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Everything posted by Mickey

  1. Yeah but don't you get it? He leaves the seat up when he pees. Really, we can't have that. We can't possibly win a super bowl with a player like that. He absolutely has to go.
  2. This is a business. Whether or not he is kind to his dog, bows deep enough when Ralph walks by or double dips his chips doesn't matter. If the team could get a pro bowl career out of him for a bag of beans, they would and if he can get them to pay 100 times his worth, he will. All the rest is public relations. For me, I don't care about what is fair or what is right, just and good. I am not looking to the NFL to serve as some sort of fairness paradise or a passion play for justice and virtue. I want to win and I want a GM, coaches and players who are ready to do whatever it takes, within the rules, to do just that. And if along the way some jerk gets more jack than Mr. Nice guy in the locker next to him, well, I will worry about such things when we have won a super bowl and can afford to care who stretches out their pinkies drinking tea and who, heaven fofend, does not.
  3. I think they did a good job of showing that they are a team in decline rather than a team on the rise. When you finish 7-9 with the second easiest schedule in the NFL the only rational conclusion to draw is that your team is sinking. Why? We all know about the coaching so lets not even bother going there. Lets look at personnel. Poz, though not a bust yet is not an impact player and may not even be a legit starter. Fewel's faint praise for him at the end of the season shows that. Dockery and Walker cost us big time and though they are upgrades over what we had, they are not worth the all-pro coin they are getting. They are too slow to pull and trap effectively, maybe some running schemes that let them block straight ahead so they can take advantage of their size might help but the bottom line is that they have been disappointing in relation to what they cost. Tight end, essentially, we still don't have one who would start for anywhere else in the league. Center, as with tight end, we don't have a legit NFL starter at center on the roster. Defensive End: I would love to see the total salary these guys are getting divided by the number of sacks they made, I bet we pay more per sack than any team in the league. We have two guys getting paid like world beaters when they are about as frustratingly mediocre as is possible. And we can't blame Schobel's injury, he was fine last year and was just as mediocre and he won't be getting any younger in 2009. This position has become a major liability for the team and we aren't ever going to compete with New England and other potent offensive teams until we generate a pass rush. And that isn't going to happen unless Jauron and company end their love affair with slow, high motor, high character, low productivity defensive ends. So all we need are two defensive ends, replace 3/5ths of the offensive line, pray that Poz hits his stride next year and at long last find a tight end that can't be covered with a linebacker. Yes, we have other issues. Our situation at safety is worrisome, we need another linebacker and we need a receiver unless Hardy or, surprisinlgy, Steve Johnson develop into something. And, no, I don't think Stroud has solved our issues at DT. Surely an improvement over Tripplet but the bust of McCargo and Williams' limitations combined with Stroud's history leave this key position still worth worrying about. And lastly, we will definitley need a back up QB. I think we should go with a young development guy in the 3rd or 4th round as I just don't see a good veteran out there besides Collins who is not going to go from leading a team to the playoffs to backing up Trent Edwards in Buffalo. No way. Never going to happen. He will be starting in Tennessee or somewhere else next year. Hopefully, it will be a busy off season. For me, I think the team should do everything and anything it has to do to get a veteran DE. I don't care what it costs us in picks or cash. I am tired of good bargains and mediocrity. Good and great players cost. I'd rather overpay a pro bowler than overpay Chris Kelsay.
  4. If the price were right, I'd sign him in a hearbeat. This guy could lose a step, even two, and still be fast as lightning. And he has great hands. He is a pro's pro. At his age he still had about as good a year as Lee did.
  5. Its not even close, its Flutie. As I recall, we made the playoffs twice with him as the starter for the regular season.
  6. I am no capologist but when you let a guy go who has a long term contract that is amortized, isn't all the cap money allocated to future years of the contract accelerated and all dumped onto the year where you let him go? I know you if you do it late enough that the accelerated hit is deferred to the following year but that just delays the hit to your cap though it stems the long term bleeding.
  7. I think that they had to get that first down or, at the very least go in to OT, punting from the back of the endzone or 3 yards deep in the EZ is going to result in great field position either way. The only way to put that game away was to get that first down. They had a chance to win the game right then and there and they have the league MVP taking snaps, not JP Losman. So you call the play that you think will work, that has the best chance of getting that first down. It is a guessing game hedged by strategy and guile. Dungy lost on that play not because he threw it but because he called a play the Chargers apparently saw coming. People fumble on runs, especially when everyone in the stadium knows a run is coming. If they are that chicken that they can't risk a pass, heck, why even risk a handoff? Why not really play the odds and just have Peyton sneak it and then line up for that punt? They had a chance to win the game, they took it. Fault them for execution, credit the Chargers for not being fooled and making a big play. But don't blame a coach for putting the ball into the hands of his best player with a chance to win the game on the line.
  8. Cool, what we need in this situation is to cultivate some juicy rumors.
  9. I predict the charges will be dropped. The only "hindering" described in the police report is Simpson "yelling and screaming". Exercising vocal cords would not prevent officers from doing their jobs. He is and I am sure deserves to be, embarassed.
  10. Love the paranoia but.... Why couldn't that be accomplished far more effectively by voting for some other LT, such as one who is actually a free agent this year as opposed to a guy who can only hold out?
  11. given the points we scored, or lack thereof, that 161 was not all that impressive. It was more the product of how much we ran than of running effectively.
