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Everything posted by Mickey

  1. You should submit an affidavit to the Judge overseeing the Grand Jury in the Rove case and share with the court your exculpatory analysis so they stop wasting their time. I'll be happy to draft it for you at a substantially discounted hourly rate. Seriously, with respect to the Plame investigation, indictments or non-indictments are a day or two away apparently so a little patience and we will all have a lot more meat to chew on than we have now. For all I know, I am going to be indicted. This is one prosecutor who nows how to run a leak proof investigation, you have to give him that much. If I could tolerate reading anything about He Who Must Not Be Named, I would but I break out in hives just looking at him so, on Doctor's orders, I have to refrain. W
  2. All that and sand in the sandwiches too. Boy, these people need a break. It would be nice if something went off without a hitch.
  3. At least we know where all those Florida voting machines went. Probably sold on a substantial discount I'll wager. Seriously, these people have been through so much I hate to see this bit of good news, the Constitution passing and all, coming with an asterisk attached. I hope they straighten it out soon.
  4. By all means, lets debate Chappawhatsit, give you guys on the right an argument you can win. Better than talking about Iraq, or Rovegate, or Delaygate, or Miers, or the economy, or gas prices, or the deficit, or Fristgate, or Abramoffgate, or the Dover monkey trial. What's next, a rousing round of rhetoric over the Tea Pot Dome scandal? Or maybe we can all take sides on the "Tippecanoe and Tyler too" thing. I think bib was actually around then so he can give us the details. CTM probably did his thesis on it. Mine was in biology, I entitled it "Multiple Orgasm: myth, reality or miracle?" The research was hell.
  5. If they are sinking stupid reforms, that's a good thing.
  6. Actually, as one who has worked on many a drunk driving fatality, under the laws and prevailing attitudes of the time, a hobo wouldn't have done a day in jail let alone a Kennedy. The only reason it was even news was because it was a Kennedy.
  7. He said he dived repeatedly to try and get her out but couldn't, since you were apparently there and witnessed all this and know this to be untrue, you should go to the police and swear out a warrant since there is no statute of limitations on murder. Let us know how that works out.
  8. What, from an empirical standpoint, is the basis for your position that Drew plays well early and not so well later in the season? I am not interested in stats that show this to be the case but an explanation as to why. I think Drew's performance is a lot like that of other QB's, dependent in part on what is around him. Lousy lines and lousy QB's seem to go together. Same with lousy OC's and lousy offenses. He is gone now so it just doesn't matter. I think if the Bills were playing well we wouldn't care if Drew was the front runner for MVP but since they aren't, its natural to wonder, what if?
  9. We do have a problem in the secondary in that we have been blitzing the DB's a lot and bringing up Milloy in tight to help shore up our weak run defense. That leaves man to man coverage with no deep help on at least one side of the field. We saw the Dolphins have some success deep because Troy couldn't cover both sides of the field and so arrived at the sideline too late. Seeing that kind of coverage can get a QB salivating in a hurry, especially when all that blitzing is not resulting in sacks.
  10. Presumably he ran for a second term to accomplish something and that is now a problem for him with all his poll numbers in the dirt. Congressmen and Senators are likely taking note and though he may not be running again, they, to our collective regret, certainly are. It will be much harder for him to enforce lock-step party discipline to get things passed. Heck, he might not even get Miers confirmed. So those poll numbers matter to him.
  11. I don't think we are "indicting" him. Just making the same point you did, that this guy can't think on his feet. I also said that he didn't invent the choreographed photo-op, ie, everyone uses them. He uses them more than others, way more and yes, we have had Presidents who could handle themselves on the fly. Clinton for example had no problem with unscripted, contemporaneous exchanges. This is just part of the media manipulation the Bush team is so big on and yes, so were others from both sides of the aisle. I just think there is a line out there that this bunch has crossed way too often. Like paying journalists to shill for them with tax payer dollars producing bogus "stories". That was crossing the line and the fact that he can't go off script with people who, if you believe the administration, are his most ardent supporters, soldiers, says a lot.
  12. Its called a rehearsal. Do you think these soldiers were selected randomly? Do you think there was no discussion at all as to what they were going to say? Do you think the President's, expecially this one's, handlers would allow him to field any tough questions let alone surprise questions during a photo-op like this? Not a chance. The story is not a scoop nor a revelation, just another example of this President's inability to think on his feet. He didn't invent the choreographed photo-op but his reliance on same to the virtual exclusion of unchoreographed events is remarkable.
  13. I think he is listed as "questionable" but I'm not sure if that refers to his health or his blocking skills.
  14. All we need to do is invent a new offensive system that is so clever it does not require blocking to succeed. It is the e-mc2 of professional football. That or we could draft some lineman. Nahhh.
