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Everything posted by VabeachBledsoefan

  1. Freedom of speech baby....let it go..your stooge won.
  2. "Yes, I am mindful that we're all sinnersin the eyes of God and the bible," the president said Wednesday when asked for his views on homosexuality. "And I caution those who may try to take the speck out of the neighbor's eye when they've got a log in their own."
  3. 3. i was being sarcastic 4. you know what...its not your choice if she has sex....bible thumpers don't get that...you can tell us your interpretation of the bible...many of us don't want to hear scripture quoted
  4. Well if webster states marriage as the union of the same sex who are we to argue?
  5. 2. how is a group of cells dependent on another living organism considered a child..to me a child is a person between infancy and youth 3. who in the history of human race ever thought before sex 4. everything you say is true...but thank god in this country it is still a choice. or would you prefer female genitalia sterilization as done around the world
  6. From Webster's 1 a (1) : the state of being united to a person of the opposite sex as husband or wife in a consensual and contractual relationship recognized by law (2) : the state of being united to a person of the same sex in a relationship like that of a traditional marriage <same-sex marriage Now please share with me what your parents told you that a good should marriage be .. ..the values of a good marriage...well I'd say love, commitment, trust, a bond...well why can't a woman/woman or man/man have those same values in what tthey feel a union of two people should be. But we all know from PPP that homosexuals cannot have a faith in God. So lets amended our nation's constitution (GW's amendment regarding marriage) based on what the bible says....yes, our forefathers built this nation on religion. But now you'll argue that all men are NOT created equal, that all men are NOT entitled to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. I find in general that born again Christians are the quickest to label and show little tolerance for fellow Americans.....Gays, Jews, Blacks....
  7. i did do a search...thats was hilarious too....
  8. That is by far the best post on TBD since the NJSue thread///although i like Sue....my god i'm still chuckling....come on all you conservative...bible school is in session...tear him apart...like you do every person that does not INTERPRET the bible your way
  9. excellent post Bluefire
  10. Lets put capital punishment on primetime TV....not lethal injections or electric schair....but boiling oil...crucifixtions....they could have a pre-execution show
  11. guess you don't get the joke...too bad....
  12. Are government should always work to benefit all Americans.......when we start talking about faith based initiatives..well i think that might exclude some americans. I think you are turning what I'm saying around
  13. I just think more of our fighting men than to refer to them to a fictional smoking cowboy...I too believe in free choice , but damn , it better benefit me...hahahha
  14. Sorry just had a close Navy buddy die of lung cancer from smoking...picture kinda hit a nerve. Not all of our soldiers. airman and sailors are smokers....but it does make you look so tough....
  15. Couldn't the Post do better than refering to our brave fighting men as "Marlboro Men" Now that is a disgusting habit, a killer too!!! But they are out to sell papers
  16. We don't want it removed from society at all.....just how it MAY impact decesions made in DC. I love my church...love being involved...member of Ancient Order of Hibernians...Irish Catholic based organization....we need religion in our society..just not in legislative, judicial or executive branches
  17. No i simply believe very strongly in separation of church and state....oil and water
  18. I have no problem with Christian in our government..but if they begin to do their job based on their beliefs in the bible vice the constitution..I worry. I agree there are still some very conservative Catholics...my experience where i grew up..I was raised around very liberal thinking catholics...
  19. Well by definition..a catholic is a christian..just not the conservative side of christianity
  20. He could be Jewish, Muslim, Shinto, Buddist..just not another member of the Christian Right....US law and the Bible..not a good mix
  21. He is CATHOLIC..praise the LORD...there is hope for the administration
  22. God I hope he is a Hispanic Catholic
  23. Its like the NFL..you have to interview at least one minority in hiring process
  24. And I'm a coward why???? My service in first Gulf War was not good enough...I was simply saying that it is terrible about Allawi's family members. The terrorist will just filter in from Syria, Iran, Pakistan. Yes we will rid Fallujah of terrorist...but we take one step forward, two steps back. Unless of course we open up fronts in Iran, Pakistan and Syria to kill terrorists
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