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Everything posted by Mickey

  1. I think Mercilus will be long gone by round 2. Defensive lineman always go higher than expected and I think that he is going to wow them at the combine.
  2. Actually, the tax collection and distribution records show consistently that upstate lives off of the $$$ generated downstate. I know that goes against the popular upstate myth that NYC drains tax revenues from upstate but facts are facts. So much for the "reality that upstate ny" is treated unfairly. Upstate Sponges off of Downstate A teaser: ... New York City contributed more than 45 percent of the state’s taxes and other revenues: $32.8 billion in 2010. But it only received 40 percent of the money the state passed out. Upstate counties (not including the Capital Region) contributed 24 percent of the state’s taxes and revenues but received 35 percent of the state money that was doled out in 2010, according to the study. The study points out that state government can equalize wealth in a way that local governments can’t. “The gains for Upstate in this balance of payments are strikingly big,” said Bob Ward, one of the researchers and the deputy director of the Rockefeller Institute. If Upstate took in as much as it paid out, it could lose as much as much as $9 billion.
  3. I disagree, he was momentarily shielded from the ball when the defender swiped at it and missed, he was just able to grab it but didn't have a grip on it they way he normally would if he could have tracked it all the way in. He was trying to secure it when the defender made a great play on the ball, knocking it out in that split second span between Lee catching it and Lee demonstrating control of the ball. Nothing I saw Evans do appeared to me to be done "leisurely". He got his hands on it and tried to pull it in. He had his hands on that ball for about a quarter of a second before it got swatted out; he just didn't have the time to get a good enough grip to hang on when the defender slammed his hand on it. It was just great football all around, plays like that are why I love this game.
  4. ummm...if true, isn't that where we were about 3 years ago? And 5 years ago, and ten....sigh. I don't think our DB's are all that bad, hard to judge them when there is no pass rush to speak of. And for good or ill, whether he is a "franchise QB" or a backup or in between, we are wedded to Fitz, at least for another 1-2 years.
  5. According to the US Census Bureau, 72.4% of the population is white. The percentage for non-hispanic whites is 63.7%. So, no, whites are not "almost the minority, if not now". I am tired of the victimization thing as well but only to the extent it is overused to the point that it cheapens the whole issue. False or exaggerated claims of racism lead to real claims of racism being taken less seriously than they deserve. I would add however that there are an awful lot of whites who are doing the whining about how they are the ones being discriminated against based on a false belief that they are "almost the minority". I think that the NFL has made huge strides on this issue and am confident that they will continue to do so. It is easy to forget that the progress made only happened because a lot people called the NFL to task for what was happening. They were mocked and criticized by many for doing so but credit them for not being silent and the NFL for listening. Census Bureau
  6. Yeah, I didn't care all that much about the trade either way at the time but I don't see how those who were for it think they deserve a victory lap for having, in Kreshkin-like fashion, predicted he would get injured and miss half or more of the season. Maybe he is washed up, maybe not. Either way, its not our problem anymore.
  7. I'm sorry you feel that way but I have to tell you, we gave up our seasons in 2007 which we had for years because my Dad, a heavy smoker, couldn't handle the walk without getting seriously out of breath. Rather than give up the tickets, please consider giving up smoking. I am sure you must have thought about it a million times and I don't meant to get all paternalistic and patronizing on you. You are too smart not to know that sooner or later, you are going to have to give them up. I used to smoke and a diagnosis of kidney cancer in 1998 forced me to quit screwing around with my life. Maybe this is the time for you to take your shot at ridding yourself of this. It's an addiction. A really bad one.
  8. That is an accusation that makes no sense at all and is hardly worth talking about other than to make fun of it, however, if I was fox news, I would interview Bills executives and use this "rumor" to justify asking questions like "Some people are saying that race is a factor in your contract negotiations, what steps are you taking to eliminate that kind of racism?" The only thing the Bills consider when it comes to contract extensions is to re-up the marginally talented and let the best go because its better to overpay a mediocre player than to overpay a talented player. It's the same inspired philosophy and savvy business acumen that made Kruger Industrial Smoothing a global leader in stagnation. "We don't care, and it shows."
  9. Running the football doesn't win games, running the football successfully does.
  10. Yeah, because running down the sideline and handing a ball to someone takes sooooo much concentration, he couldn't possibly still had enough brain power left to focus on the game.
