Shaw also was complaining about the offense. We all know what happened to Shaw. If the Bills are now trying to send a message to the team that they are not going to put up with any BS, it is no wonder that there are trade rumors involving TH.
  5. I am not saying that employers should be required to provide flu shots for free. What I am saying is that some employers have realized that it is in their self interest to do so to avoid lost production. It is just smart.
  6. Bush and some of you other guys love blaming everything on lawyers. Without lawyers, Bush would not even be President. Also, if a doctor or drug manufacturer screws up, are you saying that they should not be responsible for their actions?
  7. This whole episode illustrates about as well as anything else the problem with Bush and this administration's war in the name of fighting terrorism.
  8. The flu shot is one of those things that should be a no brainer any way you look at it. Some companies have been smart enough to provide flu shots to their employees for free. They realize that it is a lot less costly to pay for the flu shot than to sustain the lost production. As far as I know, there is no price regulation with respect to flu shots. The market dictates (or should dictate the price). If the price were to go up, I think that people would pay for it. Indeed, health insurers also should see the wisdom of providing the shot to people. As they say, "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure."
  9. It was a good episode. With Evangeline Lilly (Kate), how could it not be?
  10. I did take a look at it. To be blunt, Poland is a minor player in the "coalition of the willing." I am against this war, but I am glad that they made some contribution. Yet, for anyone to suggest that the other members of the "coalition of the willing" are making the sacrifices that we are is just wrong. We Americans are stuck with the lion's share of the casualties and cost. As I am sure you already know, we only paid for less than 10% of the cost of the first Gulf War. GHWB knew how to build a real coalition. To bring this full circle, as a supply side Republican, I believe that GWB not only took his eye off the ball in the real war on terrorism, he has risked many of the policies that I support because: 1. We could have continued to contain Saddam (who was no imminent threat to us) at a cost of $3 Billion per year as Powell said in the Spring of 2001 - rather engage in this optional war without most of our traditional allies (and pissing them and the rest of the world off to boot); 2. As a result of the above, we bit off probably more than we could chew thereby increasing the deficit and putting tax cuts in jeopardy. If Bush loses the election, I believe many Republicans will be asking themselves whether it was worth invading Iraq when and how we did. I firmly believe that if we had not invaded Iraq how and when we did, this election would not even be close. It would be one of the largest landslides in US history.
  11. I tried to find a place where I could get a flu shot. Right now, unless you are in a high risk group, you cannot get one. I wanted to get one to obviously avoid getting the flu, but also so that I do not give the flu to my 2 year old son. We also are trying to find a place where he can get a shot, but his doctor said that she is only giving them to "high risk" kids and he will have to wait. Given that the government is apparently rationing flu shots, aren't we engaging in some aspects of socialized medicine? I am not saying that I deserve the shot more than a 70 year old person with a heart condition. I am just making the observation. More fundamentally, how is it that we have allowed a shortage of flu shots. It seems like every couple of years there is a shortage. This year is more severe than others. Yet, it is a no brainer for people to get flu shots and we should never be in a position where we allow this to happen again. Just my two cents.
  12. You may want to check out Larry Kudlow's piece in the Journal today.
  13. You are exactly correct.
  14. . . . consistently heart broken.
  15. Probably so that I have an excuse to stay up late and watch After Hours on MSNBC.
  16. In an amazing comeback, the Bills beat the Houston Oilers yesterday. Actually, it was on one of the ESPN channels. My DVR recorded it. It was nice to see the Bills win a game. By the way, it is amazing how good our pass protection used to be. Maybe that is why it hurts so much now to watch now.
  17. At some point in the debate, JK certainly will mention that this is the first administration since Hoover to have a net loss of jobs. Whether that is Bush's fault or not is a different issue. Nevertheless, JK will drive that point home. He will tell us that he has a plan to create jobs. Bush will tell us that it is hard work. He also will emphasize (probably more than once) that JK can run, but cannot hide from his record. He will state that JK has a history of raising taxes and, notwithstanding what he says, will have to raise taxes to pay for the programs that he wants. JK will respond that he was one of the first Democrats to vote for a balanced budget amendment. ETC.
  18. Remember the last time around when people were talking about "lock boxes"? Have any of you guys seen the lock box? It is my turn to take care of it.
  19. Unlike his ill advised previous lawsuit against Franken, I think that Bill O'Reilly has a really good chance of prevailing in this lawsuit. O'Reilly's Lawsuit
  20. Gee, I wonder what kind of "change" the Germans are referring to when they now say they may send troops to Iraq. We will find out after November 2nd. Germans may send troops to Iraq
  21. I was curious as to what you guys think.
  22. Travis "wrong way" Henry
  23. Fun for all ages.
  24. Have any of you noticed that good things seem to happen when McGahee is in the game. For example - 1. WM always seems to know where he has to go to get the first down. 2. WM does not trip "over the blue line." (to use a hockey phrase). 3. WM picks up the blitz. Anyway, we shall see whether he can keep it up and whether MM gives him the opportunity to do so. As far as Travis is concerned, he has the ability to run hard - but there are times when he frustrates the #*@$ out of me.
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