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Everything posted by Mickey

  1. It so hard to let go of a love gone wrong, isn't it? Get your self a tub of Haagen Daz, put on your favorite flannel nightie and curl up on the couch to have a good cry. Then go to YouTube and play this clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WM3QNXaERjE There, there, now don't you feel better?
  2. Feh...good offensive tackles are a dime a dozen, no need to worry about that position...we proved that this year....*sigh*
  3. Winning games is the only proper agenda in the regular season.
  4. Gee, but didn't Trent get sacked a lot too? And Bledsoe? And Fitzy? Darn the luck, 4 QB's in a row who can't avoid getting sacked a lot. Or it could it have been the crappy offensive lines....? Nah.
  5. I saw every game he played and no, he wasn't that type of quarterback.
  6. I agree. I think these stats are a bit misleading in the degree to which they suggest that good QB's are available later in the draft. I guess I'd like to see the total number of QB's taken and how many from each round had significant careers. I think, intuitively, that they would show just how much of a long shot it is to get a late round gem at QB. For every Romo or Warner, there are dozens and dozens of nobodies that stayed nobodies. Sure, there are lots of first rounders who never became even servicable starters but compared to later rounds, the odds are actually much better the higher you draft.
  7. I think we need to get the best QB in the first round when we pick which I am hoping will be high enough to land Locker, Clausen, Mallett or Pike. I am not interested much in Bradford and I definitely don't want Tebow or McCoy who I think are busts at the NFL level. You need a top QB to win a championship in this league. Yeah, once in a while someone wins with a Trent Dilfer at QB but that is the exception, not the rule. Usually, the champ has a QB like Brady, Manning, Favre, Big Ben or Montana. It would be nice to get players at those other positions and I do recognize the need at those positions but I am willing to wait on those. I don't want to face another season with a QB we know isn't an NFL starter running the show. God no.
  8. average arm, less than average legs, unable to turn a premier team into a winner I like him well enough but i prefer locker
  9. At least, with the firing of Jauron, the journey has at last begun. Take heart my friend.
  10. Its not ridiculous at all. Given that we are only talking about mathematical possibilities, hardly anyone is totally eliminated at this point. The only thing that has changed from two weeks ago is a single win. What Fewel has shown us is that there is such a thing as being too careful and that a gamble here and there pays off sometimes. The team is fun to watch again and for that alone I am content, for this season anyway. Too many injuries and too far behind to have a realistic chance at the playoffs but who cares? We just beat the #%^#%^%$ fins.
  11. I don't believe in "should be". Every team in the league can claim that they "should" have won a game or two that they lost. A loss is a loss. Most losses can be traced to a few mistakes. Our losses are not all that different from anyone elses. Falling apart is falling apart, whether you do it in the first quarter or the fourth.
  12. I have direct TV but the problem with that in the 'Cuse is that the time warner sports channel has all the SU stuff. To get NFL network and be able to see all the SU games, I need both.
  13. One game. You don't marry a girl after one date.
  14. I don't care if he helps old ladies across the street, never misses church or always signals before changing lanes. I care about what he does on the field and this guy has "gret college QB, NFL Bust" written all over him. Trent's problem isn't that he is not a fan of his own team or that he doesn't properly appreciate the fans. His problem is that he doesn't get it done on the field.
  15. The problem with our QB's is not that they aren't willingn to "do whatever it takes to improve". No coach, no reporter has ever hinted that JP or Trent didn't work their fannies off. The problem is, no matter how great your locker room speeches, no matter how determined you are, no matter how likeable you are, if you don't have the talent to go with all that, you are never going to be better than mediocre. Let someone else play "little engine that could" with their draft pick. Lets get a guy who has the skill and the dedication. Don't even tell me how good you think Tebow is, tell my why you think he will be a better NFL QB than Locker or Bradford. No one can forsee the future, we can only play the odds and the odds are that Tebow is a just one of many college wonders that won't make it in the pros. Guys like this are nothing new.
  16. His running skills will be next to useless in the NFL where the LB's are waaaaay faster than in college. That is why you never see a college QB who had great running stats repeat them in the NFL unless they have WR speed. Tebow does not. Take away his running ability and you take away half of what made him so successful in college. Given our history at QB, I want no part of this kind of gamble with our first round pick, especially if we are going to take a QB there. Bradford, Locker and even Mallett are far less of a gamble than Tebow. We draft him and we will spend the next 6 years on an offensive coordinator merry-go-round trying to find someone who can "just find the right way to use Tebow..."
  17. He is just another of many, many great college QB's that will never make it in the NFL. Remember Jerry Tagge of Nebraska? He won two national championships and was the MVP of the Orange Bowl two years in a row. He was taken by the Packers in the draft in the first round, 11th overall. Sounding familiar? In three years as a Packer he had 3 TD's and 17 interceptions. He moved to the UFL and then found a home in the CFL for 3 years but a knee injury ended his career. We don't need a locker room hero. We need a guy who gets it done on the field. We really, really need to pass on Tebow.
  18. I would take almost anyone over Tebow, he is not an NFL QB. If you want to see a Big Ben clone, check out Ryan Mallet.
  19. If you really must blow yourself this bad, could you do it in private, no one wants to see that.
  20. I would have no problem with Locker or Mallet from Arkansas if he comes out. I don't know much about Pike and for some reason, I am not high on Clausen. Notre Dame QB's worry me. I know there have been some great ones but there have been tons of overrated ones too.
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