  11. Winnable and winning are two different things. I like our chances against the fins and the broncos which gives us three wins, but I see the rest as toss ups or, when it comes to NE and the Jets, more like 60-40 against. 4-5 wins is about what I am expecting but with a little luck, good or bad, we could easily do better....or worse, than that. The offense is starting to struggle against good defenses who now have plenty of film to figure out what Chan has been doing with his smoke and mirrors. Our already weak defense is likely to stay that way with Kyle Williams being gone for the season. And now we have a free agent, teamless PK'er we might have to count on for a few games. However it works out, the bottom line is that this team is relevant again and worth watching every Sunday so I am just going to sit back, hope for the best and enjoy the ride.
  12. I think the key is to score more points than they do. That almost always works.
  13. Given where our pass defense is ranked, I think its safe to say that whatever pressure we are generating is not enough.
  14. I am more worried about the injuries than the defense. They are starting to pile up. Andy is going to left tackle, Kyle Williams is out and may be out longer than expected. We are literally running out of receivers. Every team in the league is dealing with injuries but we are so lacking in depth that its going to cost us more heavily than other teams.
  15. Not "may have", more like "definitely do". All the oh-so-clever references to circle jerks and reach around's are just about as funny as jokes about African-Americans and fried chicken once were. At some point the fact that the world has changed will dawn on those whose sense of humor is permanently set to "moron". And I mean that in the most respectful way possible. now that was funny
  16. Braxton was hurt in 1973 and only played in 6 games. Larry Watkins, the other FB on the team, played in all 14 games and did most of the blocking for OJ in that record breaking year.
  17. There isn't a better story in the NFL this year than Freddie. If the Bills make the play offs, he will have a much better chance at being the MVP, winners simply get more attention.
  18. I think it was a case of excitement. He did have time and Stevie was open and he new he had a big play. He just got over excited and as a result, needlessly rushed the throw. That kind of thing happens in sports all the time. I play soccer and you see guys who can hit the upper corner from 50 yards with their left foot miss an open net all the time.
  19. Four minutes and they had two time outs and the 2 minute warning. There was an eternity left in the game. And if you score a TD, worst case scenario is overtime. It was a bad pass, not a bad call.
  20. I don't see how he is worth it or even a compliment to Stevie. He isn't a burner and we already have enough guys without scary speed. He only had one big year and otherwise has had an unremarkable career. I'd rather have a guy with some serious speed.
  21. I don't think the decision either way was very clear. Giving them no time outs and 80 yards or more to score a TD is a pretty good move. If we go and don't get it, the Eagles would have plenty of time since they would have a short field. Chan was on the field watching the line play all game and so I gotta go with his assessment of what the odds were that we would get the yardage we needed. Then again, we don't really know if he was going to snap the ball or not, as he said, "I'll never tell."
  22. Sadly true. My mom passed away in August of 2008. Some of my fondest memories are of watching the Bills in the Kelly era with my mom running in an out of the kitchen during commercials and yelling at every guy who ever sacked Kelly, "You leave my Jimmy alone you sonofabitch!" Whenever the game got down to the wire, we all had our spots in the family room where we exercised our nerves waiting to see how they would pull off a win. Mine was on the edge of the couch with a massive Bills floor pillow in my lap to smother my little-girl-screams when needed. My mom's was on the step leading into the kitchen where she sat , spatula in hand, with her eyes closed chanting "oh please, oh please, oh please, oh please, just this one tiiiiiiime". I know most of you all have the same memories, just different faces and different furniture. This past Sunday, this team gave my family a repeat of that same shared drama and joy. And I know somewhere, somehow, just before Barnett's pick, my mom was chanting "oh please, oh please, oh please, oh please, just this one tiiiiime". I wouldn't be surprised if that guy jumped offsides because he got hit in the ass with a spatula by 5'2" of Sicilian fire. Thanks mom, and thanks to the Bills for giving us all some new memories to cherish.
  23. When you join the Tebow cult, do you get a free tambourine or do you need to buy your own? The problem with that is that people would be screaming for him to start every time Fitz had a bad game. No thanks.
  24. I think he played well but I also think we kept everything short because of worries over the line being able to protect Fitz for very long. We didn't throw hardly anything longer than 10 yards.
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