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Everything posted by Mickey

  1. "So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past." --- F.Scott Fitzgerald Allen is Allen, let him be Allen, something new that we have never experienced before. He'll have his hands full just figuring himself out without these ridiculous comparisons based on a few preseason drives.
  2. Trying to predict how good a rookie will be based on preseason games is like a teenager thinking he knows what sex will be like based on holding a girl's hand during square dancing class in gym.
  3. Murphy played very well but it should be pointed out that on Allen's TD pass, he whiffed on his block which is why Josh was nearly sacked.
  4. Given your clear history of wild mood swings, from rage to elation back to rage, you might want to consider some form of therapy. This is a common problem with Bills fans. Trust me, I know. My advice, disengage. Smell some flowers, spend time with the kids, rediscover your porn stash.
  5. I thought the "Hard Knocks" crew played a cruel trick on him. They let an unsophisticated young man think they were filming his shoe collection as an endearing personality querk when all the time they were building the narrative of an overpaid, under-talented and unwilling to work athlete. His agent should have seen this coming and not allowed them to film it.
  6. If brevity is the soul of wit, does that make insanely long posts the bleeding hemorrhoid of wit?
  7. I'm pessimistic about 2087, don't know why, just have a bad feeling about it.
  8. Not that he blew me away or anything but yeah, AJ was the best of the three last night. He was accurate and appeared to me to be poised throughout. At no point did he do anything that set off my "uh-oh" alarm.
  9. Say it ain't so Ben, Say it ain't so...
  10. Fireball from Firebaugh
  11. If it make you feel better, take a look at how many egregious drops Jerry Rice had.
  12. just figured out my outfit for opening day:
  13. Sweat comin' out my shoes, Lawwd" would look good on a t-shirt
  14. "Sweat comin' out my shoes, Lawwd" = team motto
  15. You are overlooking the possibility that he can speak "properly" but chooses, in this context, to communicate in the vernacular. Besides, the language constantly changes and the one thing you can be sure of is that much of what is improper today will, because of frequent usage, become proper tomorrow. That is why you don't hear "forsooth" all that much now-a-days.
  16. Popcorn, check. Beer, check. Ready to read the tweets about today's practice. And check your criticism, its a fruit flavored beer so it qualifies as a healthy, "breakfast beer".
  17. Yeah, better to quibble, save your picks, trade down and draft a series of EJ Manuel's and John McCargo's. This guy is Bruce Smith in his prime. Get him and you have the best defensive player in the league for the next 5-10 years. That would suck wouldn't it?
  18. I'd trade three firsts for Mac and throw Shaq in for free. And if it took four, I'd do it dammit.
  19. There is no one rule as to how to break in a new quarterback. It all depends on what kind of a person that QB is. Some guys could play a whole season getting picked off and sacked at a record pace and manage to learn from it all so that they comeback in year two as an all star. Another guy might not be able endure that kind of physical and emotional pounding and instead needs to be able to adjust and mature at a slower pace before becoming a big time QB hero. Anyone who has raised more than one child knows that what works for one might be the worst thing in the world for a different child. Coaching would be easy if all you had to do was follow one formula over and over and over again with every player. What makes it hard is figuring out what makes all those different clocks tick.
  20. Someone needs to tell Foster to stop buttering his pancakes with his hands.
  21. Come see B-Town AJ and the Drop-its perform their new hit "Oops, I dropped it again" at the Rochester Auditorium live this weekend!
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