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Everything posted by Mickey

  1. Well then it is high time a theory like Intelligent Falling came on the scene to bring us back down to earth.
  2. It was like watching bowling pins go down. He picked up a 7-10 split. "The Thing" Real Name: Jason Peters Occupation: Left Tackle, Professional adventurer; former test pilot, adventurer and wrestler Identity: Publicly known Photo: The Thing in a candid moment Legal Status: Citizen of the United States with no criminal record Other Aliases: None Place of Birth: New York City Marital Status: Single Group Affiliation: Buffalo Bills, Fantastic Four, formerly Unlimited Class Wrestling Federation Base of Operations: One Bills Drive First Appearance: FANTASTIC FOUR #1 History: Jason Peters was born in Texas, and became a football star there. While he was a senior in High School, Jason received a football scholarship to Arkansas. Favorite food: Rettata Height: 6 ft. Weight: 500 lbs. Eyes: Brown Hair: (in human form) Brown, (as the Thing) Red with a streaking Buffalo. Unusual features: The Thing's body is covered with flexible, rock-like hide. The Thing has no apparent neck. He has only four fingers (including the thumb) on each hand and four toes on each foot. The increase in the volume of his fingers has not decreased his manual dexterity. His skin is apparently susceptible to "what in a normal human being would be called loss of skin oil, for his skin, like granite, can be "chipped" under certain circumstances. Strength Level: The Thing possesses superhuman strength, enabling him to lift (press) 85 tons. The Thing's strength grew considerably over the initial years of his career. At one early point in his life as the Thing, for example, he could only lift (press) 5 tons. Known Superhuman Powers: Normally kind and gentle, The Thing hates defensive lineman and wil destroy them on site. The Thing possesses superhuman strength, endurance, and durability. The Thing can exert himself at high levels for about four quarters before the build-up of fatigue poisons in his blood impairs his strength. His reflexes have remained at their above average human levels despite his greater mass. The Thing's lungs are of greater volume and efficiency than a normal man's, enabling him to hold his breath underwater for up to nine minutes, The Thing's five senses can withstand greater amounts of sensory stimuli than he could when he was a normal human being, with no reduced sensitivity. The Thing's body is able to withstand extremes of temperature from -75° to 800° Fahrenheit for up to an hour before exposure or heat prostration occurs. He can withstand the explosive effects of armor-piercing bazooka shells (15 pounds of high explosives) against his skin with no injury. He is still susceptible to colds, disease, and emotional stress. Unlike in the case of the Hulk, the Thing has suffered no loss of intelligence or change in personality in his transformation into his monstrous form. He does jump off sides though occasionally.
  3. Actually, Bill, she was taken to task for that gas station remark and apologized for it as did Yonkers mayor John Spencer for the remark he made about chinamen. Hillary apologizes
  4. Just the laugh I needed on a monday morning. Nothing like satire to start the day: Intelligent Falling Theory Just a snippet: "The ECFR, in conjunction with the Christian Coalition and other Christian conservative action groups, is calling for public-school curriculums to give equal time to the Intelligent Falling theory. They insist they are not asking that the theory of gravity be banned from schools, but only that students be offered both sides of the issue "so they can make an informed decision." "We just want the best possible education for Kansas' kids," Burdett said. Proponents of Intelligent Falling assert that the different theories used by secular physicists to explain gravity are not internally consistent. Even critics of Intelligent Falling admit that Einstein's ideas about gravity are mathematically irreconcilable with quantum mechanics. This fact, Intelligent Falling proponents say, proves that gravity is a theory in crisis."
  5. He reminds me of Ben Grimm, "The Thing" from The Fantastic Four. Maybe we should let him rush the passer. This guy needs to be on the field as much as possible. I'd like to see him play LT against some starters next pre-season game.
  6. I was finally able to take a second look at the first half of the GB game last night and I saw something I missed on R.Lee's kickoff return. Peters took the man he was blocking and tossed him to Peters' right like a rag doll. The guy landed on a second Packer, taking him down as well. With that one move, taking two guys out at once, Peters opened a huge hole in the coverage and sure enough, Lee went right through that hole. For those of you who taped the game, you can just see this happen on the replay from endzone camera. Peters is just visible on the right of the screen tossing a guy to the left right into another Packer and they both go down. The replay switches to the sideline camera just as the two Packers are going down and Lee sprints by. You may have to rewind it a few times but it is there. That is one of the most incredible blocks I have ever seen on special teams, ever. I'd love to be in the film room when they run that tape.
