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Everything posted by richjk21

  1. Ahhh... but you get two 10 episode seasons a year ... I actually kind of like the way they have it set up, with the {half} seasons starting in January and July
  2. WooHoo.... thanks for the heads up!!!
  3. Both inches ..... or just one ??
  4. I don't think the weeks of repeats have muh to do with the production schedules, as you see the same thing with other long established shows. It's more the fact that they don't make enough episodes to fill a full TV season anymore. Hence the reason the season doesn't start until the end of september now, and why they fill a lot of the non "ratings sweeps" periods with repeats.
  5. My initial reaction to the "you have to lift it up" statement was that Desmond was referencing the hatch. I may be completely off base but it was my immediate thought when he said it. I must say, however, that I was shocked to actually realize it was him inside the hatch. I thought the first scene was a flashback of Sawyer. This show just keeps getting better. 452477[/snapback] I think the lift it up was more of a spiritual reference meant to highlight the wole man of science vs man of faith theme (the episode title was "Man of science Man of faith") and I think the fact that Jack had no idea whatsoever what Desmond meant by this reference clearly underscored which he is. On a totally seperate note I have this theory I want to float here that may seem totally off the wall, but hey... if it pans out as being true then I'm a genious right?? I'm thinking it's not just a figure of speach when Desmond refers to jack as "brother" I think somewhere down the line it will come ot that he is jacks half brother. Feel free to shoot my theory full of holes
  6. They're all back in the Buffalo area mostly ...... We've been out here about 8 years. We ended up here by way of 14 years of military life. Actually moved here from Hawaii. Us oregonians, we gotta stick together
  7. It's funny... my relatives (from back home) have actually argued with me about it .... Like I don't know how to pronounce the state where we live .... and don't even get me stated on Willamette.....
  8. And the ones who do know it exists don't know how to pronounce it
  9. I love the shot where TKO is slapping himself in the helmet yelling LETS GO .... LETS GO....
  10. What do you expect from an ex QB named Norman...
  11. Also on front page of MSNBC right now.....
  12. Glad I wasn't the only one ...... are they trying to reach out to the Nascar crowd or what ???
  13. But running down meter maids is still okay ..... right??
  14. Okay here's one, if you highlight all the text in the all flights cancelled announcement, including the letters se just to the right of the "important announcement all flights cancelled header, and then right click and copy, then paste it into a word document you get two hidden messages one from Sally, and one from robert, and ....... you get a photo of a pink paper titled "Lost Exodus part II revised pink confidential... it's a script page Here is a link to it on my personal page site... http://home.comcast.net/~rrisc/script.htm
  15. Or more probable .... something along the lines of "Oh no, not again".
  16. 5 minutes with AD .... how is that kinder ??? let alone gentler...
  17. My thought exactly
  18. Ring Ring ring .... Him: Hello Her: Hi my name is Jane, I met you at a party 6-8 weeks ago.... you said I was a good sport. Him: Jane .... right, how are you? Her: I'm pregnant... and I'm going to jump out the window! Him: Hey ..... you ARE a good sport. Sorry.... I know this doesn't help, but that's one of my favorite George Carlin bits of all time.... and this so made me think of it.
  19. Yep .... NFL network (like the title said)
  20. Pretty cool spot ... Haslett's signing bonus, a plate of Wiings.... The 83 draft, Elway, Marino, Kelly .... and Mularky Just happened to be flipping through and caught it.
  21. I went to pull up the predict the opener thread, since I predicted we'd open at home against houston, and the thread is gone..... I searched all my posts .... and *poof*
  22. That was one hell of an ugly strike!!
  23. Blazing Saddles: Ron Mexico ....... we don't need no stinking Ron Mexico
  24. Semiconductor industry ..... and actually, yes.
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