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Everything posted by Mickey

  1. None of these guys are a sure thing and assessing their talent and potential based on numbers alone is to cook a cocktail of contradictions. The same folks who give short shrift to Allen's numbers in terms of height, arm strength, 40 time etc., seize on another number, his completion percentage, and proclaim him a third rounder at best. I've watched as much tape on these guys as my real life will allow and honestly, there is a lot to love and to hate about all of them. I think overall that Darnold is probably the best of the lot. Yes, he turned the ball over a lot this year but the year before, not so much. I think Mayfield might be the least risky of all of them in that he scores well on everything but height. Rosen is like a glass of cold, fresh, milk. Nothing to rave about, nothing to complain about. And Allen has lots of potential but not much production. High ceiling, low floor, the riskiest choice of the bunch. Jackson will make some great plays, plenty of not so great plays and has a high risk for serious injury. We aren't going to get a shot at Darnold or Rosen given our current draft position. We might have a shot at Mayfield though its likely he is gone by the third pick. I think we might have the ability to get high enough for either Jackson or Allen and I couldn't be less excited about that choice. I am not crazy about either. If we can't get Mayfield, Darnold or Rosen, I wouldn't be terribly sad if we passed on a first round QB and instead took Rudolph or White in the second.
  2. I actually don't think the only problem with the rule is the surviving the ground part. I think the part they get wrong is that the replay evidence has to be clear and convincing in order to overturn the call on the field. Too often, they were having to study the tape forever and to an absurd degree before making a decision. The thing about "clear and convincing" is that it jumps out at you from the git-go. If you have to look at the tape over and over and over, its NOT clear and convincing.
  3. Not to be Debbie Downer but, though I think we are finally headed in the right direction, making the playoffs last year was more the result of the NFL's Byzantine tie break formula and a last second fluke in the Bengal game than masterful coaching and a championship level roster. And oh by the way, its official, I can't get pregnant, *whamp whaaa*
  4. Recent headlines featuring the phrase: "cost too much" Totally Mediocre Man Passes on Date with Super Model Because: "Dinner With Her Would Cost Too Much" -------------The Daily Loser Man Gives Away Ferrari: "Repairs cost too much!" -------------The Idiot Street Journal Man Offered Immortality, Says No! "Living Costs Too Much" -------------The Mediocre Observer
  5. Zero chance the Browns take a RB at one, zero. The Browns are taking a QB at one. The Jets are taking one at three. The Giants are trading down or taking a QB at 2, Eli's days are numbered and the Giants may never have an opportunity to get his replacement as good as this one. The Broncos will also take a QB as there is not a team in the league that understands how much you need a stud at QB to win in this league more than Elway's Broncos. Whatever the order, Allen, Darnold, Rosen and Mayfield are gone in the first 5 picks. We are either paying a ransom to the Giants, paying one to the Colts for Jackson or we will spend the season missing the good old days of Orton and Taylor.
  6. No thanks, not going to evaluate based on arbitrary parameters which appear to be introduced to force a desired result. That and I don't have an entire day to waste. If you think you can evaluate QB's better than Mac and the Bean, I have no interest in debating you. Likewise, if you think it is an impossibility for Allen to improve his accuracy, which was my only point, again, no interest in debating you.
  7. Brett Favre College Accuracy: 52.4%, in the Pro's: 62% Jim Kelly's College Accuracy: 55.6%, in the Pro's: 60.1% Dan Marino, College: 57.6%, Pro's: 59.4% Joe Montana, College: 52%, Pro's: 63.2% Tom Brady, College 61.9%, Pro's: 63.9% It is possible for a QB to improve his accuracy after college. Whether it be because of coaching, a better system or some other variable, it is possible that Allen's accuracy will improve in the NFL just as other QB's have done. As I have said, I'm not a big fan of the Bills taking Allen because, why get a guy who might improve his accuracy when there are guys who already throw the ball accurately? At the same time though, I trust Mac and the Bean to make the right decision. I may make the best damn pasta fazool in Central NY but I am about as good at evaluating QB's as I am at winning arguments with my two teenage daughters.
