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Everything posted by Mickey

  1. Her word is proof. Not as good as a signed confession or a camera footage but witness testimony is still proof. And there was a second woman at the house who was injured in the attack. So two witnesses. Who knows where this will end up? I sure don't but it is not looking good for McCoy.
  2. I don't see how you get to "equally plausible". You have two witnesses saying there was a robbery of jewelry and a beating. How many witnesses are saying that she beat herself or some one else did? Two witnesses vs. none.
  3. Don't we have enough controversy going on without dragging us all into the sordid, seedy underworld of real estate appraisals?
  4. The scene of the crime: https://www.google.com/maps/place/Hickory+Pass,+Milton,+GA+30004/@34.174429,-84.3480168,374a,35y,6.26h,2.43t/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x88f57736a4bb540b:0x54e37634215692a7!8m2!3d34.1743777!4d-84.3479786
  5. If he did orchestrate this, it will come out. This caper is not exactly the work of a criminal mastermind.
  6. Police statement released by Deadspin: On July 10, 2018 at approximately 3:18 A.M., Milton Police responded to a home invasion at a residence on Hickory Pass near the Cherokee County line. The preliminary investigation indicates that this residence was specifically targeted by the suspect or suspects, and not a random incident. When officers arrived they found one victim who had been physically assaulted by a lone intruder. During the altercation, the suspect demanded specific items from the victim. An adult female victim was treated and released at North Fulton Regional Hospital. A second adult female victim also sustained a minor injury during the incident. https://deadspin.com/police-lesean-mccoys-ex-girlfriend-was-the-victim-of-a-1827490589 A second victim means there was a witness to at least part of the assault/robbery. Not looking good. Litigating with an ex, in part over jewelry, and then she suddenly gets robbed and beaten? Coincidence?
  7. I have some accidental footage from an overhead camera my spouse and I installed above our bed for "security purposes" which depicts me waking up from a nightmare, staring at the sky and shaking my fists while yelling in terror the words "McCargo! McCargo! McCargo!!!!"
  8. "Threw into a crowd" and "threw it up for grabs" Show some imagination, some creativity. How about "Threw into a mosh pit" or "giving out free beer"? Anything but the same old worn out shoes. PS Gotta add "Future hall of famer". I don't even care that "famer" is not even a word. Just tired of it. So tired.
  9. I used to read and post comments until I realized that running my knuckles over a cheese grater was just as effective at satisfying my masochistic tendencies.
  10. They do try to field a winner every year but since that is not an exact science they need a back up plan so they can sell mediocrity. Hence Taco Day.
  11. Elbert "Golden Wheels" Dubenion And yes, I know he is a murderer and all that but even so, "Juice" was a great nickname. Gotta like .Marlon "the Magician" Briscoe though, with a name like Marlon Briscoe, who needs a nickname? And for some other names so cool they don't need a nickname: Haven Moses, JD Hill and Cookie Gilchrist
  12. Interesting how the story morphs in the retelling from a body being found "on the property" to "at the home" to "in the home". Maybe title of thread should be changed to reflect the lack of certainty?
  13. I am a big fan of talent, hard work and discipline as well as the confidence and competence that results from those traits but "swagger", not so much. What does that even mean? All the swagger in the world isn't going to help an NFL QB who can't throw the football, read a defense, etc. Is "swagger" just what we call a guy who is good? Are there guys who are terrible players yet have all the "swagger" in the world, sort of modern day Billy Joe Hobert's?
  14. Take out Smerlas and add Ron McDole.
  15. When we moved to Syracuse when I was 6, the Bills games were never on TV. I remember listening to Meltzer, Azar and Rutkowski on my GE Clock Radio with my ear jammed against the speaker so that I could just barely make out their voices through the static. RIP Al and thanks.
  16. Ketchup on a Burger = acceptable Ketchup on fries = not acceptable Chili and Cheese on fries = nirvana
  17. All I can say is that there is probably a lot going on that we don't know anything about in terms of why he left. In the end though, he played his tail off while he was here and earned every penny he was paid...and then some. I wish him the best no matter what is next for him.
  18. It was a point that had to be made. I have not seen such commitment to duty since the well known heroics of the Judean People's Front:
  19. Respectfully disagree. There is a rich and long record of supreme court decisions prohibiting compelled speech in a variety of contexts. It is a complicated analysis which defies being reduced to one size fits all summaries like "...they can mandate whatever speech they like..."
  20. They have plenty of season tickets for sale as well.
  21. The rule says they shall stand and "show respect" for the flag and the anthem. Being compelled to show respect is more than simply not disrupting the ceremony. And what exactly "show respect" means in this context is anyone's guess. Can they chew and spit tobacco during the anthem? Can they bow their heads and close their eyes? Can they look away from the flag by averting their eyes or turning their heads? Can they have their helmets on? If not, can they wear a cap? A knit hat in the cold? Can they roll their eyes? How about sorting out their nachos, seat pads, binoculars and blankets as the fans do?
  22. The issue isn't just about what the players can say at work, it is what the employer can compel them to say when at work. I think there are limits to an employer's ability to compel speech by their employees when it is unrelated to work. Thus, Burger King can mandate that their employees say "have a nice day" after taking a customer's order. They cannot constitutionally compel them to say "God Bless America" or "God Save the Trump" whenever greeting a customer anymore than they can compel them to give a Nazi salute every time someone orders a whopper with no pickles or says the word "Obama". Mandating certain conduct during the national anthem, it could be argued, is compelling speech. And what it has to do with the job of winning football games I do not know. I believe that this whole compromise of letting players stay in the locker room is likely a strategy to avoid the constitutional problem of compelling speech. At the same time, I don't think the NFL has solved its problem. People will just get all bent out of shape about players hiding in the locker room. Eventually, the President will tweet that the owners should "fire every SOB who disrespects our country and our soldiers by staying in the locker room." What then?
  23. I only worry about things I have no control over. The rest I know I'll get sorted out. And yes, I do judge a book by its cover. There is no point to judging a book after I buy it and read it. That time and money is gone forever. Of course I count my chickens before they are hatched. Then I count them again after they are hatched. Is inventory tracking so wrong? I would totally buy the cow even if I can get its milk for free because, when I get tired of milk: steaks! I confess, I do watch the pot until it boils. Watching pots does not effect boiling time and chef's like me need to know when its time to add the cheese powder. I will not pay a penny for your thoughts...ever. But I am open to negotiations on what it will cost me for you not to share your thoughts. I have never barked at any tree let alone the wrong tree. If you have, tree selection is not your only problem. I do try never to cross a bridge until I come to it because, crossing it before you get to it is not possible under the current laws of physics. I don't put my eggs in any basket because: egg cartons, duh. It does not take two to tango. I tango by myself all the time and, don't deny it, you do too. It is my policy to always let the cat out of the bag because keeping cats in bags is just wrong.
  24. I think you're on to something here. I think you are on the verge of proving that there was indeed a second key to the ward room icebox.
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