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Everything posted by Peter

  1. I agree about your take re both Fromm and Tate Martell in this show. I am a Miami Hurricane fan and watched this after he decided to transfer. I think he has grown ups. some, but he did not come across well at all in that show. Fromm and his family, on the other hand, come across really well.
  2. Remember how many said Gilmore did not look happy when the Bills drafted him. I have no idea whether he is happy or not but the kid went to play college football in Utah. How disappointed could he be to be drafted by the Bills?!?
  3. It is his house in Nantucket. It must be his second home.
  4. I think you are correct about this.
  5. It really does look like it should be a Raiders' stadium. It is very impressive. That is what $1.9 B will get you. I wonder what the final price tag with be for the Rams' stadium. Last time I heard, it was about $5 B.
  6. Watching the video reminded me just how much fun Roscoe was to watch. I think my heart rate went up watching the video. Roscoe could score on any play. His moves, speed, and ability to stop on a dime were amazing. I never understood some of the criticism from some of the keyboard jockeys. Roscoe had big brass you know what playing in the NFL given his size -- much more so than his critics.
  7. Let's hope it works out. We paid a lot for him . . . especially given the Hopkins trade. We shall see.
  8. Yes. I have season tickets to UM. He was tremendous in college. I have no idea what is going on in Cleveland, but Njoku is definitely worth a mid round pick (4th or 5th?) based on what I have seen - at least for some team.
  9. Ding ding ding. We have a winner. If we won, it always was "I" or "me" and, if we lost, it always was "we" or "us." If you ever meet a Buffalo Bill from that era, ask them what they thought of him. Never has a QB gotten so much credit for a great defense. His sycophants always seemed to think that we played with 11 little Fluties on offense and 11 little Fluties on defense when we won. To put the icing on the cake, he is friends with the guy who wanted to move the Bills to Toronto. His minions always seem to forget how this playoff game ended.
  10. Yes. We all knew who was running that draft and that Whaley was dead man walking. McDermott clearly wanted the Bills to hire "his" GM, which is what happened.
  11. Not taking Mahomes was a defining moment for McDermott. Trading all of the assets that we did to move up and then taking Allen was a defining moment for McDermott and Beane. We have all seen how the first decision worked out . . . we shall see about the rest.
  12. FWIW - I went to the Bills v. Jax game in London a few years ago and combined it with seeing my other "football" team, Arsenal, play. It was a great weekend (other than getting screwed over with that BS PI penalty that ruined our comeback). There were many Bills fans at both the Emirates to see Arsenal beat Everton as well as at Wembley for the Bills game. I met Bills fans from all over the US and world in London that weekend. If any of you have the chance to go, I would recommend it.
  13. Dorsey is a very bright guy who was one of the better college QBs purely based on his brain rather than his arm. I suspect that he is going to be a great OC with whichever team gives him an opportunity. As an aside, I saw a lot of improvement with Josh Allen from year one to year two. Dorsey seems to be doing a good job with him (of course, Josh is not a finished product by any stretch of the imagination).
  14. The NFL is doubling down on blindly penalizing Cody for a ridiculous blind side penalty.
  15. I cannot think of another instance where a penalty for a blind side block was called where an offensive lineman did what Cody Ford did. I would love for someone to link a video of another instance where such a penalty was called where the lineman did what Cody did. My guess is that even the most die hard Texan fan would have a hard time coming up with such a video. As an aside, it is shameful that some of our "fans" would react to Cody the way they did. We have some great fans . . . but others . . . not so much. Cody also said that he was coached to do what he did. I don't think he did anything wrong, but, if he is coached to do what he did, AND if there really is an issue with what he did, the blame (if there is any) lies elsewhere. Nevertheless, in my view, it was one of the worst calls to go against a Buffalo team and certainly negatively impacted on the Bills chances of winning the game. It is odd that each of the following critical calls went against the Bills: phantom blind side penalty, failure to call delay of game, and the after the fact re-writing of the NFL rule book to divine what the poor Texans' kick returner must have been thinking after the refs on the field called a TD. How is it that the back up refs on the sidelines can reverse a call that the refs on the field (and the ref closest to the play) made?!?!?
  16. The result really should not surprise anyone. The last time I checked, our strength of schedule was the weakest or one of the weakest in the NFL. We have not beaten anyone. I initially thought the Dallas win was a strong win only to discover that Dallas also has a weak strength of schedule. It is nice that the Bills fought back, but it should not surprise anyone that the Ravens won. Dare I say that our record is a bit of a mirage. I know we can only play who is on our schedule blah, blah, blah, but we need to look at the record in context.
  17. Agreed . . . except that Tyrod is very likable.
  18. I suppose it should not be surprising that the Bills came up short in a game that Doug Flutie attended.
  19. Is Flutie coming with his buddy who wanted to move the team?
  20. For some reason, this post attracted a lot of "hey kids, get off of my lawn" responses. Thanks OP. I enjoyed the post.
  21. I agree with some of what you say, but this again was like an annoying mosquito. Garrett is a huge and powerful man. There is no way he should have reacted like that. I also don't think that having a "hissy-fit" (especially after what Rudolph went through) is grounds for much of anything. I could live with a 15k fine or some other de minimis slap on the wrist (even though I don't think he deserves much of anything).
  22. if you take great personal offense to my choosing not to read 15 pages of this, so be it. Apologies. Nevertheless, I can guaranty that my not reading 15 pages of this BS is not because I am "lazy and ignorant." It is because I am smart enough to realize that I do not need to waste my time on this.
  23. I am not going to read 15 pages on this subject, but I dare say that, if Rudolph did exactly what he did, and Garrett did not swing his helmet, no one would be calling out for Rudolph to be suspended etc. What Rudolph did was like a mosquito pestering you while you are trying to eat dinner. What Garrett did was way over the line . . . especially doing it to a fellow NFLPA member who recently had a serious concussion. With or without the prior concussion, Garrett could have ended Rudolph's career (or even killed him). I was not singling you out per se, I was just commenting on the fact that there is no comparison between what the two guys did, and no justification for what Garrett did. Garrett also is freaking huge and powerful with or without the swinging helmet.
  24. Jerry is on to Cincinnati . . . oops, I mean Miami.
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