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Everything posted by Mickey

  1. I have actually cited, linked and discussed those very same quotes. However, there are a number of sources that contradict these which this poster has not linked or cited or discussed. I am not accusing him of doing that on purpose of course, no big deal. There are those on the other side however who insist on perfect balance in every post contrary to their view while requiring no balance at all in the posts of those who share their viewpoint. Those posting most frequently that Peters has a point which include myself, Bill in NYC and Kelly, have repeatedly written about the front offices stance, stating in general that we certainly understand where they are coming from so I am not sure who you mean when you refer to those who "fail to recognize" the front office's view point. I recognize it perfectly well, I just don't agree with it is all. That strategy is resulting in us not having a pro bowl LT starting on Sunday or anytime soon. Is that a success for the front office? Not if winning football is your primary concern. I still have a hard time believing he won't report in time to save his game check. I also think we have caught a break on this first game as Seattle has some defensive injuries and is playing on the road. Even if he doesn't come back, I still think we will win on Sunday. The ensuing weeks however worry me.
  2. I have posted the links many times and I just don't have time to martial them all for you. Besides, if I post them yet again, I will get taken to task for being on a crusade and/or repeating myself. Do a search on my posts and you will find them. Several recent articles you can acces on the front page here, including the one by Graham at ESPN everyone was raving about stated in no uncertain terms that the Bills will not negotiate a new deal with him this for this year. You ignore the most important part of the quote you use above, the part where Brandon stated that they expected Peters to honor the committment he made to the team 2 years ago. The committment he made is his current contract. "Honoring" it means to continue playing under that contract. Even putting all the contrary information aside consider the logic here, every hold out in history that ended in a contract being agreed to involved negotiations with the player not in camp. So why on earth is that the keystone upon which all else depends? What is the excuse for not negotiating with him prior to camp, in February, March, April, May, June? Putting aside all information to the contrary and putting aside logic, lets just look at what you consider to be proof, ie, the above quotes. All Brandon really states in that quote is that with regard to a new deal (at no specified point in time) they would "never say never". Is that what you consider to be a committment to negotiate a new deal for this year if he comes to camp? I can imagine the conversation with Jason and his agent. Why should I come to camp Gene? Because, they said 'never say never', its a done deal Jason. Some of the other deals he talks about the team having done were done with Marv Levy as the GM, not Brandon. Besides, "Gee we have done it with other guys..." is not a committment to do anything. Take Schobel, they approached him in 2007 right after the Kelsay deal, conceding immediately that he deserved a new deal for that year. That is exactly what they have not done with Peters. So much for citing what they have done for others. Anyway, go back and read the quotes and articles etc which state very clearly that the team will not give him a new deal for this year, period, I would enjoy reading your take on them and I think you will find, even if you still disagree with me, that my position is well founded.
  3. Best OL coach in the league? Oh...that explains our putrid offense over the last 4 years. The Bills didn't "make him", he would have had no trouble signing a UDFA with plenty of teams. No body waived a wand and granted him 3 wishes, he worked hard and has freakish talent. He is already hated by the fans. "...looks serviceable..." well that is encouraging. That is what you want to hear about a team that hasn't made the playoffs since the Coolidge administration and fielded the worst offense in the history of the franchise just last year: "looks serviceable" If I told you 3 years ago that the Buffalo Bills could have a young all pro LT manning that critical spot for the next 6 years but they would have to pay him about as much as they are paying their left guard what would you have said?
  4. To which I would reply, I agree, he was very, very good in 2006, should have made the pro bowl. He was even better last year and in fact did make the pro bowl. I think he is very much a proven talent. But that is beside the point. No matter how well he plays in 2008, if he plays, there will still be 2 years left on his existing contract. Thus, the team could stiff him again if they wanted to couldn't they? What leverage would he have then that he doesn't have now? Lets say the team tells him no way again next year, what can he do then? Don't tell me what the team should do, tell me what they would have to do and why.
  5. How do we know what he is asking for or if they have even gotten that far? I know of no public statement or even anonymously sourced story which states what he is asking for. For all we know he just wants to be the highest paid lineman on the team. At some point the team will have to face paying him, trading him or get neither, isn't 2010 the first year without a CBA? Seems to me that if we really wanted Peters this bad, we ought to just pay him. Put in some contingencies if you really think he needs to prove himself for another year. But the team won't even talk about it. No new deal this year, period, end of story. So it really doesn't matter if his demands were reasonable or not, they won't even listen.
  6. The team will hold the same cards they hold this year, why would they or should they act any different than they are now? What would be Peters' play when they stiff him again in 2009? Why would it turn out any different than this year leverage wise? Besides, no one knows how much he would be asking for since the team flatly refuses to negotiate a deal, any deal, this year.
