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Everything posted by Mickey

  1. Well, its not really all speculation. He was checked out by the team doctors after the surgery, in fact, that is the last time Brandon saw Peters. The other side, that the injury is a factor in the holdout is relying entirely on speculation.
  2. I have had it with you and all your facts and fancy "logic".
  3. Whitner is not underpaid, pro bowler or not, I wouldn't support a hold out by a player looking for more money when he is already being adequately compensated. Whitner was what, the 8th pick in the draft? His initial contract, signed by the way after a hold out, was huge. Peters' first contract was for league minumum and despite the first extension they did, he is still underpaid. In fact, I am not sure anyone during this whole debate has ever seriously argued that he isn't currently underpaid. Slippery slope arguments can be made in any situation and are usually intellecuatly empty. I think it was an old Woody Allen movie where one of his characters said of slippery slope arguments that "...if every one in Russion ordered blintzes on a tuesday there would be chaos..." Fortunately, it is extremely unlikely that everyone is going to order a blintz tommorow and it is just as unlikely that we will have a long line of objectively underpaid pro bowlers on our hands resulting in hold out chaos.
  4. Since it would be limited to guys who made the pro bowl and who are significantly underpaid, I don't think it would be a very long line, do you? How many guys like that do we have? Oh yeah, one. We already have a slew of guys getting high pay for low performance for which we can heartily applaud the front office.
  5. Well, without us running the show the team as had to become a part time Toronto franchise to make ends meet and haven't made the playoffs since cell phones were the size of suitcases. So I am not sure we could do much worse. Besides, we wouldn't have extended Schobel so we would have had plenty of money to "waste" on Peters on his ascent rather than on a guy on the backside of his career.
  6. I love JP but that has been my main complaint with him since day one, he is simply not very accurate on those shorty-short-short routes.
  7. I think they should at least negotiate with him and see what kind of deal they can get. If they can live with it, great, if not, then they don't really have many options but to either play hardball and hope he caves or, eventually, trade him.
  8. He skipped the frist 4 days of off season practice in March of 2007 but the point is that he didn't have to hold out because the team conceded that he should get a new deal even though he had 3 years left and conceded that in February of 2007 which gave them plenty of time to get the numbers worked out before camp, which they did. He actually signed 2-3 weeks in but he said himself that the deal was done before camp except for some details. You may be right about Brandon but neither he nor his supporters can have it both ways. You can't justify the disparate treatment by saying its a new GM while at the same time arguing that if Peters came in to camp, he would get that new deal because the Bills have a track record of extending guys out. Those extensions were not done by Brandon. It isn't fair to credit the team for being willing to pony up extra coin for top level performance when the current regime has no track record of doing that. I am not faulting Brandon for this whole mess by the way. Parker's job is to get a good deal for Peters and he hasn't done that. Plus, it was his advice that got Peters where he is now, playing for far less than he is worth (one of the many reasons I think that if Peters does have to pay fines, Parker reduce his fees accordingly). Brandon's job is to keep our best players on the field without exceeding the cap. He isn't doing that either.
  9. Looks like we hopefully dodged one. Maybe this near disaster will bring both sides to their senses.
  10. Actually it does unless you think that UDFA's changing positions and making it to the pro bowl early in their career happens all the time. It is a very rare occurrence, not one I would bank on. Assuming we got that lucky again, that would mean Bell would be worthy of starting in his third year, not now.
  11. If he makes the pro bowl, yeah, he probably will so I guess we should hope that he sucks because otherwise we might have to give him a raise. It is so annoying, good players wanting to get more money than mediocre players. What lunacy.
  12. What a story, such plot twists. Its like a spanish language soap
  13. Whew.....still hope we can get through the season without having to got to Chambers
  14. I think it is Brandon making the call, I suggest a friendship bouquet from FTD with a card that says "Could we start again please?"
  15. Jeez, who was it who said we had "peckerhead" peters and his "punk" agent by the sac?
  16. jauron quoted as saying walker's injury is "not a good one"
  17. I am not sure that one is all that new, didn't Lynch score a few tds last year on draws? I know he had one against the broncos...but yeah, this is night and day play calling from last year
  18. Which JP saga? We have had several.
  19. McGee always scores a defensive or st TD against the colts.
  20. When you are an anvil, hold you still When you are a hammer, strike your fill.
  21. Respectfully, I totally disagree. Schobel got his extension with 3 years left and after he had made the pro bowl for the first time. Peters made it for the first time last year but got serious consideration the year before, his first as a starter and when he spent a good chunk of the year at RT. Arguably, Peters has done far more to establish that he is no flash in the pan than Schobel who took many years to flash even once and now is on the backside of his career. As for his committment, he didn't just join the team this year. He was drafted in 2004 so they have had 3 years to see his committment. Going from a TE on special teams to replacing a 4th overall pick at RT and then to pro bowl status at LT garnering gushing praise from a veteran defensive MVP doesn't happen for a guy who is mailing it in. He has played pro bowl level for two years, as an unknown from nowhere on a struggling franchise, it just took a year for everyone else to see it. I posted an article showing how one nfl coach wanted to change his vote after playing against Peters in the last game of 2007 and Peter King had him on his 2007 ballot. As for his injury, the only people worried about that are here on the board. Brandon whined at the start of camp about Peters and certainly wouldn't have been shy to justify his hard line stance by using his injury. Oh, and there is that little fact about Peters coming to Buffalo to be checked out by the team doctors after his surgery. Besides, all that is moot anyway isn't it? Lets say he does as you say he should, comes in and has his 3rd "pro bowl" level season. Why would the team extend him next year when they don't have to? He will still have 2 years left on this deal and there is nothing that moots that contract for making the pro bowl once, twice or twenty times. So tell me, why would the situation be any different next year? Please don't tell me that the team would be willing to part with 20 million bucks just because they'll want to be nicey-nice. I would add that all those guys Brandon talked about the team having extended, were pretty much all extended when Marv was the GM, not Brandon. So far, I think all Brandon has done is sign one crop of rookies, Mitchell and Stroud. He has one of the best players on a team that hasn't made the playoffs in many a long year holding out with no end in sight and Lee Evans still doesn't have a new contract.
  22. The first step towards that goal is for the team to agree that he will get a new deal this year and for Peters to accept that promise to negotiate and come on in to camp. From that point they just have to fire up the fax machines. Once that hurdle is cleared, the numbers will fall into place pretty quickly since I don't really think there is a great deal of disagreement over just how good Jason is. Whatever quibbling there is on that point can be fixed with contingencies and bonuses.
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