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Everything posted by Peter

  1. Very good post.
  2. Edwards did nothing for him. It was the same as Gore not being able to win his home state. Kerry has no one but himself to blame. He should have picked Bob Graham if for no other reason than to win Florida. He has never lost an election in Florida and is a conservative Democrat. Who knows whether it would have changed the ultimate result. It would have given him a much better chance.
  3. If you want to go to McDonalds, go the intersection nearest your house rather than the Champs Elysee. P.S. I never said that Europeans "mistreat" Americans who go to McDonalds. They think it is funny -- as do I -- that someone would spend thousands of dollars to travel abroad but eat at a restaurant that you could eat at every day while at home.
  4. My wife is from the Netherlands. We go there to visit family a couple times a year. I have never had a problem. In general, the Europeans (and other people around the world) know a lot more about what is happening here than we do about what is happening around the world. Europeans like to discuss what is happening in the US just as we do on this board. I have been to Europe probably 25 times. I have never had a problem. The type of Americans that Europeans laugh at are the ones that go to Europe (or elsewhere) and would rather go to a McDonalds (for example) than experience whatever that particular country has to offer. Their view (with which I agree) is, if you are going to spend the money and time to go to another country, why bother going to McDonalds etc. Anyway, I am jealous. You should have a great time. When I was single and would travel in Europe, I had some very good trips to Europe . . . .
  5. Congratulations to all of you who supported Bush. As one of the few Republicans on this board who has not been in lock step with GWB over certain issues, I really hope that you are right about this guy. I am more inclined to agree with the American Conservative Magazine's assessment. Nevertheless, I truly hope that the next four years will unite not only the party, but the country as well. I look forward to Bush fulfilling his campaign promises of four years ago. I also hope that the administration will heed GWB's admonition that we should not have an "arrogant" foreign policy. We really do have a war on terrorism. To win that war, we will need all of our allies around the world. I am hopeful that, now that he does not have to pander to any "base," GWB will see the wisdom of being a paleo conservative and one that does not have to cater to the various extremes in the party. Congratulations to both GWB and the Bushies on this board. Let's hope that it is a great four years.
  6. He either is going to: A. Clear brush; or B. Get his Phd at Harvard in chaos theory.
  7. Good post.
  8. Primarily, the neoconservative agenda and the blind devotion to extremists in the party. For a good discussion of this, read Pat Buchanan's new book, "Where the Right Went Wrong," and Scott McConnell's piece in the American Conservative Magazine.
  9. I hope that, by that time, we have a Republican party in which he is capable of winning the nomination.
  10. As the American Conservative magazine said, the best thing for the Republican party and traditional Republicans would be for Bush to lose. He and the neoconservatives have done more harm than good. If, in fact, Bush loses, there is going to be a lot of soul searching within the party. Ultimately, the party will go back to its Reagan roots (I hope). If you are a (traditional) Republican, there is a silver lining if Bush loses. If you are a neoconservative, your agenda will be blamed for bringing down this administration.
  11. I was in line at 6:40 a.m. here in Miami this morning. It was a huge turnout. There already was a very long line. It took almost two hours. This election may have the largest turnout in U.S. history.
  12. You are correct.
  13. I guess GWB really just meant "alive." This tape is another example that we did not take care of business and that the Iraq adventure was a diversion from what should have been our number one goal. With OBL, Bush and Cheney did not have to make strained arguments that he had anything to do with 9/11 or Al Qaeda as they did with Saddam. I remember a couple of you have posted statements such as how do we know that we did not take care of business and OBL is not already dead because we have not heard from him in so long. Now we have heard from him. It will be interesting to see how voters react to this videotape. Will they think that this videotape is: 1. another reason to vote for GWB because supposedly he is "better on terrorism" or 2. another reason to vote for JK because the Bush team took their eye off the ball. We shall see on Tuesday.
  14. Jim Kelley held his line responsible. I will never forget his run in with Howard Ballard.
  15. Supposedly, the guy on the tape is an American whose original name is Adam Pearlman. How in the world did someone by the name of Adam Pearlman become a member of Al Qaeda?????
  16. I like MM, but I saw absolutely no reason to run Wade out of town. I think that the guys who complained that he did not wear a headset are the same guys that are blaming Drew for only getting two seconds on average before the pocket collapses or for interceptions tipped by his own teammates.
  17. This whole thing is a friggen witch hunt. I used to think that we had the best fans. Now, I have serious doubts. I love how unforgiving some of you guys are and so quick to blame one guy regardless of whose fault it is.
  18. Thanks guys for (unintentionally) proving Friedman's (and my) point with your posts: "the moderate center seems to be getting torn asunder."
  19. A Hole in the Heart Today's column is right on.
  20. He is correct. I do not blame him for not wanting to be the fall guy for everything. For the past few years, he has accepted all of the BS that has thrown his way. Enough is enough.
  21. I would not be surpised if some the guys on this board tried to blame Drew for this just as they seem to blame everything on him. Sarcasm off. No matter how you look at it, innocent people died for no reason at all. It truly puts everything else in perspective.
  22. I am still a member.
  23. Only one of the INTs was DB's fault. (Two were tipped and on one the receiver was being held). Yet, some of you guys will go ahead and blame everything on him. I have come to expect it.
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