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Everything posted by Mickey

  1. Not true, he was checked out by team doctors after the surgery, in fact, it was the last time he was in B'lo until the hold out ended. I have posted that link many times, so no, I am not going to dig it up again. Okay, one last time, here is the link to prior post with a link to the WGR interview with Brandon where he mentions that he last saw Peters when he came in to get checked out after his surgery. Link
  2. There are those who were so over the top when it came to Peters, so rabid, so full of bile, that now, no matter what the facts are, they can't ever retreat from their extreme positons. Having painted themselves into a corner, they either have to swallow their pride, lose a little face and move on or claim that getting stuck in the corner was always the plan, or that they had no choice but to stick themselves in the corner or, my personal favorite, that being stuck in the corner is a good thing. Thus, they argue, that losing a pro bowl OT actually made our line better. Or, they argue that because Peters wanted out after the bitterness of the hold out that he never wanted to sign with the Bills, not even in the spring of 2008 when the hold out began. Or, they argue that, knowing we couldn't sign Peters and that he was really a lousy OT, despite that whole pro bowl nonsense, the team cleverly maneuvered him into holding out making him less effective on the field once he did show up. Russ then deftly painted him as a malcontent to reduce his trade value, then masterfully offered him a ton of coin just to throw everyone off the trail and traded him for a late first round pick, knowing all the while that we had Langston Walker ready to shock us all and outplay Peters at LT. The fact that Walker sucked so bad he got cut leading to the elevation of a practice sad player to starting LT is just the latest example of Brandon's "feint within feint within a feint" front office brilliance. I guess next we will hear that Brandon's screwing the pooch on Peters was part of a master plan to insure the team sucked enough to get Jauron fired.
  3. Even the Bills' front office wouldn't agree with that crap. Though they may not have been able to sign him, they did offer him a ton of money, finally. They wanted to keep him and recognized his value as a player, albeit belatedly. Unfortunately, they had so poisoned the well with Peters that the negotiations went nowhere. That press conference Brandon had at the start of camp in 2008 where he publicly lit into Peters and ignited the over the top fan hatred with which we are now familiar was an absolute disaster. Classic case of a newly promoted bureaucrat wanting to show how tough/stupid he his from the get-go. Russ Brandon = Michael Scott minus the talent
  4. Exactly. Some fans are positively obsessed with contracts. I wonder if they come to the games with a three piece suit on with Brandon's name on the back?
  5. I don't buy that a guy who rose as fast as he did and to the level he did is not a self motivator.
  6. An additional take: It should be noted that losing Peters was certainly one of the most significant personnel moves of the Dick Jauron/Russ Brandon era. Jauron has been fired, a result pretty much universally applauded even among the widely divergent posters on this board. Firing Brandon from his role as a GM and pushing him back in to marketing also seems to be a development we all agree should happen, and soon. So I have to ask those who were so ecstatic that we lost Peters, did these two bumbling idiots just accidentally stumble into a good decision on Peters or, perhaps, is it more likely that these losers made a loser move in losing Peters? A second question for the same crew. Every time Peters was injured and missed either practice or game time, you guys were quick to use it as "proof" that he was lazy, a big baby and not a team player. Bell has missed plenty of time as well, why is that not "proof" that he is injury prone, not willing to play hurt, lazy, etc. etc.? Have you guys been privy to the private and personal medical records of the two and, with your advanced medical knowledge, been able to compare all the diagnostics enough to know that one's injuries are legit and the other's an exaggeration?
  7. A QB who "doesn't win games" is a QB who loses games.
  8. I can top that. I bought a Ukelele Friday night and was messing around with it while I was watching the game. I soon became engrossed in the fine art of diddling a Uke* to the point where I missed everything between 7-0 and 14-17. The Ukelele was actually more interesting. * This phrase was inserted to encourage as much sophomoric humor as possible. I can't throw a slower pitch than "diddling a Uke".
  9. Both. I am not surprised at all, given our streak of 7-9 seasons, it was pretty likley that the starter would be 14-15, not so bad, not so good. That is exactly what Trent is. Just like Jauron is not quite good enough of a coach to get anywhere but not quite bad enough to fire, Trent is not quite good enough to be the guy, not quite bad enough to bench. You know you have a franchise quarterback when you don't have to ask yourself questions like, is it him or the line around him? A guy that good stands out, even behind a crappy line. Kelly went 4-12 and 6-6 his first two years and was sacked 43 times that first year. Yet, by half time of his first game against the Jets, we knew we had our guy. I still watch that sucker on youtube now and then. Gawd. We didn't know how good we had it. I wish I could look up some of the fans from back then who used to complain about Kelly. Jeez. Some of his worst games would beat the crap out of what we regularly see now.
