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Everything posted by VabeachBledsoefan

  1. I'm very over it..if you caught my humor...the post was a follow up on a thread about Kerry bumper stickers....you people need to relax the sphincter muscles.
  2. all these cars and trucks with Bush/Cheney bumper stickers.....whats the deal..gloating or just laziness
  3. I simply like to be associated to my religion, the Catholic faith...if you are a member of Christian Right...I have nothing against that fine....just don't think all revolves around the Christian Right...well except 1600 Penn. Ave.
  4. Thanks for you advice Professor Clump!!!!
  5. I just don't want to be associated to the Christian Right..I figure the Kerry bumper sticker saves me on that account....couldn't find a a good Catholic bumper sticker that said "church should only be a hour dummy"
  6. Mine is still on my SUV...if things go bad...(which I think they will at some point) don't blame me....its not laziness or denial
  7. Well thats makes you have more wisdom than my Catholic Church...we were taught that at the time of our death, if we were to say an Act of Contrition, we would go to heaven... so please tell me how the teachings of my church are less than yours.
  8. you are whacked!!!!!!!!!! Why don't you write on political thoughts?? it is a political forum instead of sppreading the Gospel..."""HEEEEEAAAAALLLLLEEEDDDD"
  9. aaaahh..the brainwashing continues..review history George Michaels....research Pop Constantine
  10. Actually Wham Bam...Jesus' offspring are living in France....just imagine..he was laying the high hard one to Mary Magadeline.....
  11. You are entitled to think Jesus is wonderful... just don't push your belief on me
  12. Yes it is good.......repetition over a period of times will define his greatness...he does have Thurman-like vision....
  13. "IS GOING to be something special" he has played well..i must admit...can he do it for 8 more games?
  14. Somebody explain to me....to what extreme is our esteemed president in debt to the evangalicals and the Mr. Reed's of this country....i'm sure most will say Supreme Court nominees or faith based intitatives
  15. Is the ability for a cell to divide by mitosis...the same as a thinking human being...life (as a living human being) starts at birth. sorry my opinion. I would never want to be part in an abortion....but i will not force my beliefs on others...they shall be able to choose
  16. I disagree...a four week old fetus does not have same brain functions of a newborn...there is just not enough actual development of organs
  17. Why don't we require the government to counsel each individual prior to having sex...that may resolve some abortions. Show me proof that a 2 week old fetus can think, reason, feel pain......cells are alive in a plant, in my cat...we don't consider them human....but hell they are full of living cells....damn guess i cannot go shop down the old tree in my backyard. Please define for me the characteristics of a human being
  18. Sue, eventhough you are a Yankee fan, I still enjoy reading your upbeat posts. YOu need any assistance in homework....PM me. Remember are picture from Sliders last year..i think i was on my knees
  19. She would choose shoe shopping over sitting in a smokey bar with her man (ME) and Campy?? We need to get priorities right here..What can you expect she is a artsy Buff State grad
  20. Dona got a bonus from work...shopping day for fer....shoes i think
  21. When are you leaving for good? See ya at 12:45
  22. but what kinds of numbers will we lose in the battle?
  23. Is Iraq II Americam imperialism? ...didn't we want Iraq as a levergae point in the region???
  24. BiB...i know we have training facilities but that is a simulated scenarios....its so much different in the field/
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