  15. Bingo in the fireside room. Bad line, bad OC=bad offense
  16. It's clear that he is grandstanding to make up for his initial failures. I know you don't agree with that and I have no desire to even try to convince you otherwise. That aside, it is a logically consistent position. Perhaps you have heard the phrase "day late and a dollar short". Those of us who do believe that his hiring of Brown was a major mistake and that his reaction was slow see what he is doing now as an attempt more to heal his public image than to accomplish anything of substance on the Gulf Coast. As for Nagin, he has been baked and cured to a crisp over this. You can't be on the internet for more than a few minutes without stumbling across pictures of submerged buses. If you have some empirical data to back your claime that Bush and the feds have had to shoulder the ENTIRE blame for the whole mess, I'd like to see it. I have seen plenty on the shortcomings of the locals. Perhaps there is a hypersensitivity to any criticism of Bush with an accompanying knee jerk defensive response on the part of some that leads to a perception that only the feds are being lambasted. Take heart though, rather than a 911 Commission type of investigation that would be truly bi-partisan, there is going to be a partisan congressional white wash that, apart from Brown, will certainly blame the locals heavily (deservedly no doubt) and give the administration a pass (not so deservedly perhaps). Soon you will be "vindicated".
  17. If you read the post, all of it, I clearly indicated that it was just that, an opinion. The point I was making is that there is nothing inconsistent with the logic that he was awol early and is grandstanding now to make up for it. KRC wrote a post that in his opinion the left was inconsistent for complaining that he was too uninvolved to start with and also that he is too involved now. If your standard for being critical of the President is first hand observation of his every move, then none of us can ever be critical of any President or, hysterically supportive of him no matter what he does for that matter. I look forward to your criticism of all other posters here who are supportive or critical of him based on anything other than first hand observation. Bush's actions and movements, or lack thereof, and the performance of FEMA under his handpicked and fired head, Michael Brown as well as that of local officials has been well documented, this is old territory at this stage.
  18. I think the problems in the secondary in large part are due to the weakness of the front four and the inability of our LB corps to generate pressure when they blitz. We are not able to get any kind of pressure rushing just four or even when we send a LB. To get pressure, we have to send DB's, usually Milloy or McGee. When you do that, you are down to one safety back who can't cover the deep route on both sidelines. That means someone is going to get caught in a one on one foot race on a deep ball with either no help or late help from the safety. The alternative is to rush just 4. When we do that, often enough the QB has so much time he is able to find someone open or wait until someone gets open. Another option is a delayed pass to a back who slips out after holding a block for a bit. Brown had 6 catches out of the backfield yesterday. We aren't getting coverage sacks when the coverage is there and when we blitz a DB or cheat up with Lawyer playing as an extra LB, we occasionally get beat deep.
  19. I'm not going to repeat the effort but at one point I listed all the offensive lineman the Bills have selected in the first and second rounds over the years and about 95% of them ended up perennial starters and probowlers. I would actually argue that the opposite is true, an offensive lineman so good that he merits consideration in the upper rounds over skill position players is a better bet than glamorous WR's and the like. Believe me, if you listed all the receivers we have taken in the first two rounds versus the offensive lineman, you will find a lot more duds at wideout. I'm guessing on the receivers based on what I recall from watching our drafts over he years but I posted a list here a while ago on the lineman.
  20. Gandy wiffed bad on Taylor on one play that ende up a sack, Taylor was essentially unblocked even though a blocker was assigned to him. On another sack, German and either the TE on that side (Campbell?) or a back other than Willis picked up the end and a blitzer but a second blitzer had to be picked up by Willis and he blew it. His man nailed Kelly H. from behind. The fins started bringing lots of heat and playing close to the line in the second half and once they did that, the offense was toast because the line just could not deal with it. It is the same type of defense which has stymied this offense all year. Certainly, it didn't help to have Villarial and Williams in the infirmary again. Think of it, we had only one guy on the line Sunday who started for us last year. Essentially, we had a Bears cast off, a Jags cast off, Teague, a rookie and a nobody manning the fort on Sunday. At that, we still managed to pull off a win with, admittedly, plenty of help from the fins. Hard to hold on to the ball with flippers I guess. I don't think the line can be really graded until Williams and Villarial are back, in the mean time, we need to find an offensive system that doesn't depend on blocking to succeed. Anybody know of one?
  21. You apparently don't understand that despite their super majority status, seemingly endless political power and equally endless wealth, Christians are never the less the most persecuted of our citizens. Are you blind man? Haven't you seen the roving bands of homosexuals bashing christians? Haven't you seen all those powerful atheists desecrating churches and breaking up boy scout jamborees? It's madness I tell you, madness.
  22. So there is no other choice between what we are doing now and initiating a nuclear war?
  23. Without getting into AQ attacks elsewhere or Iraqi deaths and just dealing with the "insurgency" that good old Abu is most involved in, there have been 664 coalition soldiers killed so far this year and 621 over the same period last year. If this is kicking ass, then kicking ass is irrelevant. I'd love to believe that victory is just around the corner but I have heard that song so many times in this war that I don't care to hear it anymore. Then again, what Abu writes in a fund raising letter is probably a better measure of success than casualty statistics? I guess this will allow some to continue to claim that the insurgency is in its death throes for another 6 months. As for Iraqi's, 2022 members of their security forces have died this year.
  24. There are two sides to time of poss. stats. One is how long your offense is on the field, the other is you defenses ability to get their keesters off the field on third down. It is a two way street and our 3rd down stats are as bad on defense as they are on offense.
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