  8. ...and Jimbo's college % was even worse, 55.6. Not a big fan of taking Allen at all because I am prone to mini-seizures whenever I see a Bills QB throw a pass 10 yards over the head of a wide open receiver. I just can't risk going through that again, however, Allen's arm is insane and he threw threw ball way better than any of the others at the combine. If we do take him, I won't be a happy but I'll trust the Mac and the Bean and roll with it.
  9. Now we trade Cellino & Barnes to the Giants to swap our 12th for their 2nd and bang, we are in Rosen/Darnold territory.
  10. I don't see what the big deal is, she is obviously just very precise when it comes to measuring out sugar portions for her coffee.
  11. Neal Craig, for getting into a fist fight with OJ during the preseason and being traded the next day. Good O'l Neal wasn't fooled.
  12. I don't need two wishes, I have but one: For the love of God get a right tackle. A real one.
  13. Maybe so but it leaves our biggest problem, the offense, in even worse shape than it was last year. We can't go into another season with Mills and Ducasse on the right side. I won't even bother mentioning the woeful WR and TE situation. I don't get all the mocks that have us taking DT's, LB's and CB's before addressing any of the many, many problems on offense.
  14. Really? In your mind "looking at an attractive woman" is the same as "sending a video of yourself masturbating to a co-worker"?? Can you really not see why one of those is wrong and the other is not? Let's try another one: Which one of these is wrong: A) looking at an attractive woman, or B) sending sex toys to a female co-worker?
  15. Perhaps posting in a thread about Colin Kaepernick is not the best way to demonstrate that one is not interested in Colin Kaepernick.
  16. Dawkins was apparently a disaster at RT. If the coaches thought he was at all a workable solution at RT, he'd be starting there already as the current starter is quite possibly the worst RT in the league.
  17. Well, first of all, I have to agree that white people have far more expertise in recognizing racism than black people. When a black person tells you he has experienced racism, ignore what he has to say and instead rely on your experiences as a white person. In fact, I think the best way to illustrate your superior understanding of racism is to treat such claims by black people with mockery, doubt and reflexive incredulity. There couldn't possibly be even a kernel of truth to such claims. Why on earth would anyone think that a black quarterback in the NFL might have a better understanding of racism regarding the evaluation of black quarterbacks than people outside the locker room who know even less about racism than they know about football? If you haven't experienced racism, how could it possibly exist? If you are convinced that you are not a racist then does it not follow, a priori, that there are no racists?
  18. 27-24 ...and the Gods shook, they knew not why.
  19. No, its his job to accurately assess the threat before using deadly force. Further, there is no comparison between actions on a battlefield and those on city streets in US soil. The police are not at war with their own citizenry, thank goodness. Quite the contrary. There is negligence and there is criminal negligence. No one goes to jail for mere negligence but they should and do get fired. When the facts justify charges of criminal negligence or worse, they should be prosecuted.
  20. Protests like this work. Its how women got the vote in England and in the US. Its how the civil rights movement gathered support. Its how Ghandi rallied the masses. Its how a tax revolt in Boston became a revolution. Its how the political battles over the HIV epidemic were won. High profile protest by minorities that irritated and confounded the majority didn't achieve all these things by itself but it was an important part of all of these movements. In their day, Act UP, the Sons of Liberty, the suffragettes, NAACP, etc. were all despised as instigators, agitators, terrorists, traitors and the like. Authority never bows to the obedient. This is civil disobedience and civil disobedience works. Yes it irritates some, yes it alienates some but in the end, it may just work. I hope they don't so that a local person with a nose for business opportunities and a better understanding of the role of civil disobedience in nascent political movements opens a place with loads of big fat TV's showing every game.
  21. Speaking on behalf of myself only, I would totally support your deciding to divorce yourself from the NFL and the Bills entirely. A principled way to start would be to leave this site, devoted as it is to talking about the NFL and the Bills.
  22. That is exactly what the British said about the tea party and tarring & feathering tax collectors back in the powdered wig days.
  23. You have the power to keep this cap out of your own face by not clicking on a topic so obviously consisting of the crap you don't want in your face.
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