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Everything posted by Mickey

  1. Sorry to hear that there is no real competition at the guard spots. A healthy roster with real depth usually does have some competition at least at this point in training camp. Alternatively, if the starters are just so good that they are firmly entrenched at the top of the roster then we are in good shape. Unfortunately, I don't think that is the case. The lack of competition is more likely due to the lack of depth than the superiority of the starters.
  2. I think we should pick apart every thing he says, syllable by syllable to see what profound and long term meaning we can divine from his every utterance. How else are we to feed our anxieties?
  3. Beethoven And btw, I have simmered and stewed for years over "Beethoven's 4th" not getting the critical acclaim it deserved. It virtually created the mold for quadri-sequels.
  4. Why does it loop the "greatest moments in sports" thing over and over and over??? Its been running nonstop for 40 minutes. I give up.
  5. Trading down is not really a strategy, its just an option. No team ever goes into the draft with their whole strategy depending on something they do not control. You can't trade down without a partner and you can't guarantee you'll have one. By the same token, no team ever goes into the draft without considering the possibilities of trading down and fully exploring that option. I am totally for trading down if the right deal is there to be made. I am totally against trading down if its a bad deal. Knowing the difference is why our GM gets paid the big bucks.
  6. Because he is not stupid. He needed the Bills to cut him, and they did. No one forced their hand. They gave up their rights to him voluntarily. No one forced their hand. The Bills took advantage of an unfair system and got beat at their own game. Gary Anderson had a fantastic career and the Bills lost out on a great kicker, might even have cost them a super bowl. Anderson won, the Bills lost and you're left whining about betrayal decades later. Brilliant.
  7. Gary Anderson wasn't given a shot at the NFL, he earned it. He owed the Bills nothing. If they wanted the most accurate kicker in college football, all they had to do was pay him. To me, it is immoral to pay someone less than what they are worth just because you can. Funny thing about not paying people fairly, in a free society, they go work for someone who will.
  8. Gary Anderson left because Wilson wasn't willing to give him a respectable contract. His only way out was to get Buffalo to cut him. And yet, despite missing everything in preseason, the Steelers signed him to be their starter the instant he was cut. I was convinced that his agent worked it out with the Steelers. I blame Ralph for A) not paying Anderson what he as worth and B) getting out played by kicker and his agent. To be a traitor, you have to owe a duty to someone or something. What on earth did Anderson owe the Bills? If the Bills didn't draft him, plenty of other teams would have. He was no traitor, he gamed a system that was stacked against him and won. Owners like Wilson gamed the system to their advantage and almost always, always won. Ralph got outsmarted, not betrayed.
  9. Any time I hit an outside shot playing basketball in the driveway I'd yell out "William Tecumseh Sherman mutha f***a!" I didn't have many friends.
  10. I wonder if they did the same analysis with the other candidates.
  11. I was going to "thumbs up" your post but I'm afraid that would be an implied endorsement of your avatar which I find to be highly offensive to the fine reputations of murderous clowns everywhere.
  12. The congregation here at Our Lady of the Sacred Completion Percentage are appalled at the blasphemous heresy spread by Brandon Beans and his demonic cohorts. Any one who would dare question the literal truth of the Holy Completion Percentage is surely destined to suffer the fires of hell for all eternity. Repent ye heretics, REPENT!! btw, Casino Night has been moved to next Thursday in the parish center from 7 to 11.
  13. The Stadium Wall Forensics Unit is all over the McCoy case. Those meddling kids ?
  14. Yeah but the whole point of that is to make the settlement before its sued so that it stays out of the papers. Much less reason for Dareus to settle this now that the allegations have been made public. The more likely scenario is that they contacted his people, asked for a bundle, he said "nope" and they sued.
  15. They don't put the full amount they are suing for in the complaint, they just allege damages in excess of the jurisdictional limit of all lower courts, ie, courts lower than the one they are suing in. I imagine that the next lowest court has a jurisdictional limit of $15,000.
  16. Somewhere in the bustling exurb of Davenport Florida, Karlos Williams is pulling his stairmaster out of the attic.
  17. That's just what this confusing situation needs to find clarity: two cents from Richie Incognito. I guess we will all just have to feed on conjecture and our own biases until the actual investigation figures out this Fargo-like mess. What fun!
  18. You could be a idiot, am I saying you are an idiot, of course not, I am just saying its plausible.
  19. As to the "possibility" that they staged a beating, in fact, there are several threads of evidence. Two witnesses, or don't witnesses count? Of course there are possibilities that would exonerate McCoy but there is zero evidence that this woman staged this and some evidence that she did not.
  20. I haven't declared him guilty, but neither am I entertaining wild "possibilities" with no proof. And there is "hard evidence": two witnesses not to mention a pretty serious beating. He may be innocent still but what is the point of entertaining far fetched theories of guilt on her part?
  21. How has she behaved? Lets see, are there no examples of men beating their exes or having them beat? Why is it so likely that some sort of crazy conspiracy was cooked up as opposed to the garden variety, see it every damn day, guy beats ex girl friend domestic violence stuff?
  22. Is there a single witness, credible or not, who is claiming that is what happened? Seriously, did I miss a key post 35 pages back?
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