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Everything posted by richjk21

  1. Nahhh .... it's just the latest bit of bling all the real money players have to have ... the rotating wheels on their escalade are so last season .... this year it's the chromed rotating cup ....
  2. We are going on Sabbatical this summer. One of the nice benefits of my job.... every 7 years you get an 8 week paid sabbatical, which can be combined with your regular vacation. We're tacking one week on the end. And we're doing a huge loop around the country, including stops at the Grand Canyon, San Antonio Texas, Florida, NC, Williamsburg Va., Washington DC, almost three weeks in Buffalo in July/August, Mount Rushmore, Yellowstone and Glacier natl park. T minus 80 days and counting!!!!
  3. Congrats from a fellow Bills fan in Oregon!
  4. Careful .... seems just the mention of "Ed" in a thread is all it takes to make it dissapear.....
  5. Not sure if this was posted ... didn't see it http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/7265804/
  6. Depew/40/Hillsboro, Oregon
  7. Ummmm... don't you mean Vincent??
  8. Ain't that the truth.... I lived in Charleston, SC for 9 years and literally not a day goes by that you can't pick up the daily paper and find at least one, if not several references to the "Great War of Northern Agression".... Always loved it when I'd get into the damn yankee discussions and they'd hit me with "the souths gonna do it again.... and I'd just look at them and say .... what?? ... lose??
  9. First one that popped into my mind as well...
  10. Have A great trip!!!, Sounds like a really good time. I'm looking forward to mine this summer. Big huge loop around the country (including almost 3 weeks home in Buffalo) with major stops at Grand Canyon, San Antonio, Fl, DC, Mt Rushmore, Yellowstone, and Glacier Natl park. One of the nice things about my job.... 8 week paid sabbatical every 7 years, and can be combined with regular vacation. I'm tacking an extra week on the end of mine. Rich
  11. Truely ..... does this guys tongue never get tired ??
  12. weet, huh ??? is that anything like woot ??
  13. I don't see the problem .... Game starts at 3, over by 8 at the latest ...
  14. Ask and ye shall receive.... From Their website, Watch the first five episodes of SCI FI's newest smash-hit series back to back. — Tuesday, Feb. 8, starting at 7/6C
  15. Reminded me of my kids favorite DS9 joke... Q: Where does the dominion overseer go to the bathroom ? A: The Vorta-john Hey I said it was a kids joke
  16. See my post with link below ...
  17. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6890519/
  18. There's a guy in the county lockup out here who was a "serial panty thief" They caught the guy with over 2200 pairs. He was going into laundry rooms at dorms & college town apartment complexes to do his pilfering. Right now he's being held as the prime suspect in the disappearance of a missing coed. They matched drier lint from some of his ill gotten booty, with the dryer in the apartment where the girl was last seen.
  19. Maybe ..... In some kind of bizarro alternate universe!!
  20. I thought he said it depends on what happens "early in the game" As in how the starters are clicking will decide how long he leaves them in.
  21. nawww .. man ... Dave's not here ....
  22. Seriously .... you think they'd eventually get tired of licking Michael Vicks A$$!
  23. If any of you Tivo guys are looking for this play, it's at 2hours 14minutes into the recording, assuming you started at 1:00 PM straight up.
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