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Everything posted by Mickey

  1. How about the traditional Jim Kelly pre-game vomit ritual? It was a great show and all the more welcome as it gave me something to watch besides the VP debate. I didn't watch but I was hoping somewhere in the debate that in the middle of a heated argument that Biden would suddenly stop and look into Palin's eyes and say "Are you as turned on right now as I am?". She would answer "More" and then the real sparks would fly leading to a realignment of candidates to Obama/McCain v. Biden/Palin. Any chance that happened?
  2. What do the coaches know? There was some talk that broke the stalemate that got him to come in and I think Peters said something along the lines of taking Brandon at his word so whatever promises were made, I think they will be kept by both sides. Hopefully, Peters will be around for his haters to hate for a good long time when all is said and done. There is a bozo on the line but it isn't Peters.
  3. The article did point out that he missed one because he underthrew it and I think what they meant was that accuracy on these deep routes, in Edwards case, doesn't mean getting it deep. This is the way they want Trent to throw it for whatever reason, maybe because Lee is so good at getting position, maybe because its a better technique for Trent's skill set. It works so there is not much to do but enjoy it.
  4. For some reason there are a lot of people that are pretty sensitive to anything within a thousand miles of being critical of Trent. Anyone with eyes can see that Trent has a good arm, an accurate arm but he simply doesn't have a cannon. Watch some Favre highlights and then Trent's and you can see the difference in velocity even on television. Trent isn't that kind of QB but that really doesn't mean much. He has plenty of other skills and his arm, though not a cannon, appears to be plenty strong enough. He fits the ball into some tight spots using timing and accuracy where others do it by launching a rocket. Lots of guys have won championships with less arm strength than Trent's. Bad weather is the one thing I worry about there. It hurts even the rocket launchers. Trent will have his chance to show he can handle that as well soon enough. I'm betting that he will find a way to be productive. His ability to hit guys in stride on short routes will work nicely in bad weather where the CB's have trouble reacting quickly due to poor footing. On that subject, I wish we took more advantage of his accuracy with some quick slants. Watching the 1990 Bills on NFLN last night, I saw how well that used to work with Kelly and Reed. The Raiders got a quick 6 out of it that almost won them the game. I think that route is tailor made for Trent's accuracy and quick release. It is a speed route that plays to the strengths of Roscoe and Lee. I have seen it twice that I can recall, both times to Hardy and incomplete both times.
  5. I have, he is more likely to underthrow than overthrow people on the deeper routes. Evans especially has done a good job of getting position on those balls so that the slight underthrows weren't problems. I don't see a lot of "zip" on the short stuff either but what I do see is accuracy and quick decisions. So far, with wheather not being a factor, his arm strength hasn't been much of a problem at all. He more than makes up for it in other areas and his arm is strong enough. I am looking forward to being surprised at how well he does in bad weather. If he can handle that, then I think we can take arm strength off the list of concerns with Trent.
  6. Yeah it was. Credit the Rams for coming out with a very aggressive blitz package that we hadn't seen on film and certainly didn't expect. Its nice that we made the adjustments at half time but I have to wonder why it takes a whole half to figure something out. I'd like it better if adjustments could be made more on the fly so that we don't waste so much of the first half. It is quite the luxury to have to be this picky to find something to worry about, I sure hope it continues.
  7. Direct TV question: My brother and I both have direct tv, he lives in Pittsburgh and Virginia. He has a spare receiver with a card in it that he sent to me because he doesn't need more than one set in the Pittsburgh pad which is pretty sweet because he has everything on it including the NFL network and Sunday package. However, the receiver is not a DVR receiver so I can't tape anything. Any suggestions on how I might be able to tape stuff other than a conventional VCR set up of some kind where I actually have to program stuff (will never happen)? Is there some device I can buy to run the signal through that will be the functional equivalent of a DVR?
  8. Good point. There are so many contributing to this run that it really is hard to single any one out. Besides, I don't see anyone playing lights out yet and given how hard it is to make that first pro bowl, a player has to really get noticed. Moorman I think would be the one guy who to me is playing better than anyone I have seen at his position so far this year. That isn't to take away anything from the rest of the guys, many of whom are certainly playing in the top 10 or less at their positions. I just think you wouldn't find many teams who wouldn't swap punters with us in a heartbeat.