  10. That is really the point, it doesn't matter which one starts. But that might not be what DJ is thinking.
  11. I play soccer on Sunday mornings and last Sunday was awesome, usually by now we are restricted to playing indoor soccer but not yet. I just tape the Bills game and watch it when I get back. We usually have more scoring on the soccer field than the Bills manage on the football field. *sigh*
  12. Modrak is pretty much the main guy when it comes to the draft and our drafts have sucked. Frankly, one could argue that Jauron has overachieved on the field given the cards he was dealt by Brandon and the scouts. I think Brandon should go back to just marketing and we should fire Dick and from the scouting dept., at the very least, Modrak. Let the new coach decide on what assts. to keep and the new GM decide what to do with the scouts.
  13. justy no to tebow now locker, thats a guy i'd trade up for
  14. I agree that its too early but that doesn't mean that it was a good pick. If you can, what you want with every player, especially ones in the first round are guys who come in and start quickly and and have an impact even in their first year. Failing that, you hope to get a guy who does that in his second year and so on. Some teams, like the Redskins, got a guy who is playing well and having an impact right now. Maybin could turn out to be good next year but given the choice between a guy who plays great in year one and a guy who doesn't do it until year two, the choice is easy. So even if Maybin turns out okay eventually, the better pick was Orakpo.
  15. Flutie, the last QB to get us to the playoffs and he did it twice. He excelled at improvising when plays blew up, finding ways to move the chains even when the offense, especially the line, was getting out-played. Behind a good line and in his prime, I'd have to consider Bledsoe. Trent and Fitz haven't proved that they even belong on the same field. Trent makes plays when they are there to be made but that's it. I like Fitz's attitude but he just doesn't have the arm.
  16. I am not sure he has an NFL arm at all.
  17. I think he has paid for his crimes and as a catholic, I am a firm believer in redemption. Even so, I have had dogs all my life and I just don't know that I personally can get past what he did. Ever. I wish him luck in rebuilding his life and I do think he is an extraordinary athlete but I hope his come back is with someone else. I'd rather hitch our wagon to a young guy out of the draft.
  18. Bell has given up 5 sacks, 5 QB hits and 17 pressures. Peters has given up 2 sacks, 1 hit and 3 pressures. Bell has 9 penalties, Peters has 2. The Eagles offense is ranked 15th, ours is 29th. The Eagles are 5-2, the Bills are 3-5 The Eagles are in first place in their division. The Bills are dead last in theirs.
  19. Yeah, I know, first racial jokes are off limits, then misogyny, its really getting so a guy with the sense of humor of a cretin just can't get a laugh anymore. Aaaah, for those halcyon days of yester year when a good pollack joke made you the king of the kegger. Good times. Whatever happened to that America?
  20. Bill, who the heck are "hetros"?? Is that a new sexual orientation? Can't keep it all straight.
  21. Fans call for benching of players all the time. I think its a useless effort but benching a guy doesn't quite equate with being made out to be a criminal. Thats a bit of an overstatement. If instead of an email they want to express their view by calling for his benching, why not? They can express opinions if they want. No one is putting a gun to the owner's head. Its his call. I don't see the problem here. Jackass bigot says something mean and stupid and gets called out for it. If his boss wants to bench him for it, that's his business.
  22. Yeah, because you have to be gay if you think that kind of language is abusive and dehumanizing. Only a fag would care about that stuff right?
  23. He is perfectly free to say "fag" all he wants and other people are free to use their feedoms to react how they wish. Fascists killed about 13 million innocent people in concentration camps not to mention the millions more who died on the battlefield. Do you really think that a few fans ticked off by a football player, not for his mere use of a word but the bigotry his use of that word revealed, is "almost fascist"? Not for nothing but homosexuals were sent to the camps too, probably called "fags" on their way in by real fascists. Kinda sucks when perpetual victims stand up for themselve doesn't it?
  24. I think Poz is barely adequate, all things considered. He is no playmaker, thats for sure. He is not what we had hoped we drafted. But on a team that has as many needs as this one does, he hardly stands out as screeching for replacement. On the bright side, he won't be hard to sign when his contract expires. We won't have to worry about that pesky problem of signing a pro bowler to a new deal. We need a pass rush mpre than anything on defense, still.
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