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Everything posted by Mickey

  1. Wish I had the time to search out all the posts that said they don't want him back.
  2. Hmmm....that sounds vaugely familiar Kelly, where have I heard that before, give me a minute...it'll come to me.
  3. Yeah, no way he would have got hurt had he played RT instead of LT that game. Your logic is flawless. Jason also wasn't around when Marshawn ran over your girlfriend, I guess that's his fault. Who knows, maybe Russia wouldn't have invaded Georgia....I guess we'll never know for sure but it really makes you think.
  4. How can you say that? Haven't you heard? It was the greatest betrayal since Judas, the players all hate his guts, he is a has-been, he was covering up a devastating injury, he kills kittens and it was him on the grassy knoll.
  5. Odds aren't set by what the experts think the actual results will be, they are set by what the experts think the bettors think the results will be. Which is simply the reason that explains up your observation that there is a delay between when performance catches up with reputation. It takes awhile for the betting pubic to change their minds on how good or bad a team is. Opening weeks are weird. They are the only game where the staff has an unlimited amount of time to prepare and game plan for and it is the one game where there is no recent film on their opponents. In 3-4 weeks, teams start to hit their stride and you can see better if they are the real deal.
  6. I had a death in the family so I was out of town. Please show where I predicted any such thing. I said many times that what the team lost was Peters services for x number of games, however long it took for DJ to decide to start him and that only time would tell if it would cost us. In fact, I spefically predicted that we would get by Carolina. "I also think we have caught a break on this first game as Seattle has some defensive injuries and is playing on the road. Even if he doesn't come back, I still think we will win on Sunday. The ensuing weeks however worry me." Link And here are some others: "So far it hasn't cost either anything. On Sunday though, we will be without a pro bowl LT manning the blind spot and Walker where he belongs, at RT. That may or may not cost us a win. Either way, it won't cost Peters anything." "Either the team is going to suffer for his absence on the field or they won't. If the former, the team might decide they need him on the field and if the latter, Peters will have lost enough leverage to hopefully reconsider." So, I have to ask, why do you keep lying?
  7. And it wasn't just one season, he was very, very good his first year as a starter which is why he was moved to LT that year and also why he ended up on plenty of pro bowl ballots though he didn't actually make it. Peter King for example had him on his ballot. Hopefully, this will be his third year as a very, very good OT.
  8. We will never know the details but Peters said that wasn't a big deal, that they were talking to his agent and that for himself, he wasn't the one to talk to about numbers. And I think you are correct, that Peters and his agent didn't engage in a media war will be very helpful in the long run. Brandon however did have that "track record of silence" press conference and sure enough, Peters was asked about that specific comment. Brandon stopped talking in public after that and it doesn't look like anything he said that first time did any damage to his relationship with Peters.
  9. I won't torture anyone by reposting the lyrics to "Could we start again, please?" but that is certainly a worthwhile sentiment. He showed up finally and he is apparently in as good a shape as possible under the circumstances so he wasn't, as many uncharitably speculated, sitting on his keester dowing whoppers by the score or hiding some catastrophic injury. I don't think you are a hypocrite at all and in fact, I admire that after whatever anger you might have had over the situation, you are willing to let it go and remember what a decent guy and good ball player Peters is. There are others who were far harsher on Peters and they will have to figure out on their own what to do now that they are faced with the reality that Peters is not in fact the anti-christ. Alls well that ends well.
  10. I think they should build a new stadium in that quarry you can see from I90 near Batavia that is open enough on the ends to make the sheer rock walls visible and that is sunken low enough withing the quarry so the rock walls on the sides are visible rising above the upper deck. The name? the Rockpile of course It would also be substantially closer to Rochester, Syracuse, Utica and Albany as compared to Orchard Park.
  11. And they didn't, until monday and within days he was in. Now what would have happened if they went to him in February?
  12. Never said Peters "won", instead of lying, show me where I said what you claim I did. I posted my quotes, going back weeks. I said this wouldn't cost him anything, and it hasn't. I said this would cost the team his services for the first few games. It has. Will it cost them in the win column? No one knows that yet. If it doesn't than neither side lost much of anything.
