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Everything posted by geggytah

  1. is it wednesday yet?
  2. to throw another theory out there.... it is accepted that walt has some kind of supernatural power. the extent of those powers is a relative unknown at this point. the idea i had was that maybe walt was able to "project" himself into places. in other words, his body is in one place but he projects his "spirit" to another place. perhaps he was sending the message to shannon to help the rest of the survivors. to tie into that, perhaps he was whispering because the people that kidnapped walt were around and he didn't want to get caught. speaking backwards could just be another "encryption" that walt used just in case they heard him. on a slightly different note (this JUST came to me as i was typing the thing about walt), maybe walt ends up becoming one of "them" (one of the people from the boat) and uses his powers against the survivors. that would set up an epic battle between walt and claire's baby - remember her baby is supposed to be something special too. hmmm now we have to wait til wednesday:( and this weeks show will probably do NOTHING to answer any of the questions that have come up from this week. if anything, more questions will be raised....but THAT is why we keep coming back
  3. why the disclaimer that vick has much of their team total in rushing yards? are the yards less legit because a QB got them? last time i checked the goal of football is to move the ball down the field to get a score. are the falcons on some kind of special rules that say that their QB's rushing yards don't count? if anything though, i think you have to look at vick's rushing yards and just add them to his passing yards because 95% of the time he ran on a passing play. personally i don't care if a rushing attack or a passing attack beats a defense...it is total yards/points that beats a team. btw this was no attack on what you said, i just see people argue that teams like the falcons are "2nd in the league in rushing but...." and it annoys me because 2nd in the league is second in the league. look at passing yards though and you will see where they fall short.
  4. 7 spots taken, 5 spots left....PM me for the league password if you are interested
  5. 6 spots taken, 6 spots left...get in while you can
  6. make that 5 spots taken, 7 spots left
  7. there are now 4 in the league...8 spots left
  8. palmer....dude is going to be a stud this year
  9. FYI...two have officially joined thus far. there are 10 spots left although some are spoken for. first come first serve though. PM me for the league password.
  10. ok the league is now set up...we have close to enough people and i believe we'll fill it up. here are the league's specs (however they are negotiable because i want to be fair with everyone): League Name: TBD Fantasy Basketball Password: Will be PMed to you if you request league membership Draft Type: Live Draft Draft Time: Tue Oct 18 7:00pm EDT [ Add to My Calendar ] Max Teams: 12 Scoring Type: Head-to-Head Max Moves: No maximum Max Trades: No maximum Trade Reject Time: 2 Trade End Date: March 16, 2006 Waiver Time: 2 days Can't Cut List Provider: Yahoo! Sports Trade Review: Commissioner Weekly Deadline: Daily - Tomorrow Start Scoring on: Week 1 Roster Positions: PG, SG, G, SF, PF, F, C, C, Util, Util, BN, BN, BN, IL Stat Categories: FG%, FT%, 3PTM, PTS, REB, AST, ST, BLK, TO
  11. well no points for those cats, but would you maybe consider points ,rebs ,steals, blocks, assists etc....?
  12. lol....i think the system that the heat run will keep his 3 pointers in check a little bit....but that said he is perenially one of the if not the top man in 3 pointers attempted. YOU SHOULD DEF PICK HIM 1st....then tony allen....the mark blount.......then delonte west.............then............maybe...........pierce....who needs the rest of the league?
  13. by my count there are five of us now....once we get 5 more i'll set up a league for us to join and then we can negotiate some of the league settings.
  14. ha haha hahaha ha....no wasn't so much talking about gagging. i think i'll stick with the original term "gaging" and we'll go from there. personally i LOVE the nba. love college ball too but watching the influx of youthful talent in the league the last few years has peeked my interest. doesn't hurt that my baby bulls are finally growing up and that melo's nuggets are entering the league's elite.
  15. ok the league is now set up...we have close to enough people and i believe we'll fill it up. here are the league's specs (however they are negotiable because i want to be fair with everyone): League Name: TBD Fantasy Basketball Password: Will be PMed to you if you request league membership Draft Type: Live Draft Draft Time: Tue Oct 18 7:00pm EDT [ Add to My Calendar ] Max Teams: 12 Scoring Type: Head-to-Head Max Moves: No maximum Max Trades: No maximum Trade Reject Time: 2 Trade End Date: March 16, 2006 Waiver Time: 2 days Can't Cut List Provider: Yahoo! Sports Trade Review: Commissioner Weekly Deadline: Daily - Tomorrow Start Scoring on: Week 1 Roster Positions: PG, SG, G, SF, PF, F, C, C, Util, Util, BN, BN, BN, IL Stat Categories: FG%, FT%, 3PTM, PTS, REB, AST, ST, BLK, TO
  16. nevermind...they must have made an error....it shows manning throwing the passes now
  17. according to gamecenter from nfl.com, sorgi is throwing the passes. is this true? is manning hurt?
  18. found info at kffl.....rudy may only sit the first play. no big news here
  19. not to play or not to start...big difference. link please...QUICK (fantasy implications)
  20. which technically should mean a good day for westbrook because mcnabb won't have time to get the ball to receivers and will have to settle for dump off passes to brian underneath? right?
  21. why willis....why would you consider him strong in the receiving area?
  22. it has been awhile since i have been to this thread....but with the new season starting in less than two weeks i propose that we ditch the notion of having a single LOST thread to discuss everything LOST and have one thread per episode....perhaps labeled "LOST - Season 2, Episode 1." Personally i just think that would do a lot to organize our thoughts and make it at least possible for the discussion to be researched at a later date. Say for example, we are discussing episode 13 and then someone thinks of something back from episode 2. Rather than having to score through a thread with well over 1000 posts, you could easily go back to the episode in question and find our comments. Like i said, this is just an idea but IMHO i think it would add to our LOST experience. What does everyone think?
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