  7. Muslim on muslim violence. You'd think there would be more than one leading cleric speaking up.
  8. Norwood had great stats the year he was wide right. Stats aren't everything. Besides, maybe his accuracy numbers were a little high because, unlike other kickers, we never even bothered putting him out there to try anything over 50. A lot of long attempts can drive down your accuracy percentage.
  9. Sorry, my secretary usually handles those kinds of menial tasks.
  10. That hasn't stopped them from using the whole playbook on defense. So, we have some secret running plays that are so diabolically clever we can't risk running them now? Running is basic, give the ball to the runner and knock the defense on its butt. We haven't been doing that. That isn't a complaint, just a reality so far.
  11. Whoa, even some conservatives are losing patience with this administration. Bainbridge
  12. Peters looked very good, I didn't see him lose a single guy that he engaged. He did turn in to seal off a corner on one play while the DE just went right up field and made a tackle in the backfield for a loss. I couldn't tell if he screwed up or someone else on that.
  13. We saw last night about what we expected, great play one minute, disaster the next. It will be a mixed bag with him, mostly good but plenty of head scratchers here and there like that safety. It will be exciting, no doubts there. The way he can make a play last forever is wild baby, wild.
  14. That is just terrible. My heart goes out to his family and the entire Forty Niner's team.
  15. All right, who was that guy and what did he do with the real Rian Lindell? 54 yards?!?!?!!? Are you kidding me? What got into his Wheaties? Do they test kickers for steroids?
  16. For a power running team, we aren't showing much power. I have a feeling we might be relying more on JP than Willis to move the ball. Common wisdom around here has been that JP doesn't need to do too much because Willis is going to be the motor for the offense. If JP can create like he did last night, eff the common wisdom. Let Spanky and the Little Rascals play. Draw 'em up in the dirt, put some banana peels in Alfalfa's pants and lets see what happens.
  17. I think it would be better to let more facts dribble in before waxing eloquent on what could have been done better. I have confidence that the British will learn what lessons there are to be learned from the event. Remember that the fact that we are starting out with is an innocent man being killed by the police. There is no dispute there at all. I think the logical response to such a thing is to examine the event to see what went wrong and hopefully, improve tactics to prevent it happening in the future. I don't understand the knee jerk defense of this or dismissive attitude displayed by some at the mere mention that this was a really bad mistake. Really bad.
  18. Different subject, you were talking specifically about whether people in Brazil protesting the shooting of an innocent Brazilian by the British police would be protesting if the man was killed by terrorists. If you want to switch gears and talk about the response of all muslims to suicide terrorism, fine. It would help to narrow it down, I don't think it is fair to just talk about all muslims. I imagine that Jordanian muslims might have different issues than muslims in Dallas Texas. By and large, I would certainly agree that, on the whole, the response to this by muslims has ranged from shameful silence to tacit support. There are a lot of things they should be doing but I doubt protests would accomplish anything. Leading clerics announcing that suicide terrorists are going to hell would be a good start.
  19. I was addressing the question of whether or not a third party could win, not just run and get some votes here and there. You have to have enough votes to win and the people most upset with the two parties just don't have enough in common with eachother politically. I don't see a group of disaffected democrats getting along very well with a group of disaffected republicans. Heck, many of the disaffected are so because they feel their party isn't extreme enough. This was really the problem that Perot had. He had plenty of people who were upset with the status quo but all for different reasons. How do you form a party with enough votes to win out of people who want more gun control and people who want less? Is there a middle on the issue, yes but not the same middle on abortion or the same middle as exists on taxes, etc, etc. It could happen I guess but I don't see it, especially as polarized as we are now.
  20. There is an old saying, "I never heard a corpse ask how it got so cold."
  21. I don't know, it doesn't seem to have proven very useful in this case, what with an innocent man getting shot seven or eight times and all. Maybe it can be both useful and work against you depending on whether it is done right.
  22. My problem with profiling is that is just doesn't work. Look for men, they'll send women. Look for people with middle eastern features, they'll dye their hair blonde. While you're looking for a black haired male, a blonde woman walks right by you with enough explosives in her purse to blow up the place. Profiling can actually work against you.
  23. I don't think we should over react nor sweep it under the rug with a shrug. All you can do is look at what happened and try to learn from it.
  24. Being 3/4's Sicilian myself, I can't say I have run across this problem much. Then again, I haven't pulled that horse head in the bed trick in a long time.
  25. Terrorists aren't effected by protests, governments are. One of the many reasons why we prefer governments to terrorists.
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