  12. My family has had 4 season tickets for decades, we didn't renew this past year. I switched to Direct TV and my brother who, for reasons that are too complicated to explain, has an extra direct tv receiver which he loaned out so that we all pretty much share the same Sunday Ticket. Desparate times call for desparate measures. Something the Bills coud learn a bit from.
  13. Not for nothing but hasn't Modrak been our top scout for every draft going back to Donahoe? Given the generally miserable results of all those drafts, why does he escape any blame? He participates in the process and the evaluations his department comes up with are what everyone bases their opinions on come draft day. I am not saying it is all his fault or even mostly but somewhere along the line, he has to accept some responsibility. After all is said and done, the one common thread in all these miserable drafts has been Modrak. There I said it, I sullied the sacred.
  14. This comes up every year with over half the board in a frenzy about how stupid we are for not trading down, the assumption being always that a trade down is there for the asking. It rarely is. The other half will be stumped as to why on earth we weren't able to trade a bag of beans for 8 first round picks. All the wheeling and dealing in the world won't help a team if their coaches and scouts can't accurately evaluate talent. If I am not mistaken, the once constant linking this era with the Donohoe era is Tom Modrak. All the criticism about our drafts and yet you hardly hear anything but gushing praise for Modrak. Is that really justified?
  15. ..or we could not do any of that and just draft or sign a pass rusher.
  16. A win is a win and lord knows we were waaaaaay overdue for something, anything, positive from this team. Thus, I will ignore the fact that all this game showed was that our offense is able to play decently as long as they get to go against a really bad defense. If only we could play Denver and KC every week.
  17. He is the worlds greatest curmudgeon.
  18. They are also incapable of stopping a bootleg but they share the blame for that with Poz who is not fast enough to get to the outside to make that play and the OLB's who simply get blocked.
  19. It was cold but there was no wind to speak of, even the kickers were booming long FG's so I don't think this was any kind of test of arm strength for anyone. I think this game simply proved what the KC game also proved, that against a really, really crappy defense, our offense looks pretty good. Pity we can't play against crappy defenses for 16 games.
  20. Exactly, no offense to anyone but that is just a silly cliche.
  21. There isn't a guy on that team that isn't out to get the best paycheck for himself that he can get. Not one. And all this crap about a silent holdout is and always was dribble. They knew what he wanted and didn't want to give it to him so he did the only thing a player can ever do, hold out. This isn't a charity, these are not boy scouts banding together to build a camp. These are professional athletes with painfully short careers. Guys whose names you will forget long before their last knee surgery.
  22. The Bills gained nothing and lost Peters for all of camp, a chunk of games and the time it took for him to get to top speed. And the cost to Peters was whPat? He just made the pro bowl, again. He is just as marketable as ever. They have the entire offseason to negotiate with him, no need to wait for camp. And being franchised means a huge raise for Peters. Some hammer. Jeez, why do so many fans get so worked up and involved in contract negotiations? Acting like jilted lovers every time a guy holds out, a regular occurrence here and with every other team in the league. Yet every time it happens, there is a board wide hissy fit.
  23. "He has a "me-first" mentality in a team-oriented, blue collar town like buffalo." What on earth does this have to do with winning football games? If he can play, he can play, if he can't, he can't. Whether or not your perception of his personality clashes with your perception of the personality of a whole City, as if that can be gauged, is irrelevant to the only goal at stake here: winning football games. Whether ot not a guy is a jerk, as long as he avoids suspensions, means nothing on the field. Are you looking to assemble an interesting guest list at a tea party or to beat the crap out of our opponents on Sunday? This obsession with personalities we like and don't like is what I would expect if we were selecting next year's edition of the Jills. When did the board get taken over by teenage girls?
  24. My impression is that we run, predictably on first, in to the teeth of stacked defenses with predictably poor results. Now I wish we had done just that last Sunday on that miserable play but that was very much an exception. That is what amazed me. The guy never tries to surprise anyone until the one time when he shouldn't have. And the smash mouth stuff I think is one of those cliches that people are drawn to with far less application to the modern game than it did in the past. On top of that we don't have the O-line or the dominating defense that makes that kind of plodding offense viable. Rams and Warner. The Colts and Manning. Brady and the Pats, etc. Good teams can throw and run. I am not sure any team lately, not even the Giants, who has won a championship has been a classic "smash mouth" team such as, for example, the Dilfer era Ravens. There is no argument that we have real offensive problems but I would not agree that our "defense is good" simply because of their statistical ranking. We have had a very easy schedule this year but when we have played a top offense, we have given up plenty of points and tons of yardage. Take the game against the Cards, no defense that performed that badly could be called "good". Maybe if it was a one game anomaly but it wasn't. Yeah, its sad. Our defense looks "good" only in comparison to our offense which is awful. I actually think though that fixing our offense will be a lot easier than the defense. A more experienced Edwards, a better OC and a solid center would, I think, result in a dramatic improvement. I think we have problems with Ko Simpson. I think Poz was disappointing this year. We need to find a replacement for Crowel. Schobel could be done as a real threat. Kelsay and Denney are useless. Whitner was pretty disappointing at times as well. The bright spot I think is McKelvin. The speed he has is unbeleivable. If he figures out how to cover in the NFL and I think he is getting there, watch out.
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