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Everything posted by Peter

  1. It was a bad call. I was very surprised that the TV guys did not mention it. Take a look - Ray Lewis was all over him.
  2. Out of the four daughters, Barbara is the best of the lot - by far.
  3. I have noticed that we have Travis run to the left a lot. I always wondered about that given that teams and RBs are more often "right handed" when it comes to running the ball.
  4. As President Bush said, Iraq has a better right track/wrong track than we do. Isn't that sad.
  5. He is just taking (and accepting) responsibility -- just like everyone on this team should be doing. As a football player, this guy is exceptionally mature. When have you seen a "rookie" pick up the blitz like McGahee?
  6. Has anyone polled the military in Iraq? It is going to be very interesting to see how those guys vote in this election compared with the military vote in previous elections.
  7. How dare Jon Stewart criticize Crossfire? Doesn't he know that he is giving aid and comfort to our enemies? How could he do this to the troops? Anyone who watches the Daily Show must be a member of Al Qaeda. Sarcasm off.
  8. This town (Miami) is really excited about Shaq. When he wants to play, he is unstoppable. He is going to do all that he can do this year to show up Kobie. I sat in those courtside seats once when Alonzo played for the Heat. From that vantage point, you really appreciate just how good the really good players are.
  9. I half expected a comment like that from you. You did not disappoint me.
  10. If I recall correctly, he went to the same high school as Joe Ferguson.
  11. Her teenage son died in a car Rosen a few years ago. I think that has something to do with it.
  12. The Patriots just picked up Mel.
  13. My wife and I subscribe to HBO and Cinemax. As you guys know, after movies are on pay per view, they appear on one of the various movie channels. As a result, once a movie is no longer on pay per view, you are only able to see it if you have the movie channel that it is on. Is there anyway to find out in advance which movies are going to the various movie channels? That way, if there is a movie that I want to see that will not be on HBO or Cinemax, I can go ahead and see it on the pay per view. Thanks.
  14. No - not as long as Evangeline Lilly (Kate) and the Australian girl are on the show.
  15. Zogby is one of the best. It would be interesting to see his breakdown by state - especially the battleground states.
  16. As a Cane fan and season ticket holder, congrats to Louisville. You guys played one hell of a game. You came to one of the toughest places for a visiting team to play and gave us all we could handle. You should keep your head held high. I am very impressed with your team.
  17. Simply stated, should doctors who screw up be responsible for their actions? What do you think about the case of the young girl at Duke Medical School who received an organ transplant, the organ was from a person with a different blood type? Should the people in that case be responsible? What damages should her estate receive? (You will recall that she died). What about doctors who have a history of malpractice? Should they lose their license? If so, after how many instances of malpractice should they lose their license? Listen, there are bad lawyers - just as there are bad doctors. In our society, one should be responsible for one's actions. That includes doctors, lawyers, and everyone else.
  18. Nice try. How is the kool aid that you have been drinking? Lawyers have nothing to do with the fact that there is a flu shot shortage. The British government closed the company down because there was contamination. If the British had not taken this step and you and/or your kids were given a contaminated vaccine, do you think that the manufacturer should be held responsible?
  19. There goes the pot again calling the kettle black. The legal profession is no different than any other. There are bad lawyers, just as there are bad doctors, bad HMOs, bad presidents, bad gun owners etc. Based on your post, it looks like you are drinking too much of that kool aid that insurers and this administration are passing around.
  20. "The legal community in this country is evil." Talk about a broad brush. That sounds like one of those "exaggerations" that Bush was talking about last night. Let's put this in a light that you will understand. The NRA relies on lawyers to ensure the Second Amendment rights that you hold so dear.
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