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Everything posted by Mickey

  1. Whether or not we go to the super bowl clearly depends on the outcome of this question. Dude, we love you but Jesus Christ, get a life.
  2. I'd like to take Jauron out of the divison, so can we expand that question to include coaches?
  3. Yeah, it is silly. Philly gives up a second round pick just to move up a lousy 10 spots??? Show me the huge differences between the OT's available at 11 vs. 21 that are worth a second round pick. Then show me your crystal ball that is so certain that the guy or guys there at 11 won't be there for them at 21, a crystal ball so unerringly accurate that its worth betting a second round pick on it.
  4. Everyone fatasizes about draft day trades, invariably involving a trade down where we get the sun, moon and stars plus a golden box to put them in while the team we trade with gets a dead squirrel. Gee, now why does that never seem to happen? Seriously, there are always a lot more teams looking to trade down than there are teams looking to trade up.
  5. Four games would be my guess. Carrying a gun, even in the trunk, is a major, major problem. It is so easy for something to go very seriously wrong. You have a young guy with a lot of money who is bombing around with pot in his car, drinks often and has a firearm in his car. Nope, now way that could turn tragic. I think the league will want to whack him but good and try to wake him up. Four games at least and when he comes back, DJ should make him earn back the starting job from Freddie assuming Freddie is playing well and unhurt. He needs to know that the goose laying golden eggs in his back yard is easily killed. I have defended him on many occasions but this is pretty much it for me, this should be his last chance. He is really looking more and more like a major crime waiting to happen.
  6. I think it does. Why did he pick a different team if we were willing to pay him as well? Might be because a good WR would have to be a fool to want to play for a dink and dunk offense that can't get out of its own way. Since we haven't found a WR and were clearly looking for one, it seems we have struggled to find a receiver.
  7. jeez, go off line while getting a new computer and I missed everything so who on earth is left besides Joey Freaking Galloway?
  8. Yeah, that is why we would want him but my question was, why would he want to play for us? I don't think he is looking to wind up his career with a dink and dunk offense. And it is all moot now, I may have been right I guess as he went to Cincy where Carson Palmer is not reluctant to go deep. Really, other than $$ what do we have to sell this offense to top FA offensive talent???
  9. Perfect if that is what we use him for as opposed to what we have used Reed and Roscoe for, shorty short passes and hope they put a move on after the catch or break a tackle. I am at a point where I'd like to see plays with no dump off option at all for Trent, it may be the only way to force him to take some chances downfield and give Lee a chance to make a play. If you give him a guy in the flat, you can guarantee that if there is any trouble with the rush, that is where the ball is going.
  10. I guess we will just have to be happy with Hardy.
  11. OMG, how many more safety valves do we need? No need to pay that kind of money if he just going to run 5 yard outs. We need to get out of the dink and dunk mindset and having two WR's that can get downfield is a good way to start. But seriously, if we just need another dump off man, there are tons of those around for peanuts.
  12. Thanks so much for sharing your judgement as to who the real fans are. I am shocked that your conclusion is that you are a real fan and those who disagree with you are not. Gee, I never saw that coming. If you don't think being an nfl fan includes complaining when they screw up, then you need to share that special cookie recipe with the rest of us Susie so that we all can live in oompa-loompa land. I suppose when we called a pass in the Jets game and JP fumbled and we managed to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, you were singing Kumbaya? I love the team, not the guys in the office sharpening their pencils. As far as I know, Russ Brandon has never stepped on the field in Bills uniform so I will complain about him all I want. And everyone here is a fan, not just you Mr. Self Righteous.
  13. In light of this latest evidence of the incompetency of our front office does anyone want....hold on, let me find my flak helmet, okay....as I was saying, does anyone want to reconsider their opinions on the front office's handling of the Peters situation last year?
  14. Why would he want to play for a team that never lets their WR's get downfield? If I were Coles, Buffalo would be one of he last teams in the league I would be interested in playing for. I don't think Coles is the kid of guy whou would be happy to run 5 yard quick outs all day.
  15. Yes they can. Just takes extra DB's and they would only need to do that if we had a TE that they couldn't cover with a LB which we don't. We may be one of the easiest teams in the league for defenses to go double on the wideouts. Of course, if we did land him, I have to wonder if we would ever use him properly. I am not sure we need a WR with blazing speed, picturesque patterns and amazing hands to run 3 yarders in the flat on 3rd and 9. For the most part, we keep our Ferrari's in the garage under a blanket. Occasionally, we take them for a spin down to the bottom of the driveway and back but that is about it. God forbid we ever went long because, heaven fofend, something bad could happen. I don't know why a top WR in this league would ever want to play for a dink and dunk team like the Bills.
  16. the giants and Steelers won titles the last two years primarily based on their pass rush, something we don't have. I will live with less than stellar TEs but we have got to do something about that pass rush.
  17. Yeah, if Marv had used Lofton to run 3 yard hooks on 3rd and 20 which is what we would use Marvin for. Dink, Dunk, Stink, Stank, Stunk.
  18. Have any proof of that or are you just spreading moronic lies? If you do, why don't you contact the local US Atty's office and report your concerns that the local DA's office took a bribe in that hit and run case? If you can accuse people of bribery with no proof, can I reach a conclusion as to your motivations, with no proof either? I am just wondering what the motivation could be? Care to enlighten us?
  19. It is not a ploy to jazz up the defense's confidence. It is simply a strategy. That first series of the game, you have prepped but without a single clue what the other team has planned. The first series of the second half however can be planned out in the locker room with the benefit of having seen the other team's defensive game plan for an entire half. Really, I see so much discussion here about the kinds of things that are so amorphous and touchy-feely compared to simple discussions of the nuts and the bolts, the x's and the O's. Locker room chemistry, momentum, confidence building, sending a message, inmates running the asylum, etc. etc. matters way less then we think. The Cards lost that game because their QB was fooled by a pass rushing LB who faked a blitz and dropped into coverage instead. It wasn't because Warner wasn't confident or because they didn't have chemistry in the locker room.
  20. It strikes me as kind of odd that we are parsing so closely a few idle, off the cuff comments by a very, very old man searching for a clever way to compliment a man who is probably the best player ever to play for the Bills.
  21. Maybe we should turn the defensive end situation around first before worrying some more about our QB.
  22. You heard it here first folks, if we ever let McGee go, Belicheat signs him.
  23. Okay, lets say he didn't deserve to go to the pro bowl. Did he deserve to go last year? How many guys on our roster have deserved to go the pro bowl, ever? Hmmm? Who give a $@#$ if he shouldn't have been in the pro bowl, he is the best lineman on the team at the moment. We are not going to get better by losing our best players. All this whiny Barbie didn't get a date to the prom weeping over team chemistry and inmates and the asylum is soap opera BS. The guy can play. He is not under suspension, has never had a drug, legal or steroid problem. Clearly, you don't like the guy but I don't think that is really a good criteria upon which to judge his playing ability. Get rid of him and now we have yet another position on the team, a key position a that, we have to fill with a FA or draft pick just to stay as good as 7-9. funny how the only people complaining about how what a rotten team player he is are the fans, not the team.
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