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Everything posted by Mickey

  1. Its Genius I tell ya, puuuuuure Geniusssssss!!!!
  2. I'd feel better than I did when we drafted JP Losman but not as good as I did when we drafted Trent Edwards. I'd feel nearly as bad as I did when we drafted Rob Johnson in the supplemental but I'd feel a smidge better than I did when we took Todd Collins. I certainly wouldn't be as depressed as I was when we signed Ryan Fitzpatrick but I also wouldn't be nearly as elated as I was when we released Fitzpatrick. And don't even get me started on Vince Ferragamo, Kelly Holcomb and Billy Jo Hobert. My faves all time have to be the couple of guys named Matt, yes, I'm talking about Matt Cassel and Matt Leinart. So all in all, I'd have to say...erhm, what was the question?
  3. Not as ticked as I'd be if they traded up and drafted the German comedian and international sensation that is Hella Von Sinnen.
  4. I'm going to stand up for the long-snapper here. Nothing jiggles my goodies more than a perfect snap to the punter in high winds. But that's me.
  5. Agreed, this is not a very deep draft in the positions we need to fill most other than at QB. In a thin draft, quality over quantity is best.
  6. After deep reflection and sharing my feelings with my family, I have decided that the time has come for me to announce my retirement from reading any of Richie Incognito's tweets. I will always fondly remember my time reading Richie's tweets and I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to enjoy his witticisms and hot takes on pressing issues over the years. Go Bills!
  7. It is a far more complicated question than that. I understand that in your opinion, this has nothing to do with race, creed, sex, etc. and I might even be inclined to agree with you, however, one could easily make the argument that race is involved since the protest is essentially over police conduct toward unarmed black men. Further, there are laws in place apart from federal Civil Rights Laws that could be employed. There are federal laws which protect against any deprivation of civil rights regardless of whether race, sex or creed, etc. was involved. There the key inquiry is whether the defendant acted under color of state law and you would be surprised at how broadly "under color of state law" is defined. Also, I have no clue what statutes, laws or local ordinances might be in play here jurisdictionally but I imagine that the potential forums all have pretty robust civil rights laws in effect. If NFL owners are actually talking to each other and reaching a mutual agreement not to hire this guy, I gotta believe that such a conspiracy is going to run afoul of some law somewhere. Apart from whatever legal consequences there may be, it was monumentally incompetent for Seattle to have handled the matter in the way they did. Nothing good is going to come from this. If they have him in for a workout and then sign someone else, they can simply say he didn't measure up and move on. Instead they clumsily opened a can of worms that has no upside for them or the league.
  8. By gum this is so crazy it just might work!
  9. I am not sure there is a single possible ranking of QB's that isn't identified here as an outcome under consideration. Thus, no matter what happens, the poster can say, "see? I told ya so". And if even 10% of it is true, the Browns are running a clown show behind the scenes. Is there a single private thought of the Browns staff that isn't being broadcast here?
  10. Oh look, Dean Wormer is on the internet!
  11. Bluto: Hey! What’s this talk of trading down crap? Stork: Well what are we supposed to do? Incognito retired ya mow-ron. Daniel: The draft’s over man, Richie dropped the big one, too many holes. Bluto: What? Over? Did you say over? Nothing is over until we decide it is. Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell No! And it aint over now ‘cause when the goin’ gets tough…………………………………………………………….the tough get going! Whose with me? Lets gooooooo! *crickets* Bluto: What the #*&% happened to the Bills fans I used to know? Where’s the spirit? Where’s the guts? This could be the greatest draft of our lives but you’re going to let it be the worst. “Oh, were afraid to trade up Bluto, we might draft a bust” Well kiss my %$#$!! Not me! I’m not going to trade down. Gettleman? He’s a dead man! Ballard? Dead! Elway? Dead! Darnold? He’s ours!!
  12. The weird thing is that if there is anything the people of Buffalo complain about when it comes to how others see their city, besides the weather, is that too often Buffalo is seen as a small time, nickel and dime kind of town. And yet, here we are, drowning in small time, nickel and dime posts about the "devastating" cost to get a QB. What's devastating to me is watching a franchise never giving itself a chance by paying the price for a top QB prospect. Getting by on the cheap with trade downs, mediocrities, has-beens and never-were's like Manuel, Orton and Taylor while watching the Rams trade up for Goff to go 11-4 and the Eagles trade up for Wentz and win a championship is what I call "devastating". I don't know if any of these QB's have what it takes, none of us do. All I'm asking is that if, if, if, if our brain trust sees any of these guys as a legit franchise QB prospect that they have the guts and the cunning to find a way to get that guy on our roster. I think they do, otherwise, what was the point of moving up to 12? There must be somebody there they like. If they do think one of these guys is "the" guy but don't have the courage or the wherewithal to go out and get him, then what are the Pegula's paying them for? People, all the Matt Milanos in the world are not going to lead this team to a Superbowl and neither is McPeterman.
