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Everything posted by richjk21

  1. The ultimate firecracker roll !! http://media1.mycrazyvideos.com/mediaFiles...te_firework.wmv
  2. Locked .... Can't remember where I read it but it was something to the effect that the door is 40% stronger if locked than unlocked.
  3. whadda ya mean "looks like" ??
  4. I'm on the verge of not renewing for this year myself. I just didn't get the enjoyment out of it last year. I am however getting Center Ice for the full year next year... I jumped in at the half price/half year point this year and enjoyed the hell out of it!!! One thing about the Sunday ticket ... If things do look up this season, you could always jump in at the half way point when they drop the price. Rich
  5. A nice, calm & respectable woman went into a pharmacy, looked the pharmacist straight into his eyes & said, "I would like to buy some cyanide." The pharmacist asked, "Why in the world do you need cyanide?" The woman replied, "I need it to poison my husband." The pharmacist's eyes got big & he exclaimed, "Lord, have mercy! I can't give you cyanide to kill your husband! That's against the law! I'll lose my license! They'll throw both of us in jail! All kinds of bad things will happen! No! You CANNOT have any cyanide!" The woman reached into her purse & pulled out a picture of her husband in bed with the pharmacist's wife. The pharmacist looked at the picture & replied, "Well, now, that's different. You didn't tell me you had a prescription." Rich
  6. I'm right there with ya brother ....
  7. Here's Dudley, He's 5 http://home.comcast.net/~rrisc21/Dud.jpg And here's Shadow, She's 8 http://home.comcast.net/~rrisc21/Shadow.jpg
  8. Semiconductor engineer
  9. Everyone needs a little variety now and again ....
  10. Have you been down there to see it ??? I keep saying I need to, with as close as it is, but still haven't made it yet...
  11. Many happy returns of the day!
  12. Sweeeeeeettttt!!!! OT Victory!!!!!
  13. I've met all your payment demands .... you've survived all the regime changes.... now give me those negatives dammit!!!
  14. Another awesome game .... thank you to all of you who were pitching the center ice package.... It feels great to have a team you can watch and get excited about!!!!
  15. The short answer ... because February sweeps hadn't started yet ...
  16. I picked up the center ice package when they dropped the price to the half season rate, and I'm already 10 times more satisfied than I was wit hthe sunday ticket this year!!!
  17. Yes ... had it at work the other day ... not bad, but I still prefer diet coke with lime Diet Black Cherry Vanilla Added: 1/25/2006 ;Updated: 1/25/2006 5:46:42 PM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BevNET Review: While this product has many of the same branding issues as its regular counterpart, we do believe that this version has a better flavor. The diet variety is lighter and doesn't have the syrupy body of the original, but it does have a mild sweetener aftertaste. Given the current state of the CSD category, it is our opinion that the diet version has a bigger long term potential than the regular variety -- especially if it performs anything like Diet Cherry Vanilla Dr Pepper.
  18. I also loved how he went on about the team having a personality .... pretty interesting comment from someone who as far as I can tell has none....
  19. Adding Mera and her family to our prayers
  20. I am .... of course for me it starts at 7:00 PM, ... but I do get up at 4:00 AM so it still counts.
  21. Ummmm .... he was our offensive coordinater, for at least part of the season .... and he was still an ass clown!
  22. I don't think so. I myself am glad for the offset between the winter and summer games. I get much more psyched for the winter games anyway, but that's just my personal preference.
  23. He liked the place so much .... he decided to come back full time ???
  24. 5-1 now at the end of 1 .... I actually had to do a double take on that one ....
  25. just said on the halftime report ... torn knee ligaments
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