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Everything posted by Mickey

  1. Someday someone will have to explain to me how a team that has a shortage of good football players can improve by losing good football players. The Eagles could very well finish somewhere near the top of the standings which will diminish the value of any of their draft picks we receive in a trade. I don't see the sense in it but at the same time, I think this trade is way more likely than I thought it was when I first heard the rumor. If it happens, tragically, I may no longer be able to justify avoiding going apple picking one of these Sundays. Apple fritters, whoopee.
  2. Hmmm.....4 games, yeah that seems like a sufficient sample size from which to derive useful statistics. We should cut him, stats don't lie do they?
  3. If we cut every player who has made a mistake that could potentially cost us a game, we would be recruiting in the bars on Saturday night to try an fill the roster for Sunday.
  4. You had me at "corn root nematodes".
  5. Perhaps you could simply quote your post at the time clamoring for us to take Mahomes?
  6. Do we have players who don't "love football" or who refuse to do things the "right way"? What is the "right way"? I assume that means to work hard, be on time, know your playbook, stay in shape and stay out of trouble off the field. If that's basically it, are we losing games because people aren't doing those things??? Seems to me we are losing because we don't have the talent to win one on one matchups whether its blocking on the edge, beating a CB, making the right read or whatever.
  7. Goff is incredible tonight
  8. This is ridiculous. The idea that a team would trade a player like Wentz or Geoff at the end of their rookie contracts is absurd. What for? The chance to draft the next EJ Manuel? Trying this with lesser quarterbacks is only slightly less implausible as they will not garner any picks. Teams would be trading a sure thing for a chance that maybe this draft has a playoff caliber QB in it and maybe they can trade for enough picks so that maybe they will be able to draft that QB before someone else does. Oh, and if he isn't, you're the moron who traded Carson Wentz for a diseased hamster. Brilliant. It's not that there are no GM's brave enough give this a try. There are no GM's dumb enough to set their careers ablaze based on a half-baked twitter born theory.
  9. Hmmm.....yeah, that seems like a fair poll. And nothing disproves your post more than its length. Nothing more interesting than 37 paragraphs of hindsight. I especially like your "support" of Allen, you think he stinks and that he has always stunk and that being good is something he has never been.....but....you support him. Try that when your child applies to Harvard. "Look honey, you are an idiot, you have always been an idiot and getting in to Harvard would be the first time ever in your life that you weren't an idiot but don't worry honey, I support you!"
  10. I think the problem is his hands, as attested to in this close up, you can see that something is seriously wrong with his hands:
  11. My agent, Tommy "Skippy" Brown usually makes these announcements but he is not available today as, according to his mom, he has to work a double shift at the DQ today so I find myself having to issue my own press releases and statements. Accordingly, for immediate release: "The Bills have not yet asked me in for a workout at CB but I remain available should they decide to do so assuming they are willing to waive most, if not all of their health requirements. I feel my record over the past 10 years of never having allowed a single TD to a receiver I was covering says all that needs to be said about my ability to help this team. I realize that I have not had a single interception during that time but I chalk that up to lack of opportunity as I have not played a single game of football in 10 years. I did however intercept my 80 year old Dad at Dick's the other day, preventing him from buying what he thought was a pair of sweat pants but were actually boot-cut yoga pants, size 5. Interception wise, it may have been the highlight of my career."
  12. ...and these were the best men's harem pants, ever.
  13. Trump killed the USFL according to ESPN's 30 for 30. http://www.espn.com/30for30/film?page=small-potatoes-who-killed-the-usfl
  14. Sadly, many fans are enthusiastically committed to "low cost, short term solution" football.
  15. Then again, they might be keyed up to make sure they don't look past us as a loss to the Bills would make the Eagles game a must win. I hope you are right but one would hope that the embarrassment of the first 4 quarters would have offered sufficient motivation. Past outcomes do not determine future outcomes. Hence Vegas, hence why I no longer run a 4.5 forty. On the positive side it is why we are not destined to lose. I hope you are right. But so far, zero turnovers and Shady has more broken ribs than touchdowns. Ha! Can't argue with that! I'm convinced, Bills 20, Vikings 16
  16. You have a duty to retreat if possible and you can't use deadly force unless you are being threatened with deadly force. In this case, only the threat of comical force was involved. Human dignity, not human life was the only thing at stake. Dignity lost.
  17. It's elementary my dear Watson, Holmes in the back of the end zone.
  18. My reaction to the release of Kerley:
  19. I'm beginning to process the questions.
  20. What?! I don't know that....aaaaauuuuuggghhhhhh...
  21. As an attorney I think that, rather than regulation of game day activities, the answer is to bring the folding table industry to justice. They have long known that their tables unreasonably tempt unsuspecting fans to jump on them from great heights after consuming large quantities of low cost alcohol products. There are no warnings against such forseeable uses of their clearly defective tables. The folding table industrial complex has preyed upon innocently inebriated fans for far too long. I have two words to say to Big Table, "punitive" and "damages".
  22. Why do you think any of your premises are correct? The NFL has officials who regulate and monitor radio frequencies at games. https://operations.nfl.com/the-game/gameday-behind-the-scenes/nfl-gameday-frequency-coordinators/
  23. To get to Hammer's Lot you must first cross the bridge of death over the gorge of eternal peril. The guardian of the bridge will ask you five, no three, questions. You can answer the five, I mean three, questions correctly or you will be cast in to the gorge of eternal peril. Who would cross the bridge of death to Hammer's Lot must answer me these questions three, 'ere the other side he see: Q1. What is your name? A1. Easy Q2. What is your quest? A2. To see the Bills win. Q3. What is the air speed of unladen swallow? A3. You're on your own with this one.
  24. If by "almost" you mean twice as much NFL experience as Allen then I guess you are correct. Peterman has had two full off seasons of workouts, OTA's, meetings, etc. Peterman has has two training camps and 8 preseason games and 18 nfl games including a play off game. He has started 3 actual NFL games. He had a year to learn from a veteran QB who managed to be good enough to get his team to the play offs. He had a year where he only shared snaps with one other QB. Allen has had one NFL off season, split his reps with two other QB's and has never started an actual, live bullets NFL game. Peterman may not be a seasoned veteran but he is most definitely not a rookie. Peterman was given more of a chance to be a starter in this league than was warranted by his abilities. My hope for him is that he will be a competent back-up but I'm not even sure he is capable enough for that role.
  25. Colin Kaepernick Has plenty of experience, been to the Super Bowl and has an uncanny talent for bringing people together. And I am not suggesting this simply because I love reading arguments between people over who are the real Americans, those who despise Kaepernick or those who admire him.
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