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Everything posted by Mickey

  1. He made a good call on Rogers going into a free fall if Miami didn't take him and made that prediction last week.
  2. Still scratching my head on that first pick but the rest looks pretty good.
  3. Looks like a find. Supposed to be a great trap blocker and lord knows, we will be running a lot of those.
  4. How dare you suggest that the success of our GM be measured in wins rather than whether he has overpaid for any players? Blasphemy I tell you, BLASPHEMY
  5. All those who claimed over the last year that we would get a first rounder for Henry or a second rounder at worst, please take a bow. As it turns out, nobody would even give up a lousy third rounder.
  6. Interesting logic. If we they had got him on the roster then he must be great because otherwise they wouldn't put him on the roster. If they don't get him then it must be because he is not worth spit. Either way, they are always right. I hope my firm grades me that way. If I lose a trial it must be because it was a loser from the git go and If I win a trial it must be because I was brilliant. They are the experts and we are just fans but if speculating on whether this move or that was good or bad was off limits here, there would be no board. We lost a two left tackles from an OL line unit that was pretty pathetic to begin with. We have a disgruntled pro bowler stewing on the bench and we lost a top notch defensive tackle. Given those situations, opting for a Freddie Smith clone when you have Moulds and Evans is, to put it mildly, a bit of a surprise. Really, point out to me all the pre draft posts and threads about how WR was a glaring weakness on the roster that should be addressed as priority #1 in this draft. You won't find many.
  7. It forces nothing of the kind. Teams will be even more motivated to load up close to the line and stop the pass with a pass rush given that our line is likely worse than it was last year. As Bill B. of the Patriots said "that line is for s..t" and now it is even worse with the loss of Jennings. Besides, explain the difference between this guy and Freddie Smith or Santana Moss for that matter. Speedy little recievers are a dime a dozen in this league. Heck, the Arena League is drowning in them.
  8. I'm not jumping off a bridge but I am leaping off the couch. Yeah, there is another day to go so we will see. I am just of the opinon that the trenches matter and they are worth spending some pesonnel capital, be it draft picks or free agency, to get quality players up front. It seems to me that TD would rather build the lines on the cheap hoping to get lucky on a FA retread or late round gem. Its been 4 years and I am tired of that approach given the results. Even worse, the one top pick he did use has not played up to his press clippings yet though I still have hope for him. He probably will pick a LT late and that guy will also probably be selling insurance in a few years ala Mike Pucillo. I have had it with late round "big upside" prospects for the OL. I was hoping for some talent.
  9. Not everyone who is critical of this draft so far is "unhinged". There is a legitimate argument to be made that having two Freddie Smith's on the roster maybe wasn't as important as getting some OL help. What I find funny is that by far the consensus on this board was that we needed to get a LT, a DT and a CB and also that TD was going to pull off some brilliant move with Henry. Well, none of that happened yet the same people who who talked that talk are gushing about getting a smurf and having Henry stew on the bench all year. If anyone had suggested a week ago that our number one priority was to get a Santana Moss clone WR, they would have been run off the board by the same prisses who are postively rhapsodic over the pick now.
  10. This is a place for people to express their opinions about the team, what they like and what they don't like, what they hope for and what they are afraid of for the team. It is not simply a place to pick up your pom-poms and cheer every thing that happens. Rather than simply complain about people complaining, in might be more effective to point out that they are wrong. In this case for exmple, it would mean demonstrating how having two Freddie Smiths on the roster is more important than having a starting left tackle. As far as carrying out their plan, what plan would that be? Would it be the "hire Gregg Williams plan?" Or maybe "the Bledsoe plan?" How about the "miss the playoffs four years in a row plan?" If you miss the playoffs for 4 years straight and are into your second head coach, you have to expect some criticism. I have seen successful teams, I know what they look like and so far, the Bills under TD have not been successful. It is time for him to get it done.
