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Everything posted by Mickey

  1. Oh man, you broke your streak. Can't hit a homer everytime I guess. Not that the title wouldn't fit, its just not up to your usual standards of originality.
  2. What we suffer from is a failure of imagination. You could say the same thing about the Patriots moving a WR to CB when they had to. We would hardly be the first team to make good use, even if only occasionally, of a CB with the kind of talent McGee has. I am not sure he would have to learn very much to be as good a blocker as Evans. Route running is nothing but discipline. His ability to read the coverage based on his experience as a DB is also an interesting factor. Look at it this way, Bill Bellichek is a pretty smart guy, seems to know football pretty well. The only time I have ever seen him turn chicken is when it comes to puttin the ball in to McGee's hands. He kicks away from him or squibbs it almost without exception, often giving us great field position. Despite that, he does it anyway to avoid giving McGee a shot at a long return. That is some serious respect. If a guy is so dangerous with the ball in his hands that he has Bill Bellicheck scared, I think maybe we should put the ball in his hands a little bit more.
  3. The Bills have a new stud reciever on the roster ready to go next year so forget Owens and stop fretting about what might happen to Moulds. Who is he? Terence McGee Good hands, great speed, unreal acceleration, great moves in the open field, likely the most exciting player on the roster since Steve Tasker retired. Why on earth would we not try to get him more touches? Lets go Deion with him. The campaign to put McGee at WR begins here. Wh is with me? Lets get some buttons and t-shirts and get it going.
  4. We need to be in the offensive line sweepstakes. We have a stud receiver and a couple of good prospects. Lets build a line and then worry about a second or third stud reciever.
  5. After years of expensive therapy, I had managed to block that memory out and was finally learning to again enjoy life. Until now. Maybe we should just use "Patulski" as a shorthand reference to cover any post about really, really, really bad draft picks.
  6. That's right. He was great at bump and run and after they changed the rules, in every game he played the announcers would never fail to mention how great a corner he was before the rule change and how he was hamstrung after it. He would get more than his share of flags for interference because his rep on the bump and run was so well known. Refs assumed he was still bumping.
  7. Wasn't he returning an interception in a preseason road game against Green Bay?
  8. How many Bills fans would like to have Steve Hutchinson, All Pro guard for the Seattle Seahawks on our roster? Turns out, we could have. Buffalo had the 14th pick in the draft that year. We traded down to the 21st pick with Tampa, also getting their second round pick which we ultimately turned in to Brandon Spoon and Travis Henry. Tampa took Kenayatta Walker OT. We took Clements with that 21st pick. In between the pick we had at 14 and the pick we ended up with at 21, Seattle selected Steve Hutchinson G, Michigan at 17. I would also point out that G Matt Light was picked by the Patriots that year only two selections after we took Schobel but that would be piling on. Coulda, woulda, shoulda.
  9. I don't listen to it but I end up having political discussions with people who do, whose political view is shaped by the false realities spewed by that crew. Whether or not it is hate speech is likely a subjective determination so there would be very little to be gained in arguing about it. Reading through all those book titles, you don't see a pretty consistent drum beat about liberal assaults on goodness of one kind or another? I don't know when that kind of noise reaches a level where it becomes dangerous and I hope I never find out. I can turn it off all I want but that doesn't make it go away. Its not just on the radio.
  10. I simply asked "who?" Anticipating where this thread was likely to go, I made no gender specific references. That is one rumor I missed. Chelsea looks so much like Bill it freaks me out.
  11. Hillary and Rush doin' the deed? Now there is a thought to turn us all instantly gay.
  12. I'm not sure if I'll get into more trouble with the zoo keepers saying I'm offended by that comment or by failing to say I'm offended by that comment. Its a real puzzler.
  13. Tone is so hard to communicate across the net. Dole is so dry, how do you infuse type with dryness? I have received several PM's assuring me that my version was funnier than yours. No, really, I have.
  14. I think once you are President, you are addressed as "President" for life or, in this case to avoid confusion, maybe "Former President". Something along the lines of "President and Former President Clinton". Just a guess. The country has been without a First Lady in the form of a Presidential spouse before so I guess it could be again. Maybe Chelsea would be utilized to fill that purely ceremonial role. If Bill had never been President then maybe some sort of male version of the title "First Lady" would have to be invented.
  15. 589395[/snapback] I see, so you took the exagerration to make a point on opposition to firearms regulations about 4 year olds and grenades as a statement meant as actual fact? Sorry, never imagined anyone could possibly interpret that any way other than intended. I'll try to account for that level of stupidity next time. As for tax cuts, whether they are good, bad or indifferent is a separate question from whether or not I was accurate in tagging that as a republican position. So is that it? Is that all you have in contesting the accuracy of the post? As for personal attacks, lets see, "whine", "fear mongering" and "hypocrisy" seem to qualify. None of those comments/insults have anything to do with the accuracy of the post. What did any of that have to do with whether or not republicans are against gay marriage, legalized abortion, gun regulation and for tax cuts? What did any of that have to do with the notion that as long as the republican party is solid on those issues, their rank and file don't care what happens with wiretaps? Oh yeah, nothing. This is soooo much fun. I post something, anything, and the AD/KRC tag team immediately follows with mickey=bad posts. As much as I enjoy the flattery all this attention brings, it is getting kind of boring.
  16. Is Eryn the only one allowed to joke about a Hillary candidacy?
  17. Like I said, hard to imagine but certainly possible. Tom Delay maybe? Bill Frist? Imagine that, Hillary vs. Delay. Yeeeeccch.
  18. Lighten up yourself. Listening to "Suicide is Painless" while downing a bottle of JD and holding a revolver was meant to be a humorous reaction to a Presidential election where the candidates are Hillary and some unknown candidate who is even worse. Did you think that was serious?
  19. Granted, they aren't exactly white power screamers nor are they likely to be implicated in an actual lynching but I think they are bad enough, even if they don't qualify under whatever objective standard there might be for designating it as "hate radio". Scanning the titles to their books, I have to say that the idea that they hate, hate, hate liberals does seem to present itself fairly clearly. What would you call it, tough love?
  20. Not the worst joke I ever heard. You are definitely improving. Of course, what if, *gasp* the other candidate is even worse than Hillary? I know, even I have a difficult time imagining that scenario but it is possible. What would the robot do then? Start whistling the theme song from MASH then hand me a bottle of JD and a revolver?
  21. Maybe you could point out any allegations in my first post that are not correct? Are Republicans not against gay marriage, gun control and legalized abortion? Aren't they for tax cuts? Maybe you should read their party platform sometime. Is it unfair or meanspirited to be critical of a party for its avowed positions or are you declaring that to be off limits? While you are at it, why don't you point out where in my post I personally attacked anyone as did AD in his response.
  22. Personal, as usual. Mickey=bad Excellent point.
  23. Good one, you are on a roll lately
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