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Everything posted by Mickey

  1. I agree with Bill Polian who said that the reason Williams is good in a crowd is because he has a lot of experience catching in a crowd because he can't get open.
  2. Getting rid of Rex and Rob will immediately improve that defense. And we will have a healthy Ragland and Lawson to add to the mix. Frankly, we could add defensive picks all day in every draft from now till Brady retires and we won't beat the Patriots unless we have an offense that score lots and lots of points.
  3. Hmmm....I wonder what the Patriots would do in this situation? Jettison Wood and his contract as he hits the downside of his career and sign Groy, saving lots of cap space and sewing up that hole in the roster for the next 4-5 years or stick with Wood and his high salary only to have to find a replacement for him in a year or two?
  4. Lots of QB's had trouble winning a starting job in college. Cam Newton started for one year at Auburn. I wouldn't give him credit for winning the starting job at Blinn College where he spent a year in exile after getting caught stealing a computer. Aaron Rogers didn't win the starting job until the 5th game of his Sophomore year then started as a junior before turning pro so he had only one full year as a starter. Flacco spent two years on the bench at Pitt because he couldn't beat out Tyler Palko for the starting job. He gave up on winning the job there and dropped down to Delaware, an FCS school. Trubisky left a year early and would have certainly started for another year had he remained. He saw significant action as the backup, scoring 14 TD's. QB's leaving early is a relatively new development in the league so you can't really compare a guy like Trubisky to historical QB's based on number of years starting. It would be more fair to compare him to QB's who didn't start until their junior year. There are plenty examples of franchise QB's who didn't manage to win the starting job until their 3rd year in the program. I would trust the tape on this guy and not dismiss him by relying on one factor, especially one that comes with many asterisks and caveats like how many years he started in college. If after looking at the tape you want to pass on him, fair enough but if you like what you see, don't talk yourself out of the pick.
  5. Yeah, who needs a guy with laser accuracy, great feet and a strong arm who is disciplined both on and off the field? We are Buffalo. We don't need talented quarterbacks. After all, we have Cardale Jones so we good. Its not as if running QB's like Tyrod are susceptible to injury or anything. We should just keep doing what we do, spend high first round picks on WR's and hope a playoff caliber QB falls from the sky onto our roster.
  6. The players have rehearsed their combine workout for months. Making throws with no pass rush, no roaring crowds, only one receiver to find, no DB's etc., etc. is not a valid test of what it takes for a QB to make it in this league. So no, Watson's workout doesn't change things for me. Mahomes or Trubisky are better prospects but the truth is that there probably isn't a franchise QB in this draft. Sadly, the tenth pick seems way too high of a pick for any of these guys.
  7. I'd have franchised Gilmore and put Dareus on the trading block to try to free up some cash. I have no confidence that Dareus won't find a way to get suspended before September. Gilmore is a professional. Marcel not so much.
  8. He isn't accurate, his receivers make him look good and the dominant roster surrounding him makes him look even better. Unfortunately, the quality available in the draft at QB is not determined by how badly we need one. Mahomes is a much better long term prospect.
  9. That sloppiness will be magnified in the NFL where the windows are smaller, the coverage tighter and the pressure higher. He just is not accurate, a fact covered up in part by the luxury of having some of the best WR's in college football and a roster far and away more talented than 90% of their opponents. Making plays with their feet is something NFL QB's do once or twice a game. Making plays with deadly accurate passes is what they do, what they have to do, the rest of the time. If I had a choice between Brady's arm and Tyrod's feet, I'll take the arm every day and all day.
  10. A more valuable observation would be to slaughter a goat, examine its entrails and then report back to us what it portends regarding the future of Mr. Gilmore.
  11. Kelly Leak....is a baaaaad dude https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8cOnsd0M114
  12. Like Watson, Young played for one of the best programs in all of college football. Like Watson, Young played for a program that was fielding some of its best teams ever. Like Watson, Young was the critical factor in winning a national championship against a team, USC, that at the time was being heralded as the best team in college football history. Like Watson, Young was tall, athletic, strong, fast and a dual threat quarterback. Sure, there are differences between the two but there are enough similarities to justify a comparison. I don't understand why you feel that the only reason some may have different opinions on whether Watson is worthy of a high pick is racism.