  11. You can't always get what you want but if you try sometimes, ya just might find, you get what you neeeeeeeed, yeah, yeah, yeah. He's the boss man so I will defer but for my money, I would have been satisfied getting what we need, a left tackle, even if it meant not getting what I wanted, a left tackle plus whatever.
  12. Because of those rule changes, it will be even more likely that defenses will load up close to the line since the only way to defend the pass will be to pressure the quarterback. Therefore, ergo, a solid offensive line is even more important than it was before the rule change.
  13. If the best available player was a RB should we have taken him so that we have not one but two aces on the bench while a ghost starts at LT? At some point, you have to fill gaping roster holes. I just think this is yet another example of what little respect TD has for the importance of winning the war in the trenches. He clearly thinks that any stiff will do on the O-line.
  14. Yeah, the same guys who raved about Josh.
  15. I guess we should have seen it coming all along. Now that it has happened, it all makes sense now. We lose arguably the best blocker on a pretty bad offensive line and we lose a great DT. We have top notch CB we will lose next year and our kicker is prone to leg seizures under stress. Clearly, the only logical response to these roster problems is to draft a toy poodle sized wide receiver. It was obvious all along, we just couldn't see it. Actually, there is a pattern emerging here. We draft a good RB who goes to the pro bowl so what the heck, we draft another RB. We draft a WR to be the No. 2 after Price and that works out so well that we draft another WR to be the No. 2. We trade up to nab a RDE in one draft and that works so well we draft another RDE. We trade a first round pick to get a QB and three years later, we trade a first round pick to get a QB. His picks are so nice, he does them twice.
  16. Wow, and I thought we came here to talk about the good, the bad and the ugly. Little did I know that this was cheerleading practice. Lighten up.
  17. C'mon, that just isn't possible because TD is an infallible genius. Just look at the brilliant draft we are having so far...
  18. The fix was in on the Anderson foul up. They had a new rule that year on rookie contracts. If they didn't sign by a certain date, they got some sort of automatic crappy contract. The Bills got tough with Anderson knowing that he had to sign by the deadline or get screwed even worse. Suddenly, Anderson missed every FG attempt he took after practically not missing at all for 3 years at Syracuse. We cut him and Pittsburgh picks him up immediately and signs him to be the starting kicker despite all those preseason misses. I think Gary's agent talked to the Steelers when the Bills were playing rough with Anderson in negotiations and worked something out. Why would Pittsburgh sign a guy that quick to start when he just got cut after missing everything? Gary Anderson in his prime couldn't miss a 30 yarder, not possible. Yet he did with us. Hmmmmmm.....
  19. I am an SU season ticket holder. He is a decent prospect but frankly I would be relatively surprised if he developed into an NFL starter. More holding calls than pancakes. He has a nasty streak and will pick up a personal foul every now and then. He gets some props for the success of Walter Reyes. SU's offense, running the freeze option as they do with ultra conservative play calling makes it difficult to grade out individual players. For my part, I would give him a look in the third but no earlier. The experts like him more than I do so who knows, maybe he is one of those sleepers you hear so much about.
  20. The speculation is so much fun no matter what they do.
  21. Just looking to put in perspective the notion that you just don't take a kicker that high, in the second round. If you are serious about winning in the post season let alone getting there, you have to have a rock solid, reliable kicker. We don't. Lets get one, today.
  22. We lost Pat Williams and are moving Bannan to the OL and Sam Adams is getting long in the tooth. Meanwhile the OL has picked up Gandy, Anderson and Bannan while losing Jennings, Pucillo and Price. Seems like the OL broke even and the DL is down two. Second round DT's: Luis Castillo 6-3, 305 4.85 Northwestern Mike Patterson 6-0, 290 5.05 USC Attiyah Ellison 6-4, 305 5.05 Missouri Anttaj Hawthorne 6-3, 321 5.12 Wisconsin (O) My wish: Mike Nugent. If we had Christie instead of Norwood in 1990, we would have won that Super Bowl, no doubt. I don't want to be writing next January that if we had Nugent instead of Lindell we would have won the Super Bowl.
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