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Everything posted by richjk21

  1. I read this story today ... and was just dumbfounded .... what kind of parent does something like this?? http://www.cnn.com/2004/EDUCATION/12/08/je...l.ap/index.html
  2. I Agree ... I like it almost as well as mine...
  3. 31 - 9 Bills
  4. Many Happy returns of the day!!!!
  5. Agreed ... My wife and I saw it this weekend and found it thoroughly entertaining. Especially if you don't try to overthink it, and list all the reasons the story is not plausible. Remember ... it is entertainment, and if you're trying to figure out how/why something in the movie (any movie) happened, there's always a simple answer...... it's in the script.
  6. Here's some of it from MSNBC As unhappy as Rams coach Mike Martz was with his team's performance, he was livid about what he called cheap shots by the Bills. The Rams lost three cornerbacks to injuries: starter Travis Fisher and backup DeJuan Groce to knee injuries in the first half, and backup Kevin Garrett to a concussion in the third quarter. Rams receiver Torry Holt also accused Clements of trying to hurt him by going after his knees during a tackle in the third quarter. "Absolutely, they were doing it intentionally,'' Martz said. "They are trying to blow somebody's knee out. There's no question about it. It worked.''
  7. Bank Accounts .... I thought it was teeth
  8. 6PM on the left coast ...... plenty early for kids/family ... and I don't think it was so much her in the towel, as when she dropped it and jumped up and wrapped her arms and legs around TO
  9. 94% 7Miles
  10. or the energizer bunny........ B)
  11. Just the usual kickbacks for a home game ...... nothing moe than usual. Per their contract the really big payouts don't kick in until the playoffs.... it's a very incentive based system.
  12. I watched that one last night, and thought it was one of the best they have done. The way they paid attention to the special needs of every one in the family, the computers with the web cams so they could sign to each other from any room in the house. I thought the really amazing part was the wrap up at the end, when they came on and presented the 14 year old son (this kid is truly a saint) with a $50,000.00 college scholarship. I have an 11 year old daughter who volunteers in the developmentally disabled classroom at her elementary school. She spends every free minute she can in there, reading with the students, helping the teachers and assistants. She also has spent time trying to educate other kids in her class about these kids and their difficulties. Needless to say, even in this day and age, kids can still be pretty mean, but she's actually managed to get some of them to go with her and spend time in the class, and realize that they are just kids like them, with some unique challenges. needless to say my daughter is already planning on being a special education teacher, and was absolutely glued to the television for this entire episode.
  13. anyone else see this .... ?? http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,137632,00.html
  14. My 18 year old son voted in his first election yesterday. We didn't nag or harp on him, just handed him his ballot when it arrived (vote by mail is a great thing), and reminded him that unless you participate in the process, you lose your right to criticize.....
  15. Well I'm sure the Viagra... Levitra... Ciallis folks will be happy to here that
  16. I think is the best week I've had so far. Tied with one other person for the week at 11-2 going into tonights game. we both picked the jets over the fish, so assuming that plays out it's just a matter of who's closer on the points. As far as the two I missed I would have thought J'Ville over Houston, and Minnesota at home over the Giants were fairly safe picks. Ahhh well like they say.... it's why they play the game. B)
  17. Big Ben definitely looks like the real deal so far ......
  18. Many happy returns of the day
  19. No, ... I corrected the original posts "Not only did you write an asnine post, but know have compounded it with an asinine poll" improper use of the word "know" give me a little credit here ....
  20. Just had the same thing pop up on my Bills direct window.... Nothing like sending a perfectly clear mixed message .... you have to wonder if Mularky isn't truely in over his head...
  21. Right foot blue ..... Left hand red........
  22. With balsamic vinegar ???
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