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Everything posted by Peter

  1. I take it that being the OC with Josh Allen and the Pegulas matching the Giants' giant offer had nothing to do with it . . . after we had to wait in suspense when we thought it was automatic. Other than that . . . .
  2. I suspect that there are a few other people who are not happy with McCoach . . . especially with how our season ended. As I have said before, I do not think that he should be fired, but his seat is a little bit warmer and he will not be given the benefit of the doubt that he has had thus far. It is going to be very interesting to see what happens with the Bills. Thus far, McD has been very fortunate with the strength of schedule and relatively few injuries and (most importantly) a GM who supports him.
  3. Fun story: I am friends with his sister. He was a coach in Tampa at the time of SB 25. The Bills had SB victory tee shirts made that they left in the locker room after the game. Mike retrieved one for me. I am not sure where I have it. I never had the heart to wear it.
  4. Wow. The Dolphins owner (Ross), who is a Michigan alum, previously said that he would not take him from Michigan. Maybe, he changed his mind if he thought that Harbaugh was going to leave in any event.
  5. Jordan Palmer is one hell of a QB guru.
  6. Josh called tails one week too early.
  7. If the Bengals win the toss and score a TD, I wonder how many Chiefs fans who defended the OT rules last week are going to change their minds.
  8. Why not give Gronk an opportunity to upgrade his QB? 😀
  9. Our coach(es) snatched defeat from the jaws of victory. it is going to be very interesting to see what happens next year. McCoach has been blessed with relatively easy schedules and relatively healthy squads. If I recall correctly, we were only 2-4 against playoff teams. We also screwed the pooch against Jacksonville of all teams. Ugh. We had a great opportunity to host the AFC Championship game - and should have. I have to believe that it would have been much more likely than not that we would have beaten the Bengals and would be in the SB. Such a wasted opportunity.
  10. I agree. This is on the coaches including McCoach. Mr. Detail surely saw how he was lined up and -- IF the call was to squib it rather than kick deep (and I am not sure it was) -- surely they would have noticed how deep he was and called a TO or got his attention rather than let happen what happened.
  11. The guy seized the opportunity he was given. He showed what he could do. How? Because he did it. Sure, go ahead and try to take it away from him. Let's all pretend that he did not perform the way he did when he was given the chance to play an extensive role. I am glad that you (unintentionally) admitted that you misstated my original point and are now backtracking. I also know you like to argue and get the last word in so I will let you get the last word in. I really don't care. God bless.
  12. My posts on the subject were not intended to be a McKenzie v. Beasley comment. I would love both of them to be on the team next year. It just so happened, when he played an entire game when Beasley was out, McKenzie exhibited what he is capable of doing. It just so happens, McKenzie had about as good a day any of our WRs had this year (with the exception of Gabriel Davis this past week). Another point, I used the phrase Beasley type of receiver in contradistinction to an outside receiver. In any event, I stand by my comment that McKenzie showed what he is capable of in the NE game there.
  13. I take it that English is not your first language. Please show me where in my original post I used the word "proven." I will wait. P.S. Actually, I am not going to wait. Spoiler alert: it is not there.
  14. As I said in the original post: "We have seen that he can be a special player." If you don't think that he played well and was a special player that day then good for you. P.S. By special, I mean a Beasley type receiver who also has high end speed. He also has shown he can run the ball on sweeps. P.P.S. I will leave it Beane to decide what to pay him if anything.
  15. As long as it is not Josh, I don't care.
  16. Watch the game against NE at NE. He showed what he is capable of doing. That is the f*cking proof. He was given an extended chance, and he was damn good. Don't listen to me. Ask Josh what he thinks of McKenzie. P.S. My original quote, which you misstated: ". . . we have seen that he can be a special player."
  17. Thank you for confirming that you did not understand my post. God bless.
  18. I actually think that McKenzie has a good head on his shoulders. Unlike a lot of people, he actually is preparing for life after football and opened up a BBQ place down here in Miami that is getting rave reviews. See below. He did not pour millions in a recording studio or some other ridiculous thing. He also is well liked by his teammates and we have seen that he can be a special player. I honestly don't understand some of the criticism. Miami New Times rated his BBQ restaurant (La Traila) as the best BBQ restaurant in Miami: Miami New Times
  19. You missed the point (both are suburbs of the respective larger cities), but thanks for playing.
  20. Orchard Park is not in Buffalo.
  21. This is ideal for us. I am glad he is going to the Giants and the NFC rather than the Dolphins or an AFC team.
  22. Jury still out on Allen?!? The jury has delivered its verdict. Josh Allen is the best QB in the history of the Buffalo Bills and each appellate court including the Supreme Court has affirmed. Not to be outdone, the World Court in The Hague even found in favor of Josh.
  23. There is no way that the coaches threw the game . . . but the coaching was SO BAD they effectively threw the game without intending to do so. From a coaching standpoint, that is bad enough. If I am a player, I also would be pissed off with McD's attempt to be cute by saying the problem with the kick was "execution." McD should come clean and say what happened. I have a really hard time buying that T. Bass ignored or forgot what he was told. Also, McD had to have known every call at the end of the game (and had the opportunity and authority to overrule any one of them - especially given the time outs taken) or made the calls himself or in concert with with the coordinators. The whole thing was a cluster f*&$k. P.S. To be sure: I do NOT think that McD should get fired. I am not saying that at all. I do think, however, that he probably lost some respect in the locker room though - especially by using the word "execution." He would have been better off coming clean about the kick and saying that, if he had to make that call and the defensive calls all over again, he would have made different calls. We all make mistakes . . . maybe not as epically bad as the ones the coaches made at the end of this game.
  24. I cannot think of bigger coaching blunders in the entire history of the Buffalo Bills than the decisions our coach/coaches made from the kickoff through each defensive call until the end of the game. This is especially true given the magnitude of the game.
  25. McCoach should come clean on exactly what happened. I think he was being way too cute by saying it was "execution." On WGR, Sal and/or Joe said that, by saying it was "execution," McCoach was not throwing someone under the bus. I think it is actually the opposite. I cannot say 100% what happened, but I doubt that Bass did anything other than what he was told. I also have to believe that McCoach heard exactly what the special teams coach told Bass (or he told Bass himself). Whatever happened, it was a blunder that will haunt us for the entire off season. P.S. Even though I thought it was a huge mistake that stopped us from a wonderful opportunity to move on and potentially win the SB, I am NOT one of those people who thinks he should be fired. People make mistakes and this certainly was a big mistake. Nevertheless, there has been a lot more good than bad. Of course, McC has been helped tremendously by the fact that we have our first franchise QB in many years - as well as Brian Daboll who appears to be on his way to being a HC (or at least deserves to be one).
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