  9. I think Trent addressed this in his post game when he said they kept some extra people in and moved the pocket around in the second half which, given the points we scored, worked pretty well.
  10. The running game has struggled and when that happens, you end up in predictable situations where the defense can tee off. That results in pressure on the QB. Throwing a 5 yarder to a hot read on 3rd and 9 isn't the answer. They need to get some yards on first down, running, throwing, however. Do that and suddenly the defense has to play you honest because then that 5 yard hot read gets you the first down.
  11. My uderstanding is that Edwards' nickname is "Trent". I hear players calling him that all the time.
  12. Another option would be that it is too early in the season for there to be much tape out there giving you a solid idea what a team likes to do. As a result, the first half game plan has more of a tendency to be off the mark.
  13. The throws were not the best but if he had been able to get position on the DB, he would have had a catch or two. The balls were not so high that the DB couldn't get to them so that nullified the height advantage and he didn't get between the DB and ball to seal him off which, given his size, he needs to be able to do, at least occasionally. Those passes weren't thrown because he was open, they were thrown thinking he would out-jump or out-muscle the corner. The passes were not where they needed to be but he compounded the issue. WR's notoriously take time to develop. Moulds was a mess for his first 2-3 years. Even so, Hardy already has one incredible, critical, we-don't-win-without-it catch to his credit.
  14. I love them both but I have to give the edge to Marshawn. I don't think defenses play run as much when they see Freddie in the game so that he has a little more space to work with. Marshawn seems to be sent into the teeth of stacked defenses play after play. He has picked up a number of absolutely critical first downs when it looked like the play was going to be a total failure. In fact, it has bothered me a bit that our offense has not been able to get Marshawn through the line cleanly so that he could get some speed up and and have room to make a move or two as often as we should. Really, this is a great problem to have. Freddie is the Jabari Greer of the offense.
  15. I thought it could have been harder. I mean the guy did get up and walk away from it....before he collapsed. Leodis is such a wuss.
  16. We all knew that was coming. The old adage holds true, the only thing worse than beating a struggling team is to lose to a struggling team. The bottom line is that we are 4-0 which beats the heck out of all alternatives. And yes, we will be playing better teams and we will all be watching those intently to see just how well we measure up if not foir any other reason but to shut down this kind of talk. My sense is that we are going to get better as the season goes on, a lot better, barring injuries. Poz is finally getting the experience he needs to go along with his skills and intensity. We are finding new ways to use Marshawn and Freddie, a pair looking more and more Thomas/Davis like. Ko is back, all the way back. Trent is only going to get better. McKelvin is coming along and certainly has show flashes of brilliance on returns and, starting yesterday, in the secondary. Guys who some might see as an afterthought, Greer and Reed come first to mind, are making key, game winning plays. We might not be "dominant" and yeah, we seem to be sleepwalking in the first half but man-oh-man, 4-0 is sweet and if they work hard to get better each week, we are in for a ride this season.
  17. And our center was penalized for tripping on our best running play of the day. And Walker was embarassed on one of the sacks he gave up. And, oh yeah, it is so rare for a lineman to get hit with a false start on the road in a noisy stadium with the crowd revved up, absolutely never happens. We must truly be an amazing team to be 4-0 with such a terrible LT manning the edge.
  18. This just proves that no matter how much it may seem that chaos rules, if you wait long enough, sooner or later the natural order of the universe will be restored.
  19. Jealous? Finally the truth comes out, the source of all that anger towards Peters: the wrath of a lover scorned. Cheer up Sen, its not you, its him, and you'll always have Paris.
  20. Certainly entitled to this opinion, melodramatic though it may be. Hey PTR, does calling Peters a "meat head", ragging on his intelligence, and accusing him of throwing his "team under the bus" make one "anti-peters"?
  21. I think Jauron called him "dominant" and "amazing". If only all of our players were such rag dolls. Of course, what does the head coach know?
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