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Everything posted by Mickey

  1. There are lots of possibilities but only Bobby April, the Wizard of Foot knows. Maybe it was to make them think there was only one guy there so no reverse was coming when in fact, that is what was called. Maybe they figured he was going to kick away from McGee and so they didn't want to give the kicker a target to aim for maybe making it more likely he'll sail one out of bounds. Kind of like going at a green with your 5 iron from 190 with no flag on the green to aim for. Maybe they were trying to fool them into a line drive, low kick to where they thought we goofed up before we realized our "error". Gotta love it.
  2. There is something else JP lacks: ever having played a regular season game in Turk's offense. I am sure he will get a chance to play for another team next year and we will have to say a not too reluctant farewell to threads like this.
  3. Peters took him deep but not deep enough, maybe Groves' speed surprised him, maybe he is just rusty, we will never know. There was pressure up the middle so that Trent was kind of trapped. QB's always seem to know when to take that step or two into the pocket that takes the edge russhers out of the equation. What we don't know is what routes were being run. Was it a short pass, a long pass, what? Was the coverage solid? We don't know. But Peters was beaten just bad enough and the timing just worked out for the Jags. The guy just got a hand in and did so at the moment Trent had cocked his arm back. If Trent throws it a beat later, the guy wiffs but then maybe Trent gets blasted form the guy bearing down on him from the middle. My guess is that Trent saw the guy coming free in the middle and decided it was time to bail. So he was in the process of ditching when Groves made that grab.
  4. There are situations where arm strength can be an issue such as bad weather conditions. He is completing passes, avoiding sacks and moving the chains. So whatever arm strength problems he may or may not have, we will live with it.
  5. We ran the clock down before making the kick. If that had been a play instead of a kick and we didn't get the 17 yards, then the clock would have stopped on the change of poss. Thus, we would only have run an extra 5 seconds or so of clock and they would only have needed a FG. All that would take is one or two long completions.
  6. Yep, if one defends peters one must be eating his excrement, typical of your sound reasoning and obscene insults. I guess some towel snappers never get over their fascination with the obscene. Based on your often expressed rage at Peters, the maligning of his character, the questioning of his skills, his intelligence and on and on, its not a stretch at all to think you would be pleased as hell if he got hurt, especially a groin injury. Afterall, you did vomit up dozens of posts asserting that his injury made him damaged goods. But no, you don't want to see him hurt, afterall, you only despise him, you don't hate him, isn't that the distinction without a difference you've been trying to hang your hat on? You have been full of nothing but venom and bile for Peters and anyone who dared voice any support for him at all from the start. If you don't want to be mistaken for a mean spirited creep, stop acting like one.
  7. Did you sleep through the first quarter? Edwards was blasted at the 5 on our second series as Fowler got beat right up the middle. So much for your sense of irony, or accuracy, or truth, etc.
  8. I think there might be a happy medium between kissing butt and your bitterness and hatred for the man. Oh...wait, I forgot, you don't hate him, you merely despise him. Cheer up, maybe we will lose next week and you can find a way to blame it on Peters, that would really float your boat. Maybe he will get hurt and then you can really celebrate.
  9. Nobody apologized for taking advantage of our injuries last year. There will be time enough for sober assessments but for now, I think we have earned the right to get a bit giddy for once.
  10. They also rotated Chambers and Duke for Walker, Butler, etc. In that heat, it was smart to keep guys as fresh as possible even if that meant putting back ups in for a few plays here and there. That was just good coaching.
  11. Why don't you go through a play by play analysis like Kelly did and show where he is wrong in his assessment? Of course, that would require you to actually prove a point rather than impressing yourself with your not so clever insults and put downs. The other kids in gym class must think you're awesome.
  12. Lynch's TD run. He took the right side LB and turned him while Fowler did the same to the MLB and Lynch ran right between Fowler and Peters through the 4 yards wide lane they had created. Butler and Dockery did the same to the tackles.
  13. I am not sure any of us, myself included, can be very objective after the euphoria of the last two games but all in all, Jauron has done a good job. If this keeps up, we would be foolish not to make sure he doesn't find a greener pasture. Anybody know what April's contract numbers are? I wouldn't want him testing the market with the incredible job he has done for our ST's.
  14. Where are all those who wanted to pass on him and went on and on about how he "beat up a 1 year old"?? I hope we see a lot of those jump balls. How he got those feet in after having to go up so high I'll never know.
  15. Apparently you missed him locking up the right side LB on Lynch's TD run. Oh, and Peters wasn't the only guy needing rest time this game, did you not notice them shuffling Walker and Chambers? It must really tick you off that we won with him in the game today. Better luck next week, maybe we will lose to the Raiders and you can blame it on Peters, that should make you happy. What a great Bills fan.
  16. And it cost him what? And it sure set the table for a new contract 2 years sooner than otherwise but keep carping, ass or not, he is a great player and will be around, hopefully, for you to complain about for a good long time. Hey, aren't you the guy who boo-hooed for a month about how he was out of shape and useless, that he "tore up his groin" and couldn't play? Yeah, I think you were that dumb ass, weren't you? What do you have to say about his groin now sherlock?
  17. My taint tingles. I think I need to be alone for a bit.
  18. Hopefully, he will make you happy and stink up the field so bad we lose the game. Then you can really smile.
  19. ...or against said player. Maybe you don't recall the tsunami of Peters is a peckerhead posts or the "let him rot" posts, all of which seem to have receded once he told his side of the story. As for obsession, I have no problem responding when I have been personally and gratuitiously called out. Like here. I can cheer for the guy never having pinned him as being responsible for all human misery on earth. Those who personally assailed him as being of sub-human intelligence, fat, selfish, lazy and greedy, etc., will have to start eating their words today and for as long as this gifted player is a Buffalo Bill which I hope will be for a long, long time.
  20. "....other teams study film of him as the prototype offensive lineman..." Sot its not just McNally that sees just how good this guy really is, and still getting better. Where or where are all those who posted that they didn't want him back?
  21. Brandon never said that. Quite the opposite in fact. No new deal this year was the team's position and as for some future reworking, he said "never say never", a more non-commitall phrase could not have been used.
  22. You mean earn it again or doesn't one year as a very good OT and another as a pro bowler count?
  23. Okay, you got me there. But seriously, there are tons of them and I really am short of time all of a sudden.
  24. OLB-with crowell's situation, this gets bumped to the top of the list. TE-all we have are a stable of barely serviceable TE's who can't stay healthy QB-JP may well be gone after this year so we will need a capable back-up to develop in case Trent goes south. DE-this will be a major need in years to come but we can probably get by another year or so with the aging Schobel WR-if they don't sign Lee, this gets bumped to No. 1. OC-Fowler is just medoicre, this position cries out for an upgrade.
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