  7. Funny, that is what I heard 5 months ago, 4 months ago, 2 months ago, 2 weeks ago, last week and yesterday. We could wall paper the stadium with failed predictions that Peters will crawl back on Friday, on Tuesday at the end of the week, etc etc All this gnashing of teeth, mob hysteria and 3 year plans. Why not just freaking pay him his worth and be done with it? Cue the slippery slope argument. But if we paid him, the sun will disappear, mini skirts will be banned and the elders of zion will rule the earth.
  8. Don't even try to inject any sanity here, there is an angry mob mentality running amok. They would rather create a 4 year saga and waste anything that might actually help the team win for the sake of spite. Pay him his worth? Gawd no. Recoup the loss with a bunch of draft picks and allow him to get what he wants from a team who values his services more than the Bills do? Hell no.
  9. And that will help the team win games how?
  10. We apparently don't. After all, haven't you been reading the board, Peters is no good anyway, we don't need him, he is a locker room cancer, he is an idiot, he is damaged goods, he skippered the Exxon Valdez that fateful night..... If you can't get him on the field, seems stupid to "let him rot" as the angry mob would have it.
  11. Really, we should just cut him now shouldn't we? There is a name for this, its called hysteria.
  12. Sounds like there is more disruption on this board than in the locker room. What character issues are you aware of that caused him not to be drafted? So far all he has wasted is what? An extended vacation. Wait until its over before writing the eulogy.
  13. It is the classy thing to do though it angers a lot of people around here. Of course, if he did talk, there would be endless complaints about that too.
  14. So much for trying to kid around with you. Keep the venom coming, it tells us all we need to know about you.
  15. Cool, it still is possible to have some fun around here.
  16. Maybe, but it definitely wasn't a pro peters post demanding an anti peters screed. But so much for trying to have a little fun with this.
  17. Maybe they are too busy not negotiating with Peters to work things out with Lee. For all we know it could be a minor detail they are haggling over. Or it could be that they are worried that as soon as they make a deal with Lee, they can't use it as an excuse for why they can't negotiate with Peters for this year. Or maybe Lee's chromosome test came back XXY. It does seem kind of odd that 2 of the 3 best players on offense are having contract trouble. Coincidence? I think not bwahahahahahahaaha.
  18. What would that accomplish compared to trading him for a raft of high picks? Isn't the CBA over in 2010?
  19. Why would the Bills do that? Wouldn't a bevy of high draft picks be of more use?
  20. If you had, you might have noticed that they characterize Peter's past strategy as a mistake which he now regrets. I thought that would please you and for the sake of having a laugh at the whole situation, I decided to keep it that way. Clearly, you are too angry to have any fun with this, my mistake.
  21. Not knowing is certainly frustrating but mouthing off in public would just make it even harder to resolve the situtation. You are right about what would happen if he came in tomorrow but the only way that could have been avoided is if Peters decided to play another year on his current contract or if the team agreed to talk about a new deal for this year. Neither side has been willing to bend at all. At most, for now anyway, Peters may eventually have to pay some fines and the team is going to have to deal with the consequences, if any, from the problems you describe. Its too bad but nothing we can do about it but hope it ends soon.
  22. Don't be so conservative, its probably the end of humanity, maybe even of life in this galaxy, the universe even. Its certainly the end of your sense of humor. Relax.
  23. Just to show I am a good sport and because the elation of opening day is creeping into my nether regions, here is a modified version of "Guy Love" from Scrubs just for you: Mickey: Let's face the facts about me and you, A love unspecified. Though I'm proud to call you "Chocolate Bear," The crowd will always talk and stare. Jason Peters: I feel exactly those feelings, too And that's why I keep them inside. 'Cause this bear can't bear the world's disdain, And sometimes it's easier to hide, Than explain our Mickey and Jason: Guy love, That's all it is, Guy love, He's mine, I'm his, There's nothing gay about it in our eyes. Jason: You ask me 'bout this thing we share, Mickey: And he tenderly replies, Jason: It's guy love Duet: Between two guys. Jason: We're closer than the average man and wife, Mickey: That's why our matching bracelets say Mickey and Jason. Jason: You know I'll stick by you, for the rest of my life. Mickey: You're the only man who's ever been inside of me. Jason: Whoa, I just took out his apendix. Mickey: There's no need to clarify, Jason: Oh no? Mickey: Just let it grow more and more each day. It's like I married my best friend, Jason: But in a totally manly way. Duet: Let's go! It's guy love, Don't compromise, The feeeling of some other guy, Holding up your heart, Into the sky. Mickey: I'll be there to care through all the lows. Jason: I'll be there to share the highs. Duet: It's guy love, Between two guys. Mickey: And when I say, "I love you, Jason," It's not what it implies. Duet: It's guy love...Between...Two...Guys
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