  13. If the plan is to perpetually go 6-10 then this is a perfect plan.
  14. I think it means next to nothing. Not being able to predict the future it makes sense to evaluate all the top QB's. Who knows, maybe Rosen will get arrested for DWI the day before the draft or Darnold will show up on Youtube punching a bouncer. Maybe Cleveland will be Cleveland and not take a QB at either 1 or 4. The Bills would look pretty silly given how badly they need a QB if they passed on a chance to further evaluate a key member of this QB class. And that is without even considering that they might make such a trip and leak the information as part of an effort at misdirection.
  15. Sometimes they do fall on their backsides and sometimes they hit home runs. The guys who never take a shot, never hit home runs. And no, I'm not in sales and I bought my last new car with cash. You see, I could have taken a safe job out of college but instead, I took a shot, borrowed a lot and went to law school. It was risky but it paid off.
  16. Hypothetical: Browns trade out of 1 for a bag of magic beans.
  17. Why be bold? Why be the master of your own destiny? Why reach out and take what is yours when you can sit there and hope others will provide? Don't swing for the fences son, bunt, bunt, bunt! "Take what comes to us" is just about the most miserable life advice I have ever heard unless your only goal in life is to slowly rot from the inside out while toiling away in middle management. Let me guess, your favorite color is beige, your favorite food is a ham sandwich and your idea of a hot night is listening to Mel Torme while doing it with the lights on.
  18. Be of good cheer, soon the months and months of nonsensical gibberish over who we will draft will give way to months and months of carping, moaning and raving about who we actually drafted. Let that thought sustain you through these dark and trying times.
  19. *sigh* Another vote for continued mediocrity. Not for nothing but sometimes players you take in the first round who aren't QB's end up being a bust. You get what you pay for in life. You can either go to Vegas and take your shot at the bigs or you can stick to Monte Carlo nights at the local VFW post and, if you are lucky, win a basket of fruit. In Vegas, you at least have a chance to get it right. The NFL is no place for small time, cheap skate thinking.
  20. Yes, it took us 17 years of frustration to have the "deep scars" of not having a franchise QB. It does not follow that other teams will take that long to learn that bitter lesson. There are plenty of teams in front of us who have a need at QB and plenty of teams behind us who might be willing to trade past us to get a QB. Any team that rates these 4 guys as legit franchise prospects that have any concerns at all about their own QB situation is going to be very, very interested in moving up to get one. Everybody on the planet knows that we need a QB so that any team picking behind us that wants one of the big 4 knows they have to trade up ahead of us. I think it is highly unlikely that any of the top 4 are going to fall to us at 12 and frankly, I view that kind of thinking as just another chapter in the book of "lets get a QB on the cheap". Sometimes there are no short cuts, no free rides and no guarantees. Sitting around hoping we become the beneficiary of a legendary strike of good luck at the draft is not a strategy, its a hope. I prefer we seize control of our own destiny and pony up what it costs to get a registered thoroughbred in the stable.
  21. Ooooo, a joke about cops and donuts, brilliant! Edgy! Clever!
  22. I totally agree with this. Unless, of course, this turns out to be wrong. In that case, I couldn't disagree more and will likely claim that I was always against it as I repeatedly denounce it as irrational, un-American and something-phobic.
  23. Choosing a QB who can't play is horrible no matter what round you draft him in. Not picking a QB who can play is a horrible decision no matter what round you make it in. No one is going to applaud you if you put a QB on your roster who fails just because you didn't take him until the 3rd round as all you have accomplished is to waste a pick and fail to fill the most important hole in the roster. And you are not going to garner praise for passing up a QB who ends up being a long time starter because he went too early. The cardinal sins of the draft are 1) drafting a bust and 2) passing on a starter. If you think Mason Rudolph or Darnold or Allen or Lauletta or whoever is a future star, do what you must to get him on your roster. The argument for drafting Rudolph should begin with "I think this guy is going to get us to the promised land because..." If it begins with "We can get him cheap...." then I think maybe you are focusing on getting a good grade on your mock draft rather than winning football games. It is McDermott's and Beane's job to figure out the odds of each of these guys making it in this league and then do what they can to get the best of them on the roster and, failing that, to get the next best guy on to the roster and so on. If they are making decisions based on a belief that "hey, its all a crap shoot" so lets just "take a flyer" on so and so then they should both be fired. Imagine making a hiring decision at work that way. "Well, its all just a crap shoot so I took a flyer on the guy who was my 10th choice because I got him for $2.00/hr. cheaper than my top choice." Brilliant. Shrewd.
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