  13. Nothing there, he quotes no source and instead just poses a question and then proceeds to answer it with his own speculation. It is poorly written in that he makes statements of fact in the same way you would if you had a source so that it could easily confuse the reader into thinking there is a source when there isn't. If he has a source, it should read "Sources say the Bills will..." If he doesn't it should read "I think the Bills will...." But instead, he declares "The Bills will..." What the heck is that? A prediction? Speculation? A wish?
  14. What the Bills statement establishes is that they played no role in the decision to have surgery. Were it otherwise, they could hardly argue later that the surgery was elective and not "medically necessary". As for whether or not the surgery really was optional, the Bills statement clearly sends the message that they view it as being elective. Without having the exact contract language at our disposal, we can't be sure what does and what does not trigger an injury settlement. However, the fact that the Bills made it clear that they think it was elective and that they didn't participate in the decision leads me to believe that medical necessity is a key finding to trigger an injury settlement.
  15. He is in an impossible situation due to the leaks coming out of OBD. All we really know is that there have been anonymously sourced reports that Rex is a goner and that the Pegulas have not countered those reports with a public statement of any kind which they certainly would have done if there was no chance that he was going to be fired. That means that the Pegulas have either decided to fire Rex after the season is over or they have not yet decided whether to fire him and are waiting to see what happens in these last two games. In either case, there is no answer Whaley can give to any of these questions other than to dodge them as best he can which is bound to be awkward and make him look evasive. There is no way that the team can operate efficiently enough to make a good showing in these last two games and to take advantage of any luck that comes their way should Baltimore and Denver etc. start losing games if the Pegulas say anything that would substantiate the stories about Rex's future. At the same time, they would paint themselves into a corner if they made a public statement of confidence in Rex. If there is any chance they are going to make a change when the season is over, they have no choice but just say nothing for now. Whaley is in the same boat. How foolish would they all look if they said anything now to substantiate the rumors about Rex and then the team wins out, gets lucky and sneaks into the play offs? How foolish would they look if they gave Rex a public vote of confidence only to fire him 5 minutes after the Jets game is over?
  16. I'll never understand what we want out of these guys from the podium. Do we really imagine they are going to stand up and say, "yeah, I stink, not worth the money they are paying me, its all my fault, no way they give me a new contract'? And if they did, would it change the results on the field? I don't care what these guys say from the podium, I care what they do on the field. Right now, Tyrod isn't doing enough for this team to win. He isn't the only problem but even so, he isn't getting it done. We don't have another viable option at QB for this year and there will plenty of time after the season is over to figure out what to do with his contract. Is there some reason we need to decide that now? With four games left and still having a shot at the post season? I would love to have heard some questions about how we can beat the Steelers rather than listen to premature questions about Taylor's contract that we know he isn't going to answer anyway. And there isn't a QB in the league who would.
  17. My post indicated that signing a player off the street during the week and actually playing him on Sunday was No. 3 on the list of signs the team won't make the playoffs clearly implying that Harvin was not the only or even the clearest sign that they weren't making the playoffs but instead is just one of many. Reading comprehension not your thing?
  18. I believe that "...signing players on Tuesday who will actually be on the field on Sunday..." is No. 3 on the top ten list of signs your team is not going to make the playoffs.
  19. Well said. And on most occasions this is the way it should work. Everyone says what they want to say in a mutually respectful way and then get back to work. But this election just seems different to me. It is the most toxic, divisive, ugly and polarizing election I can remember. No way all that can be kept out of an NFL locker room. Sooner or later, its going to cause problems. I'm just gonna hang on and hope for the best.
  20. Apples to toasters. Rex has quite a bit of control over their professional lives. They have no control over his. Thus he is free to say what he wants, they are not.
  21. There are a number of reasons why asking a question of this kind in this setting would be "illegal". Sexual harassment is one, employment discrimination is another. Always the lame excuse is "I was only joking". A combine interview is not the place for a coach to work out his stand-up routine. These interviews are part of the process in figuring out which players are going to get a chance at employment in the NFL and plays a role in the amount of money they will ultimately make. Inquiring into someones sexual habits is just not within a thousand miles of the appropriate way to do business.
  22. He would be under contract with the Browns this year for 1.1 million and a restricted free agent next year. The Browns would lose nothing by giving him a chance this year assuming he is reinstated. If he returns to form in 2016, then they'll keep him thereafter. I don't see how we would have an opportunity to sign him unless the Brown pass on him. I don't see that happening. How stupid would they look if they let go a guy that good over a lousy 1 million when they have plenty of cap space and are desperate for talent? A million bucks is not much of a price tag in the modern NFL.
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