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Everything posted by Mickey

  1. All Josh's critics want is for him to take risks when they pay off with a big play and to not take risks when they end badly and for him to know the outcome before he commits to taking or not taking risks. Perfect execution and flawless judgment i.e., reading the future, is all they ask. They don't want to turn him in to Trent Dilfer they just want him to play more like Trent Dilfer and maybe to change his first name to "Trent" and his last name to "Dilfer". Is this unreasonable?
  2. As a descendant of immigrants from Vallelunga Pratameno, this warms my heart on this frigid morning. I had no idea there were so many Bills fans so far away, Forza Buffalo!
  3. I think we should just go all in and change the name of the town to "Joshalo".
  4. I faxed my approval to the league office and received a prompt reply of "How did you get this number?". Ha! The staff is always kidding me like that, once they even had a fake restraining order served on me. They went all out, it looked totally real.
  5. Aw, c'mon, some of his best friends are women so its all good.
  6. I've noticed that whenever Josh is going to run it, he tucks the ball into the crook of his elbow and every time he is going to throw it, he holds it in his right hand with his fingertips on the laces. Really, it's a dead give away. Am I the only one seeing this?
  7. This thread kind of reminds me of the time I wanted to call my ex to see if maybe we could make another go of it but then remembered that I had an order of protection against them after they broke into my apartment, pulled every picture of an old gf I had, tore them into pieces and then set them on fire on the living room floor. Landlord was not amused.
  8. I remember it well, Bruce was suspended and the Pats always seemed to save their best games for us. We almost always won but it was never easy.
  9. I think you probably understand football much better than our coaching staff despite their experience, training, access to video and play by play assignments so I guess I should probably agree with you since we now live in a post-expert, post-fact world.
  10. Things I believe in: 1. All elections where my candidate loses are "rigged". 2. The moon landing was faked. 3. Fluoride in our drinking water is a commie plot. 4. Trix are not just for kids. 5. I can have my cake and eat it too. 6. A domed stadium in Buffalo is no more costly to build than an open air stadium.
  11. I really admire people willing to reach fully formed opinions without being hindered by a complete lack of supporting facts. Bravo.
  12. Van Roten milking the cow? 😂
  13. I try to pity rather than despise those, rich or poor, whose addictions lead them to turn every good time into an opportunity to drink themselves into a medical emergency. When we talk with pride about the Bills Mafia being "crazy" we are not talking about passing out in a puddle of your own urine.
  14. Brady has explained that he had no idea what his feet were doing and that his feet acted entirely alone.
  15. My Dad took me, my two brothers and a cousin to the Houston game that year. Memories.
  16. So all we need is Jim Brown in his prime? Sounds like a plausible plan, probably lots of available guys like that we can fit under our cap.
  17. Whether he was tripped up or not, he lost his balance trying to maneuver through the line and had no time to recover before having to make a move on Hamlin. His weight was out over his feet too far.
  18. What did he say? Need some Lip readers.
  19. I'm sorry, I didn't realize you had access to the team's play book and knowledge of what audibles are available to Josh. You'll have to excuse my not accepting your "sneaky suspicions" as facts. Likewise, your expert observation of counting hats at the start of the play is less than impressive. My 5 year old grand daughter can do that. You do know that players can move after the snap right?
  20. Anyone else unable to get past the repeated use of the phrase "...sneaking suspicion..." in the original post so as to take any of it seriously? How about we have a vote to send an emissary to Josh to explain to him that we think that the lousy running game we have is basically his fault? I think that would go over well as I have a sneaking suspicion that Josh would welcome such constructive criticism.
  21. Can we just label these posts "Anti-(fill in a player's name) Campaign Thread" so the rest of us can sidestep it?
  22. Granted, the defense played waaaaay better than anyone had any right to expect and the offense did have a lot more mistakes. The defense did have a few blunders though. Milano dropping a pick 6 and needlessly pushing Tua down drawing a flag certainly made a difference. Giving up a first on 3rd and forever late in the game also played a role in our defeat. I blame Frazer for that one as we only rushed 3 but still it was a critical down where we had everything going for us and we blew it.
  23. pass the biscuits pleeeeez
  24. where can you listen to the post game in Syracuse? The audacity WGR ink is playing cBS radio
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