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Mr. Dink

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Everything posted by Mr. Dink

  1. Damn, good deal
  2. In the words of Nancy Kerrigan: WHHHHHHHYYYYYYYY?
  3. Funny you should say that. When I was having my wisdom teeth removed the dentist performing the procedure was playing Nickelback. What an experience.
  4. H As in: All HAIL King Doorknob
  5. Couldn't agree more. I don't want to turn this into a WGR thread, but yesterday morning HoSi was complaining that the Bills hadn't hired a coach yet and that he wished they would just hurry up and hire someone and get it over with. Why would you sacrifice the next 3-4 years to "just hurry up and hire someone"??? They need to be patient and they need to be certain that they hired the right man for this job when it's all said and done. The endless "reports" are tiresome, but I'll gladly put up with them for a few more weeks if it means the Bills waited for their guy.
  6. I actually liked those jerseys. They fell into the category of so-ugly-that-they're-pretty-sweet.
  7. Greenish purple is nice
  8. You told him to google "Deep Throat".....
  9. Wasn't Shanahan impressed with the Bills?
  10. Please... It totally spoiled parents,.....Where was Texas Tech Fb before Leach.....Yeah,... no where coldstorage5 doesn't have a problem with storing a player in a cool shed...
  11. Thanks for the news flash
  12. This is alot like that time when that other thing happened.
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