  13. They would not discuss a new deal for this year and it has been widely reported. Where have you been? As for next year, the team would hold the exact same cards they have this year, minus one year. They would still "own his a..." as so many of the Peters haters have said. Why would they have to pay him then anymore than they did this year? He would still be a pro bowler just as he is this year. That may have been what Parker was thinking would be the worst case scneario, hold out doesn't work, he reports in time to save his game checks, fines get waived and they lay the ground work to make it very hard for the team to screw him over next year if he continues to perform. I think I posted that very notion:
  14. 1. What did this cost Peters? 2. What did this cost the team? So far it hasn't cost either anything. On Sunday though, we will be without a pro bowl LT manning the blind spot and Walker where he belongs, at RT. That may or may not cost us a win. Either way, it won't cost Peters anything.
  15. How so? Worked out exactly as predicted. see all the quoted posts above
  16. Why? It played out exactly as I thought it would and said so many, many times.:
  17. I think the Game Plan is to "Lynch" the Seahawks. Lots and lots of the Beast.
  18. In the end, I think you are right, Brandon didn't "cave" but at the same time, Peters hasn't "lost" diddly. He will get his game checks, the fines, none of which he has yet paid, will likley be waived. So what did Peters lose by giving the hold out a shot? If Brandon had moved, he would have gained millions, as it is, he lost zip. A gamble where you have everything to gain and nothing to lose is a gamble worth taking. On top of that, I rather think he has laid the ground work nicely for a new deal next year. The team will have the same cards and could stiff him again. However, count the posts hereabouts where people said he should play "one more year" on this deal and the team should definitly reward him with the big bucks next year. If he is a pro bowler, again, even the cantankerous but lovable Senator will clamor for the team to give him a new deal. Brandon didn't lose but neither did Peters. What this all cost is Peters' services for game one, maybe game two and that was his leverage all along.
  19. Lynch? Did something happen with Lynch? Whatever can you mean?
  20. Holy Cow. I thought I was on a one man crusade to KEEP him IN Buffalo.
  21. I emailed Chris Brown last week on the Peters situation and he answered today at 3:24 saying: "They've agreed to discuss a new contract, but I doubt he'll get any new money this year. More likely next year. Lee Evans is the focus." I think he reported the Shefter story on his blog about an hour before then so I guess Shefter scooped him but still, in the middle of what had to be a busy Friday afternoon I appreciate the response. Hmmm....."They've agreed to discuss a new contract..." sounds to me like until recently, (monday apparently), there was no agreement to even "discuss a new contract.." Now where have I heard that before? As predicted by some, he took a stab at a hold out because it costs him zero, reported in time to avoid missing a game check. Peters loss? = maybe he pays some fines, maybe not. Team loss? = Peters' services until DJ thinks he is ready to go. Any truth to the rumor that Edwards just canceled the huge life insurance policy he took out last week?
  22. If I ever get his email address, I am going to send all those posts, the nasty responses and this one! Maybe he will slide me some coin.
  23. Certainly there is enough that we don't know to restrain from pouncing all over Crowell. If those who are doing so are wrong which is a very definite possibility, the result is a fan dumping all over a dedicated player who has done nothing to deserve it other than trying to play hurt. I don't know how anyone could do that and honestly consider themselves to be a Bills fan. I can't believe DJ was being vindictive so I hope to see a more plausible conclusion emerge soon. Maybe he appeared to be angry and all just because it was frustratingly bad news and putting him on IR simply means this is a worse injury than currently being reported. Something like that.
  24. Thank you for your studied medical opinion Dr. Promo. Clearly, despite the complete lack of any attitude problems on the part of Crowell over his entire career, he up and decided, on a whim and without any need whatsoever to have surgery on his knee and thereby foul up the most important year he will ever have in his entire NFL career after executing a master plan to puroposefully deceive his coach throughout camp to set the stage for his September surprise. The very idea that he had a degenerative condition in his knee as shown by the frequent swelling, that finally got bad enough to require surgery is preposterous. Degenerative conditions never worsen over time despite that being the very meaning of "degenerative conditions". Injured knees are well known to spontaneously heal themselves. I am just glad the front office stood up to all this crap about injuries and having surgery to repair those injuires. Otherwise there would be a line of players at the doctors door whining about how they have injuries and they need surgery too. The team can't afford to set such a bad precedent.
  25. Well, he met with team doctors beforehand so another reasonable interpretaition is that he got hurt, he hoped it would get better, it didn't, he saw the docs, they said "you need surgery" and he said "okay". I know, its far fetched compared to the scenario where a hard working player about whom we have never heard a complaint decided on a whim to needlessly endanger the most important year in his professional life.
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